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Everything posted by Nemo

  1. Dry meat and salted tallow as a dip is my travel food. I also bring some cheese to eat sliced with the beef jerky. At least if I can't find a proper steakhouse, I'm safe. An idea could be to try to find some Mongolian restaurants on your path. As least there you should find proper meat not reinterpreted according to fast food standards.
  2. i never had troubles sleeping, but since i started carnivore i couldn't close my eyes for more than 2/3 hours per night. I read many solutions that for others worked which was supplementing some magnesium and eating something fat before sleep but i had no luck. At the end of the games i found what it works for me; i realized that if i eat no longer than 1/2 hours before sleeping, i sleep like a log, otherwise my body keeps me awake. with the diet there is no such thing as one size fits all, but maybe it works for you as well. I don't think it was related to the carnivore diet itself, but that it happened during the carnivore diet simply because eating only 1/2 meals a day, the meals were far away from my sleep time, while instead i was used to eat right before going to sleep.
  3. I am allergic to cats and i hope i'm not allergic to pork since is basically the only meat i can buy here (other thank chicken) it would be drammatic if i couldn't buy pork anymore. I can't even test if i'm allergic by eating only ground beef for a while because ground beef here is only 90/10 or 95/5 and i have to add minced pork lard to it XDD there is pork also in my ground beef.
  4. Doesn't butter instantly melts during cooking leaving the ground beef just as sad and dry as it used to be before you added it?
  5. That's something than when i read online i wonder if people just know something i don't. How dp you possibly enjoy ground beef? I love meat, I could eat meat at tons, but ground beef, is like chewing on your old eraser from your office supply.
  6. @Orweller Booooooooring. Easing into it is the boring way to do it. The fun way is to eat 2000gr of refined carbs on a daily basis and then go straight carnivore and enjoy a whole new platora of miserable experiances including compulsive vomit, kidney pain and impeding feeling of doom XDD (disclaimer: please don't listen to my advices)
  7. i eat quite some organs which i believe is the reason why i didn't developed a visible deficency (yet) but i also believe that i probably have to start supplementing. The supplement i bought is potassium iodide (ki) which happens to be more stable than Lugol but slightly less bioavaible. I didn't try it yet since i'm still waiting for the delivery. About the amounts, i genuinely believe that is really hard to overdose iodine in a healthy subject. If you think about the costal regions of Japan, the daily intake of iodine is not counted in micrograms but in milligrams. It's not rare for it to go above 5mg which compared to the 150mcg is 33 times higher, and yet we are talking about some of the healthiest subjects on the planet. On the other hand we also know that the body tends to react differently to an overload of micronutrient through food compaired to one induced by supplementation.
  8. fellas, lately i tried to make mixes of my hated dry 80/20 ground beef to make a tastier burgers. Adding minced lard was already a great improvment, but i would have never expected how great they turned out by adding minced liver. Oh gosh, those were good burgers.
  9. Lately I was trying to get as many info as possible to the most bio-avaible source of iodine supplementation which happens to be also stable in time. Most of my researches would not favor lugol as prime method for iodine supplementation and that there are forms of the compound that are much more stable to oxidation than the two main forms of iodine provided by lugol. but what i read it is not necessarely true. I read a lot also that cholesterol was gonna kill me and then eventually turn me into a smurf, but i yet have to become blue.
  10. milk and all the derived products were one of the very first product i gave up. every autoimmune disease that i already had at the time, would significantly worse with milk and dairies in general. Right now i don't feel to add it back again cause i never saw it as an healthy option, at least for me. only using some ghee time to time.
  11. Hello, i would like to know your opinions and personal experiances about iodine supplementation related to the carnivore diet. Since i moved to sweden i noticed a slight enlargment of my throat, which had me suspect that my iodine intake could have been on a low end compaired to what i am used to since i come from a country with a very iodine rich soil. I ordered some iodine supplement and will start taking it daily for few weeks just to be able to see if i feel improvments. Overall the rule of thumb with most supplements is that they help only if it's something you are lacking. A gas tank is useful only if your car ran out of gas, if the issue is that you got a flat tire, the gas tank ain't gonna serve you well. Did any of you felt the need to supplement some iodine with the carnivore diet?
  12. at least personally i simply listen to how much salt i 'crave'. i realize that some days i'd like less, some days i use more, and i believe is just a healthy way my body is letting me know how much i should use. That's my approach but that doesn't mean it is a smart approach. On a side note i realize that by using sea salt (unrefined) or hymalayan pink salt i end up using and craving much more in comparison with table salt.
  13. dunno, after all those years of crippling autoimmune diseases, i feel i have put my life in pause. *I'd like to push the play button this year*. I am sure many of you can relate, overall one of the main reason people approach the carnivore diet is to take their health back into their hands.
  14. I mean, talking to your MD and opening the topic about the the new researches regarding the phenotype LMHR, would allow her to dive deeper into the topic and improve her game for the next patient. Plus, I dunno where you live, but if you live in any European country, in this case you have the right to get an MRA and CTA and overall it ain't such a bad idea to give a free look at how your arteries are doing. As Geezy said, your results seems just fine, therefore if you unluckily live in a country where you gotta sell your first born to pay for a medical exam, given your params I would consider to spend those money on a very fine Steak and forget about the MD
  15. I'm by no mean an expert. I'm saying that just because I'm also experiencing the same issue. Never had mental issues, and yet after I started I got anxiety, depression, and a feeling of imminent doom. I realized that by not taking electrolytes supplement the situation improved considerably (still bad but better). In order not to run low on my electrolytes I'm making often bones broth (2h pressure pot, with just enough water to cover the bones), and eating some liver here and there.
  16. Is it possible that you are exceeding with electrolytes? Most electrolytes supplement have vitamin C inside, and some to a very very high dose. For example I have an electrolytes supplement that contains in 5gr 738% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C. Now let's assume you reasonably take 3 scoops per day (like it's suggested on the packaging), that is a looot of vitamin C surplus that gets converted into oxalate by the body. By any chance do you 'feel your kidneys'? Like having a sore feeling in your lower back?
  17. Yep, i would love to hear other people opinions about this topic cause i also never had problems with anxiety and i'm currently experiencing a feeling of imminent doom and constant anxiety, but nothing as bad as the eczema i got. I didn't use dairy in first place and my next try will be to avoid also egg yolks and no just the white. that's all i can think about, any other ideas?
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