This I can believe. Years ago, it may have been when it first came out, but it probably was when I first discovered it, xylitol was something that I was amazed with. It was used in chewing gum (and I knew I had chewed gum before) so I knew it didn't affect me adversely. I just knew this was the answer to the world's problems. If I used this instead of sugar, everything I sweetened would be healthier. No more tooth decay. No more fear of diabetes.
I ordered a 50-pound bag right off the bat. I justified ordering so much as it would get used eventually anyway, just like buying laundry soap in bulk. When I was a kid and Kool-Aid was the coolest thing, I would put in 2 1/2 cups of sugar for a 2-quart pitcher. My dreams of all the stuff I could make using xylitol danced in my head.
The bag finally arrived, and I was anxious to make some Kool-Aid to drink like I used to. I put my 2.5 cups in for the 2-quart pitcher. It tasted so good! I had more than one glass because I knew it wasn't hurting me like sugar could. I started dreaming of all the baked goods I could make without penalty...
Later that day, I was experiencing some abdominal activity. Something was brewing and I had my fears. It developed into an extended period of diarrhea. When it finally subsided, I had an eerie feeling what might have caused it. I looked up xylitol and read about it (yeah, yeah, I know. I should have read about it first). If I remember right, it said something to the effect that it could cause diarrhea if you use too much at once.
Now I have a suitable nickname for it: colin blow.