I am "preparing" for giving the carnivore diet a real try for 2-3 months to see how I feel and perform on it. I see it as an interesting experiment and a sort of "reset" and perhaps elimination diet for me. My plan is to make this test period as clean as possible and I will only eat beef, salt and water. I will drop all my other foods, supplements I take and even coffee during this period. After the period I want to evaluate how I feel and my bloodwork and perhaps introduce some other foods if it was successful.
However I am contemplating if I should also add in a good quality multivitamin just to cover the nutrients this very clean diet will not cover (in my opinion Thorne is the best and most clean brand when it comes to supplementation).
I am using the website Cronometer to check which nutrients (pictures attached) I would not get through this diet with just Beef (1000g), Salt (6g) and Water and those would be:
B1 (Thiamine)
Vitamin A,C,D,E,K
Copper (a tiny bit)
Iodine (a bit)
Magnesium (a bit)
Now if I would just add a multivitamin of Throne Basic Nutrients I would cover the daily recommendation on all the above except:
So I am looking at some feedback on this. I feel like adding this tiny multivitamin would be a good thing to cover my basics and it would still be an extremely clean diet?