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Everything posted by CarnivoreSince2018

  1. Last of my weekend refeed, my next 5 day fast begins as soon as I demolish all of this yummy goodness! Wild salmon Calf liver Bacon Farm eggs Ricotta cheese Blueberry goat cheese (ketovore product) Drink: Raw milk kefir
  2. Oops I changed my weight picture. I posted last week's instead of todays. I also have a brand new scale, that is accurate. I'm just now seeing this thread. Very cool. I've been raw milk fasting 5 days a week, refeeds on weekends. I posted my refeed meal yesterday in the food thread. This has taught me that it isn't necessary to eat every day. I'm perfectly fine eating only on weekends. I also learned I appreciate having my food more and it tastes even better after not eating all week. My refeeds are in a sense carnivore some weekends but ketovore other weekends because I do eat and drink fermented products like cultured raw butter, kombucha, kim chi, yogurt... Anything fermented and I do make my own fermented products too. I don't eat or drink plant based foods that have not been fermented, as I see no benefits to it that can outweigh the negatives for my body. Here is a picture of how long I fasted this week and if anyone is interested in following my weight loss, let me know and I will also post my latest weigh in pix. I have a lot to lose so it will be worth knowing me and watching my progress, my set backs and so on. I began weighing in at 357. Today I'm 320. I feel so much more flexible, extra bounce in my step. I've thrown away some clothes. My eye glasses have been sliding down my nose. My shoe size is smaller. I've had some issues with my shoulders, elbows and knees arise from fasting as long as I have, probably a nutritional deficiency but I tackle that as well as I can with extra nutritious refeeds and fermented food and a couple of supplements. Refeeds consist of a lot of organ meats from ruminant animals, cod liver, sardines, salmon, chicken livers and gizzards, lamb, goat milk and goat cheese, etc. I use iodine drops in my everyday water, I just began taking B¹, I take omega 3s too and use a nicotine patch.
  3. Ended a 6 day raw milk and water fast today. Back at it again tomorrow night and loving how I feel! Here I have... •Bacon •Ricotta and beef burger- sandwiched between 2 egg white chaffles, topped with a heavy cream & egg yolk sauce •Side of scram eggs. Drink: Homemade, raw kefir milk
  4. I'm still fasted since Sunday. I end my fasts on Fridays but this time I may push it until Saturday because my husband and I went on a getaway in the mountains over this past weekend and restaurants looked very.... Suspicious 😂 so I ate a rotisserie chicken from Walmart that my stomach did not agree with and it swelled me with unnecessary water retention as usual. I've always been sensitive to chicken and pork (except bacon and breakfast sausages) for whatever reason. Anyway, I need to push this fast an extra day if I can to help undo the damages. When I break my fast this weekend I will definitely be incorporating a small variety of fermented foods and drinks, that will also help me out.

  5. Have you experimented with converting the egg wraps to "pasta" noodles?
  6. Some of these I made a few years ago, some are recent. I drink raw milk, I ferment my own kefir milk, I also sell raw kefir grains. If you have any questions about these meals, please ask! The pic of the Carnizza, was the very first one I ever made (2019ish) and I wish I remembered how to make that specific one because I saw fireworks! There's no red sauce in sure I used homemade Alfredo, the red is pepperoni. Oh and I enjoy icy clam juice during the warmer months. The purplish-white stuff is blueberry goat cheese and the dish with what appears to be cottage cheese is what kefir grains look like for fermenting milk.
  7. My foodie pix don't appear to be attaching to my post. Some of these I made a few years ago, some are recent. I drink raw milk, I ferment my own kefir milk, I also sell raw kefir grains. If you have any questions, please ask! The pic of the Carnizza, was the very first one I ever made and I wish I remembered how to make that specific one because I saw fireworks!
  8. Thank you, I will find that thread. I typically share my evening OMAD but now that I'm only feasting on weekends this will slow down. I call carnivore pizza, Carnizza Thanks for sharing, let me find my latest meal pic. I will post it in the proper thread. I'm new, I don't know if I can tag your name.
  9. How is everyone doing? I've been fasting my azz off 5 days a week for a few months now, with carnivore refeeds. I'm feeling great! Does anyone share their carnivore dishes on this forum?
  10. Not sure if I am replying correctly but here goes... I think it looks like straight up gas lighting mixed with fear.
  11. Raw milk is what I use. I have done a milk fast too after reading about Mayo Clinics history on how they used raw milk to successfully heal their patients of diseases. The milk fast went real good, lost a chunk of weight. Milk alone, has never put weight on me but it may be why I wasn't losing weight. I pulled my findings to share with your video.
  12. Hey, Orweller! Here is Zuckie Boys video where he explains the Facebook change, I included his video caption. Thanks for contacting me! " It's time to get back to our roots around free expression. We're replacing fact checkers with Community Notes, simplifying our policies and focusing on reducing mistakes. Looking forward to this next chapter. " https://www.facebook.com/share/p/19yAuHac8Q/
  13. So many folks pissed about META today. I'm leaving a link to this forum on my health page.
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