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Nemo last won the day on February 1

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  1. i can say that in the case of my chron disease, i had great improvments. I was supposed to get part of the intestine removed for how bad the damage was and eve tho i didn't have time to get checked again i can feel the differance. you may want to share on which products you are basing your carnivore diet, which surely could help us compair experiences.
  2. Fellas, if you feel like it, check this topic i opened, i would love to get your experiences about it.
  3. january is almost over and i'm about 15lb up. I'm considering to go OMAD cause even tho I feel the need for some extra nutrition, i also feel i can't digest two fully carnivore meals a day and i get heart burn. in which moments of the day do you guys eat? In the case of a carnivore diet OMAD feels more natural to me, but i just cannot eat a 2.5/3lb of meat in a single meal
  4. i mean, we can't compare a big toe ache with gout, that's a bit of a long shot. And yeah, even tho i know sadly well what it means to not being able to walk, fortunately i didn't get to ever experiance gout. To be honest gout sounds quite like a miserable condition, i'm not looking forward to experiance it.
  5. Not a small town. Unfortunately one of the harderst things for me moving to sweden was that they have very very little choice when it comes to meat and fish as well (surprising). very little variety of animals, and also very little variety of cuts of meat. finding liver is hard, i gotta drive 1 hour for it, but things like brain, heart, etc, is something unseen here. meat is bought almost exclusively in groerystores cause butchery shops are not a thing (no idea why). A lot of animals that i am able to find in my home country are unavaible here, even common ones like horses, donkeys, rabbits, goose (i miss horsy meat and donkey sausages). For some reason they tend to prefer extra lean cuts of meat so most of the minced meat and steaks you'll find are 90/10-95/5, dry as sin. from what i've seen in the years, cow is the least avaible animal among the few avaible ones. When you get down to the deep south of the country, things are less like I described them and more similar to a common european standard, but in the arctic circle choices are narrowed down to very few options. after christmas i haven't seen cow meat in the grocerystores for a whole 3weeks cause they were out of it.
  6. It would be interesting to know if the vet was from a EU eastern european country, of from outside the EU. cause as we were saying with Orweller, the difference lies in the regulations which are common between non-EU european countries and the US. I'm wondering if what affected you dog could have been not the ground beef itself, but maybe all the products added to raise the animal, or the preservatives added to the meat.
  7. fellas, i gotta share my sorrow. i just got back from 4 different grocery stores. Not an inch of ground beef nor stake and i managed to grab the last piece of Chuck. apparently there is not enough supply and i will have to wait a couple of weeks to get some. I was just starting to get better by dropping pork. i'm considering turning to cannibalism .
  8. same mate, math ain't mathing for me as well. I am eating almost half of the calories i used to: from 4500 down to about 2500, and i'm gaining weight. What i love the most is reducing the amount of meals, not having to focus the entire day on what my next meal is going to be, wash the dishes of the previous one, find the ingrediantes for the next one or the time for it. I just wake up, eat a meal, and eat another one before night night. The morning meal would be absolutely not necessary in terms of hunger, i feel 1 meal would be the right amount for satiety, but it's a matter of gaining some weight back.
  9. i think i posted it already on a different topic. i have a lil dog, 3kg 14yo. She started having severe health issues including an abscess to her jaw bone. Every single vet told me she wasn't operable and many suggested me to put her down. I started having the same considerations of Scott about how much similar our evolutionary needs are in terms of diet, and we went carnivore together. She is now thriving, it looks like she got back to being a puppy, super energetic, playing around all the time and the jaw abscess she had just self resolved without any trace left. that was a huge blessing. My mental health is hanged on a thin thread and that thread is her i need her to live up to 100yo minimum.
  10. what i find wild is that this WOE doesn't just make you loose weight, it normalizes your weight to healthy standards. walking throught the same path you lost 86lb while i gained about 15lb and still improving. It kinda naturally leads you where you should be.
  11. In general European prices are higher for a matter of quality and cost production related to it. But swedish prices are not related to quality. Swedish meat is not any better than meat for example from Italy even tho the prices are about double; the main differance is that here workers have much more rights, and those rights come to a cost. Here i personally know people that got 3 weeks off for an 'inflamation to the big toe'. In Italy i had a piece of iron going through my arm while working, cutting through the muscle, and the company was mad cause the Doc gave me a full week at home. took me about two months to be able to use again the arm and i was working on a manual job using a single arm
  12. About the quality i would say it is safer on the long run mostly cause regulations are much more stricts. the approach of the Us and european countries is opposite; in europe every substance is guilty until proved innocent. -Europe: unless you bring a very long and consolidated list of evidences developed through the years of research, you ain't allowed to use it -Us: If lab evidences seem ok then it can be used. if people start to have issue and they manage to prove that is related to the specific substance we used, then we'll withdraw it from the market. About steroids they are strictly banned in every europan country, and anti-biotics are heavily regulated. In my native country for example, if a farmer is cought using steroids on animals (such as trenbolone) other than having his license taken away, and sanctions over 50k $, he faces jail time cause it is considered a crime since they are actively poisoning people for their own financial interest.
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