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  1. I'm late to check in but my weight lose goal is 7 lbs by end of march.
  2. don't take a foodie with you
  3. did you do the arm test?
  4. well I use to like sardines in mustard though they don't sound so appetizing now, but Ill get a tin and try them again. thanks
  5. I can see the perspective that adults don't need milk. But according to my scale if I don't incorporate something in addition to meat in my diet I'll end up weighing 10 pounds. Unless when I reach my ideal weight my appetite for meat suddenly doubles. If I end up needing to keep weight on my body and I can't or don't want to eat more meat then if there is a healthier alternative than dairy products please let me know.
  6. a doctor on youtube said to dab some on your skin inside of elbow, if after an hour or two the stain disappears, your body is low on iodine. he mentioned that formulation specifically. So there's that. Like all things they claim its can solve any number of very vague conditions. They say you can notice the benefits within days. Let us know what happens. Im pretty sure it was dr. berry
  7. i just bought some fairlife , but im going to buy some raw milk, weird how raw milk that doesnt go thru expensive steps cost way more. I think lactose free only means the glucose and galactose have been split apart making those whose have a problem digesting glucose much easier. but I'm not 100 percent sure about that. I think Im going to start drinking a glass everyday for the minerals. Scott doesn't 2% have more sugar than whole milk?
  8. thoughts, likes dislikes?
  9. thanks for the conversation guys.
  10. I just had Zellies gum today and compared to trident its hardly sweet. I think 1 gr. of xylitol per piece. Myself It didn't make me want to eat a cake or anything. Im chewing it because its suppose to help with mouth health. I guess Ill know in 6 months.
  11. I know this is off the thread topic and I'm not arguing. Some "modern" women Idunno is dating want a man to bring home the steak and cook it, only to wonder why the "traditional men" they say they want don't take them seriously, lets not get into nurturing. But I could be wrong as I often am.
  12. Some dentist are pretty big fans. supposedly it can lower acidic ph levels in the mouth, and a create a healthier biofilm on the teeth. There is a dentist elli phillips on youtube I'm going to follow her advice until my next dental checkup. Funny the only sweets I've had the last month, were two small cookies and 5 minutes after eating them my stomach felt like a rocket was trying to launch inside. Other than that I've had a couple small servings of strawberries and blueberries with no additional cravings. I guess Im the lucky one. I do enjoy a small glass of whole milk on occasion.
  13. I would like to entitle this thread tooth and gum and mouth health. I just ordered some Zellies after reading the ingredients of Trident. One of the ingredients is bioengineered food ingredient. I find that rather spooky. Anyway this thread is about if you have had good experiences with Xylitol and tooth health.
  14. If Im inviting, Im going where I want. If they're inviting I'll take them where they want.
  15. If a girl is interested in you she'll happily go anywhere you want to go and accommodate your preferences. I'd invite her to my favorite burger joint, and If the first words out of her mouth aren't, I'd love to. I'd say maybe another time, and bounce.
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