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Everything posted by Carburetor

  1. I´m jealous of your 80/20... it can have 70% fat. Highest fat content in any ground meat here in Finland is 23%. 10% beef is standard. My carni would be totally dairy free to begin with.
  2. Yeah I´m in some kind of an analyzing phase now. Tracker app, scale, BP meter, HR monitor... I know what works for my weight loss (high fat ketovore, not OMAD) but I´m still experimenting,too. Want to get rid of all this waist fat that I stupidly gathered in the last few years.
  3. So many say "eat till satiated". If I did that with carni / OMAD, I would starve myself. I could go on with 1200 kcal per day for weeks with no hunger and I´m 6.3´/ 220 lbs. I need my calories and fat to lose weight. Long time ago I remember eating 3000-4000 kcal wine (but still keto) dinners and I lost body fat very well. Now 20 years later I´m not really sure,looks like a little "deficit" is okay. Last week I stalled with too much protein but there was cal def. I´m all in for "When in doubt,measure!" with about everything. Now I´m having a gadget phase but I´ve gone without scales and apps for years,too.
  4. My ketovore is drifting very close to carnivore ( three grams carbs per day lately ) but I´m thinking I might better lose some body fat with my tried and true ketovore first. Reasons being, I find it difficult to get enough fat in carni.I need fat, I don´t lose body fat with high protein macros. And eating carnivore OMAD , it is hard to get enough calories because I´m never hungry. I finished my dinner against my will yesterday. Still only 1400 kcal and high protein so I ate 30 grams of butter. Day before I drank half a cup of olive oil for the same reason. More cals and fat. I seem to get full,content,satiated with much too little when in OMAD, especially high protein OMAD. But I like how OMAD feels...
  5. My gallbladder got bothersome and was removed a few years back. I have been on a very low carb/ high fat ketovore for quite a long periods ever since. Just like before. No problems.
  6. I'm a cat man now,after six dogs and two horses. This cat just moved in a few years ago. Vet guessed he had lived in the woods for a year or two. He came to me when I was eating sausage on Sauna porch. He took some sausage when I had gone inside, even looking at him scared him away. It took two weeks to lure him inside the house and he has been happily hunting and eating mice here ever since. Only the guts are left. He sleeps on us now and obviously has a good life, thanks to mice. He has not "destroyed" anything out of frustration because he can hunt. Name "Hippu" would be "Nugget" in english. He comes to me with a whistle like a dog. We never thought of a cat, "no we can't have a cat,where would we put it...? Then Hippu simply moved in and is great company.
  7. I think and hope so. I was writing unclearly above , I meant to say "Afib reads generally a higher HR than it is in reality". All that tiny little "flimmer" in between real beats gets registered by modern gadgets. At least in my case. So the real beats number would be much lower. My PolarFlow app went up to 200 BPM in Sauna yesterday,I felt nothing special except a good relaxation. There must be 25-30% extra BPM at least, otherwise my badly functioning, failed heart would protest big time. Three times in 100 Celsius steam, three times up to 200 BPM. Feels great. I´m sure my doctor would disagree. His advice to any exercise question is "lay down,stay down" -type, to make sure nothing happens... Not sure if I mentioned it here but I rejected an open heart surgery two years ago. I´m playing with the cards I have now, I know (and have known) so many people who stopped doing anything after such operations. Walking ghosts taking ten inch steps. Yes they may live longer,so might I but what kind of life...? Sorry. Got a bit deep. My 66 old friend just got widowed an hour ago,cancer took his 56 years old wife. She complained some stomach problems a few weeks ago, there was such a huge tumor in her belly that nothing could be done. No alcohol,very little meat... she never participated in our barbeque. Goodbye Nina.
  8. Yes I ate that. But. Even in keto, I like my carbs under five grams. I feel the best and get no cravings, been like that for 20 years. So two sausages like that plus a sugary pack of bacon (that I mentioned above) for dinner give me five grams of flour and sugar. I´d rather take those carbs in a different form from broccoli,sauerkraut and nuts. But there´s no room now. "One gram of carbs" sounds ridiculous to many,I know. But so does "One beer does not matter!" when you say that to an alcoholic. I´m aiming a transition into proper carni soon. It will be meat and eggs only for simplicity´s sake. Nothing plant,no dairy except probably,maybe butter. I may adjust from that later on but I find it easier to start from zero.Then I can tell what is causing what. My heart resting rate changes,if any, are especially interesting.
  9. BP is staying low with 1/3 of prescribed meds. Metoprolol tames Afib down too, so I probably better take some. As of today, heart rest rate has slowed down a bit. Afib reads higher, it's been 90's all winter,now I see 70's. Sauna can do that too,we had Sauna yesterday.
  10. Dang. I also just found out that my recent new finding,a very nice fatty smoked bacon has GLUCOSE. No lactase nor gluten, they got rid of those - and added straight glucose. Only one gram per 100 g but in my diet that could make me digest three grams of pure glucose per day, while thinking i´m not getting any carbs,not to mention straight sugar. It has 30 g fat / 10 g protein / 100 g,so excellent macros... and then it has to be destroyed with sugar. Wrong! I´ll add a link,please excuse my finnish: https://www.k-ruoka.fi/kauppa/tuote/pirkka-palvikylki-n300g-ylikypsa-2386450400002
  11. I use them all but 95 % I'm using cast. Wife does not let me buy any more cast pans or pots,she THINKS that we have enough. This roast just came from Sous Vide bath.
  12. Sausages can be deceiving,too. In addition to destroying my OMAD, because of Sauna Day, these guys have one gram of carbs each. I don't know why? Nothing would change for worse for anyone if they just cut that last carb out. Must be flour.
  13. Perhaps I´m a cheesovore? Got my three carb grams from cheese today.
  14. Sounds just like my wife. Moderation. And because we have no bread,potatoes,macaroni whatsoever basic carbs in the house, she is eating with me a full fat diet PLUS the occasional cake or ice cream. I can´t do that, neither I want to do that. She just had blood and heart checked, all good. I wrote this already but I start getting subconscious cravings at often suggested (keto) 20 g carbs per day. All too much for me. When you look around the Net you see people struggling, trying to allow for 50 g or so... 50 g is total waste of time AND loss of peace of mind for me and many others. I tried upping my carbs many, many times early on. Always ended down to 5 g or less for the best life quality.
  15. My point exactly. A long time ago, my friend´s mother explained to me how she had been taking Diapam every day for 30 years and "was not addicted at all."
  16. Eggs come out nice,too.
  17. Yeah,I discovered this yesterday @ 61 years. Very nice.
  18. May I call Emma Watson,too? She is kinda sweet...
  19. Dang! I have one of those "Bamix" -wands. My mother bought it in the 70´s and it is still working. I remember that milk froth madness back then...
  20. Oooooh....such a classic!
  21. Yep,everything is great. I like to follow my diet with some gadgets so I know where I´m at -and what to adjust if needed. Like ,lately my protein intake has gone higher than usual. Too much low fat meat. My ketones have also dropped. If my scale shows very little weight loss next Sunday, I know it was too much protein and not enough fat. My BP drop has been crazy good.
  22. I think I have my cheese under control. I like cheese as a good fat-adder and I mostly eat hard,very low carb cheese from Italy and Swizerland. Manchego,Parmesan and Gruyere here. My lunch today. I'm not hungry atm but I have to slip away from otherwise enjoyable 0MAD, I just cant eat enough when doing 0MAD. A cheese lunch fixes that, plus my fat balance gets better.
  23. I did not know. I have added those fats but never blended... Just tried the blender,FUN! Thank you!
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