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  1. Thank you for the answer. I actually measure my ketones in the blood. I have tried first time in the morning and also after meal but still had the same of 0.1 mmol now.
  2. I have been decreasing my carb intake for about 3 weeks and I stopped eating any carbs at all (just beef and salt) one week ago. On that day one week ago I measured my ketones level and I was at 0.7 mmol. I also measured today one week later of just eating the beef and zero carbs after I woke up in the morning and I now got a value of just 0.1 mmol ketones in my blood? How is this possible when I have had zero carbs since the last measurement? Should my ketones not naturally just rise or stay at the same? At this level I am not even in ketosis? And from what I understand I need ketones as that is my "fuel" now when having zero carbs? I wonder if one culprit could be the amount of protein I get from just the beef? I eat 1.4kg daily and that is 370g protein (215g fat). I need to eat this amount of meat to keep my weight.
  3. I am going to start the carnivore diet this week and I plan to increase my meat consumption (only beef) over the week until I eat about 1-1.2 kg of beef a day as that would be roughly the amount of kcal I eat now (3000) and then adjust it up or down based on how my weight reacts (I also train quite a lot so I don't want to lose too much weight as I am trying to build muscle). For convenience I plan to use a slow cooker over night (I have used it in the past for meat and it really frees up a lot of time) and put the meat in the slow cooker and let it cook on the low setting over night (I think it is set at about 70 degrees (158 Fahrenheit)) One potential "issue" I have heard though is that using a slow cooker can produce a lot of histamines. Is this a problem or what is the deal with histamines? Are they only a problem if you are sensitive to histamines and is that easy to detect? From what I understand meat is high in histamines in general also? I am contemplating getting a Steam Cooker instead as from what I have read this should be one of the methods with the least chance of producing histamines? Is a Steam Cooker in stainless steel good or should it be glass? I also read that you should cook the meat as soon as possible after buying to minimize histamine accumulation. I assume this also means you should freeze the meat as soon as possible when you get it? (I buy in bulk). In the past I have stored it in the refrigiator until close to the expiring date since this was recommended to tenderize the meat, but this might also lead to higher histamine then?
  4. So I have decided to give the carnivore diet a real try for about 2-3 months. My plan is to cut everything out except beef, salt and water in this period and see how I feel and then if everything is good start to reintroduce more foods. However I am curious if there is anything I should expect in regards to my cholesterol profile? I will take bloodwork and should I expect it to rise or be stable or fall? For other people who also followed their bloodwork and went on to the carnivore diet how did your cholesterol profile change or react?
  5. I am "preparing" for giving the carnivore diet a real try for 2-3 months to see how I feel and perform on it. I see it as an interesting experiment and a sort of "reset" and perhaps elimination diet for me. My plan is to make this test period as clean as possible and I will only eat beef, salt and water. I will drop all my other foods, supplements I take and even coffee during this period. After the period I want to evaluate how I feel and my bloodwork and perhaps introduce some other foods if it was successful. However I am contemplating if I should also add in a good quality multivitamin just to cover the nutrients this very clean diet will not cover (in my opinion Thorne is the best and most clean brand when it comes to supplementation). I am using the website Cronometer to check which nutrients (pictures attached) I would not get through this diet with just Beef (1000g), Salt (6g) and Water and those would be: B1 (Thiamine) Biotin Folate Vitamin A,C,D,E,K Calcium Chromium Copper (a tiny bit) Iodine (a bit) Magnesium (a bit) Manganese Molybdenum Now if I would just add a multivitamin of Throne Basic Nutrients I would cover the daily recommendation on all the above except: Calcium Iodine Magnesium So I am looking at some feedback on this. I feel like adding this tiny multivitamin would be a good thing to cover my basics and it would still be an extremely clean diet?
  6. I have long been curious about trying out the carnivore diet. I am quite strict with what I eat and I lift weights regularly with the aim of building more muscle while still staying within a healthy bodyfat %. (usually around 14-16%) Currently I eat about 2800 kcal a day to maintain my weight. I tried to put into my food calculator though how much meat (beef) I needed to eat per day to reach that goal of 2800 kcal and that is almost exactly 2.5kg of meat (2500 grams) That is a whole lot of meat and according to the calculator 520 grams of protein (0 carbs and 87grams of fat). Any thoughts on this and how much meat do you guys eat a day?
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