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Steven2023 last won the day on March 3 2024

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    LA (Lower Alabama)
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    Mostly Carnivore
  • Start Date
    24 November 2023

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  1. Fish is good. I especially like swordfish. Smoked fish is also wonderful.
  2. Since you mentioned a YouTube chef, here is a Cadillac egg recipe for you. You probably wouldn't do it this way every time, but once in a while wouldn't hurt. They are really tasty this way. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaKvTA9G0i4&t
  3. Welcome Luis! Glad you're here. Explore the site. There's lots of stuff here that will help you navigate your new life style. You will also find a bunch of recipes if you're up to trying them out. If you need a quicker answer than exploring the site will provide, then just ask!
  4. He looks like he means business, too!
  5. That would be the porterhouse steak. I recently grilled a T-bone and found it not as tender as the ribeye. I love those ribeyes and the filet side of the porterhouses.
  6. Wow. I imagine that could get expensive. Unless you're Geezy and raise your own.
  7. Are you raising bison along with your sheep?
  8. Ooooo. I did a small one of those. Normally, they're expensive and you ride up quite a ways up the river and back. But there were alternate ways of doing it. They have boats that were smaller and different companies originated at different locations. Then they would travel up and down the river like a bus. You can get a ticket for let's say 8 stops up the river. Then you can get off at any of the stops and sightsee, get back on with the same ticket and go further up the river. You can get on and off as many times as you want between the furthest point up the river you paid for and your origination location. The only trick is, you have to time your return trip to coincide with the last boat coming back, or else you'd be stuck at a stop without your car until the next day. Not as elegant as the expensive cruises, but you got to see a lot just the same. I'd do it again if I had the chance.
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