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Everything posted by Steven2023

  1. I believe this whole agenda is politically motivated and proponents have absolutely no concern of health pros/cons. If they can, they will figure out some sort of loophole to keep this off the labels. This is truly scary.
  2. This is kind of hard to believe and it is well beyond the absurd. The way I see it, carnivores have made up their minds to stick to an all-meat diet. There will be a backlash if this type of policy is forced upon Americans, or anyone else for that matter. https://news.yahoo.com/united-nations-set-call-americans-090049550.html?
  3. This I can believe. Years ago, it may have been when it first came out, but it probably was when I first discovered it, xylitol was something that I was amazed with. It was used in chewing gum (and I knew I had chewed gum before) so I knew it didn't affect me adversely. I just knew this was the answer to the world's problems. If I used this instead of sugar, everything I sweetened would be healthier. No more tooth decay. No more fear of diabetes. I ordered a 50-pound bag right off the bat. I justified ordering so much as it would get used eventually anyway, just like buying laundry soap in bulk. When I was a kid and Kool-Aid was the coolest thing, I would put in 2 1/2 cups of sugar for a 2-quart pitcher. My dreams of all the stuff I could make using xylitol danced in my head. The bag finally arrived, and I was anxious to make some Kool-Aid to drink like I used to. I put my 2.5 cups in for the 2-quart pitcher. It tasted so good! I had more than one glass because I knew it wasn't hurting me like sugar could. I started dreaming of all the baked goods I could make without penalty... Later that day, I was experiencing some abdominal activity. Something was brewing and I had my fears. It developed into an extended period of diarrhea. When it finally subsided, I had an eerie feeling what might have caused it. I looked up xylitol and read about it (yeah, yeah, I know. I should have read about it first). If I remember right, it said something to the effect that it could cause diarrhea if you use too much at once. Now I have a suitable nickname for it: colin blow.
  4. It's amazing how much you can gain from so little, so fast!
  5. That sounds great. I have run into a bunch of recipes from German butchers in Germany. It seems they have thousands of ways to prepare their meats, a large percentage of them being smoked (even a lot of their cheeses are smoked). I intend on adding liver to some of my sausages to get those nutrients and hopefully, they'll taste good, too. I'll probably try liverwurst along the way at some point as well.
  6. I'm really going to have to level up my skills to match that. Looks great and probably tasted better.
  7. "Processed" foods seem to take a bad rap in people's minds. It's important to note that not all processed foods are inherently unhealthy. Processing can be as simple as washing, cutting, or packaging fruits and vegetables, which helps to improve their convenience and shelf life without significantly altering their nutritional content. That being said, the term "processed food" often carries a negative connotation due to the widespread consumption of heavily processed foods that are high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, sodium, and artificial additives. These highly processed foods are typically low in nutritional value and can contribute to health issues when consumed in excess. For example, when I bought salad that had been cut and then washed 4 times and packaged, even though it was classified as 'processed' food, it was still raw salad with no added ingredients. As the article mentioned, we just look at the label and the length of the paragraph of ingredients will give us a pretty good idea of the amount of processing that was involved. With the carnivore diet, I intend on 'processing' some of my own meat and sausages as I control the ingredients and the processing. Smoked deer sausage is sounding better and better all the time!
  8. Thank you, Bob. I am looking forward to trying many things that are going to go along with some of my hobbies. I own a pellet smoker/grill that I haven't been using as much as I had intended to. But now, it appears that I will be using it a lot more. In concert with that, I have also taken up making my own sausages recently with the recipes I enjoy. Some I stuff and some I just package and freeze till I use them. I will be able to smoke my poultry, fish, and 'regular' meats for added flavor. Many sausage recipes call for a binder that many use something soy based. However, I will be able to use eggs for a binder instead. With me doing the 'processing' I will be able to control the overall ingredients. Overall, I think I will have fun as well as get healthy!
  9. I really love eggs because they are so versatile and delicious. Omelets are among my favorite ways to prepare them with scrambled following close behind. I usually put all my toppings that I would put in the omelets right in the scrambled eggs. BTW, I recently discovered a great way to make scrambled eggs by a well-known chef. Except for the white truffle oil, the recipe looks like it can pass most carnivore diets. You can check out his recipe and methodology here: https://chefjeanpierre.com/recipes/scrambled-eggs/
  10. Hi everybody! My name is Steven. In the last couple of days I have been looking at the carnivore diet (one that I had never heard of before) so it interested me. It sounds a lot like the Adkins diet which I did for a couple of years when I was still in the military. I'm all retired now and pushing 70. I think I am psyched up for this as I was able to do the Adkins regimen with no problem in the fast-paced lifestyle of the military. I'm sure I will have questions I hope I can get advice for as well as give contributions of my experiences. My goals are mainly weight loss but will welcome all the ancillary benefits as well. I'm 6'4" and my current weight is hovering around 280. I need to lose. Looking forward to this and from what I have read and watched so far, looking forward to some great results.
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