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  1. Hello. I previously did Keto about 5 years ago and felt great and loss tons of fat. I fell off the wagon when family failed to be supportive. Fast-forward to about a month ago and realized I had to do something because my health started declining. (I have several health issues and more started popping up.) I went Carnivore on 09/27/24, meat, butter/ghee, and water only. Salt to taste, no spices, sauces, or sweetners, and the occasional Keto Chow electrolytes. After a month of this, I started feeling sick yesterday. Feeling very nauseous and having upper abdominal pain. I'm feeling defeated because because yesterday morning was the first time since starting Carnivore that I actually felt good. But then yesterday evening, the pain and nausea started and has continued today. I haven't had a gallbladder since 2006, but I did Keto just fine previously. Wondering what could be the issue. Is this die off?
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