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Everything posted by ketomonster

  1. question, could you just use a couple of those chunks instead of all the rendering?
  2. just talked to my neighbor who had open heart surgery two weeks ago and when he heard my suggestion he said Im not giving up my veggies and fruit. maybe one day I'll learn to keep my mouth shut. seriously
  3. I hear nathans are top rated for taste, I haven't had one or ten.
  4. hot dogs nasty? I can drive across country eating dogs at loves travel stops. easy peasy
  5. I hear talk about carnivores need a good strong WHY as in why am I doing this?
  6. does this hold true even if a person is already overweight, won't the overweight body use its own fat reserves for all the energy it needs?
  7. keep meat snacks in the fridge. plan your work, work your plan. good to read the above post.
  8. I do not know what is actually in "natural flavors".
  9. have some seltzer water with natural flavors, wondering if i should quit the stuff?
  10. totally wild guess... you are missing meat, salt, eggs, butter only.
  11. haha guess thats the issue. Hey Geezy do you eat dear tartare?
  12. last I checked butter gets very soft at room temp.
  13. I do not, I'm trying to reeducate my wife with very very little success.
  14. Sorry to hear your plight. I had drug addictions, key word had. If you are working see if your work offers counseling. If not find AA meetings and start sharing your story there. You have to learn to deal with whatever "stress" etc. with a clear head and not cop out to weed and booze. I don't mind saying this: you are heading to a early grave friend. But you can decide to take control of life and not let life control you. I believe everyone has this strength. Get to a AA meeting and share your story. peace
  15. Hi John & wife, keep some meat in bite size pieces for quick snacks when needed. I'm happy to hear about you decision to change. We're all doing the same thing here.
  16. I guess what Im asking is if it better or worse for the digestion.
  17. I bought some type of roast with grissel. I've been spitting it out.
  18. bs, there is a dentist on youtube that won a european bodybuilding competition on carni. if i find the video Ill post it. His name is kevin stock. i never use to workout my abs cause theyll get a little bigger making your waistling bigger.
  19. look up "no carb life" on youtube and listen to some of the stories.
  20. Hopefully you'll realize trading for a little more sleep (which many have said a carni diet fixed) for the side effects you mentioned was a not so great trade. welcome to the forum!!
  21. And why did Able have a whole flock of sheep?? He knew other animals wanted to eat his sheep, so eating meat wasn't a strange idea. So you gotta ask yourself did he keep sheep just for the wool OR for the wool and the meat. Hard to imagine not wanting to at least see what it taste like.
  22. Hopefully we can get some feedback from others on that. If left to myself I'd go with one gram per pound of ideal body weight per day and fill in the rest with butter and dairy carbs. If anyone thinks thats a bad plan I'm all ears.
  23. I think I'm learning diets are belief systems. Yesterday I asked my dad to look into the carnivore diet. He told me, he doesn't believe in not eating vegetables. I guess I'm cold blooded but at this point I don't feel like bringing it up again to him or anyone else.
  24. hey geoff, what would you say if someone said. Noah lived 600 years as a vegetarian? What Im trying to understand is was there ever a change in humans? why did God give man permission to eat animals? Or is the answer to my question simply we've always been omnivores?
  25. So far I'm zero for 5, including my wife and father, oh well maybe one day.
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