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  1. Ever since I have gone carnivore I wander what pesticides remain in fruits and vegetables that I is to eat, meat can’t be worse even chemical dipped. Only fruits and vegetables I trust are the ones I pick and know they don’t add anything
  2. No they are fully cooked you can only see part of the text under my thumb
  3. Pricey at 10 bucks a pound but good carnivore snack that is fully cooked
  4. Actually was a supervisor and we reworked the butter, dumping into heated tank, recirculating the hot melted butter to melt added butter, pumper about 1 foot off the bottom because the bottom contained paper and water that would go to waste. Its pretty easy to rework and, in todays world if it could not be reworked it would be hazardous waste that they do not want dumped into the ground. So all the pallets of butter should go back to facility, too much money to not rework it.
  5. The butter will not be wasted, it will be reworked and repackaged.
  6. Good to know thank you.
  7. I have been using salt with my coffee, coffee with either heavy whipping cream or half and half, for some reason makes the coffee taste pretty good, also I noticed I don’t get leg cramps anymore, overall I’m eating less than a tsp per day. Is this too much salt?
  8. My actual doctor, this is not the first time, I wait probably over a month for my appointment then it gets cancelled because he is out for some reason, so I ended up getting the appointment with Dr. Amin who is a new doctor doesn't have many patients. Last time I saw my doctor I was eating carbs my main diet, I was really dragging after a meal, I did not want to work or do anything after eating, his response was to increase a medication I take for depression, he wasn't too concerned about finding out the real reason I was feeling that way. Thanks for the info, I need some improvement on the foods I eat, but overall I'm not doing to bad, I am not going back to doctor for some time, I don't really have a reason to My mom is on a statin, and suffering from dementia, I rather die then have my doctor put me to take them pills
  9. Thank you, I have no plans to go back to doctor anytime soon
  10. I drink 2 pots a day, heavy whipping cream and salt added, besides water I don't know what else to drink, I do not feel like drinking water all day, I got sick of water and now have a hard time drying to drink straight water. I do notice that I'm no longer getting cramps sense I started adding salt to my coffee.
  11. Hello, on carnivore 4th month, just got some bloodwork and it’s what I expected, but the doctor doesn’t seem ok with it.
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