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Everything posted by Orweller

  1. I've had herbal butters back in The Netherlands, never seen it sold here. It's delicious on toast, but I can imagine it would do good on meat as well.
  2. That would be exactly the case. I also think that moving around for work is not quite the same as weight lifting. Working is endurance, conditioning, weightlifting is building muscle, especially focused on hypertrophy sets and reps. At work we break the body down, in the gym we build it back up. Muscles are extremely significant for metabolic health. Especially after our 40s, we start losing our muscles every year. Fortunately, I started back when I was 35, so I probably metabolize food quicker. And you don't even have to lift each day, 3 times a week, for 30 minutes. No hours at the gym needed, part of building muscle is that rest day and sleep. I haven't been over 2000 calories in 45 days or so, and never once was hungry, or felt weak.
  3. I eat between 1500 and 1900 calories, sometimes over. I eat when hungry, no IF, no big meals once a day. I guess my stomach isn't big enough as I always have eaten small meals 5 times a day. I work out daily, lifting weights. I have added carbs -thus also fiber- up to 45 grams a day. I guess I am glad I have documented everything I ate on Myfitnesspal. No processed foods though, and I have managed supplements meticulously. I eat an ounce of carrots or broccoli, or cauliflower each day. Fruits may be more benign, but then I consider fructose vs vegetables. Toxins vs. Fructose. I am just amazed how well this diet works for weight loss, in my case, a little too well. Again, I am not in a panic, I have weight 135 before, in fact in high school I was 130. So I am not in dire straits (great band by the way). Documenting what you eat is important for this reason I guess. I am glad I did. It gets annoying sometimes, but I have all the info I need to change paths slightly. I guess my post was designed to think out loud with fellow carnivore adventurers.
  4. I've started this diet to get rid of all the junk I ate, to get rid of inflammation (and it did). But I now weigh 137lbs, from 148 since December 1st last year. I'd like it to stop now. I've been eating till comfortably stuffed, never was hungry or felt low energy at any point. I do not look emaciated (even asked my wife) even see abs and muscle definition. I am 5'8 so I know it's not crazy low weight. Also, never had weight issues, and also ate diciplined for years now, no fast food, etc. Maybe I am too disciplined? Do I need to add carbs?
  5. Just squint your eyes when eating wings, you'll be fine.
  6. Whiskey and Vodka, straight. That's your best bet. Arak, safe too.
  7. Nsaid's are the only ones I take on that list. It's a balance. Inflammation is not good either. Lack of sleep neither. It's a balancing game for sure... stay away from sugar, for one.
  8. Like I have adressed already, if you go back carnivore, take a period of time to slowly reduce carbs.
  9. Go carnivore for a couple of weeks, slowly reduce carbs prior to that. Once you're there slowly introduce new foods and focus remaining at least in ketosis. Use it as an elimination diet of sorts. I eat avocados, or pickles, carrots, in very small amounts, even almonds now. Dirty carnivore is an option, or "ketovore" and if that isn't desirable, there is still going just keto. Start it back again as if you have all those options so you don't feel trapped either. Can you imagine the benefits you felt in just a week, what it may do for you over a prolonged period of time. We're not striving for perfection here. No diet is truly perfect.
  10. It's how you get to the weight. It's why physical exercise is very important during fat-loss.
  11. Good luck on your journey. Myself I have done zero blood tests before beginning this so I cannot help you there. Just wanted to wish you good luck.
  12. That means you are doing a good job. Yes, you can become too skinny, but what we have to consider is body composition. You still want to see muscle tissue, definition. And yes, Americans have gotten so overweight, the social norm has changed on what we deem healthy. Any person who lost tons of weight will look thinner, because of skin, and because they are used to seeing you fuller, if that makes sense. I am 5'8 and 139.5, from 148 since I started. I had no weight loss goals. But still around my waist it jumped off and I feel light and energetic. So long as you feel energetic and light, you are not too thin. Again I stress, physical exercise is so important on this diet. We put all those nutrients in our bodies we need to put them to work. Americans always have called me skinny. I never got it. I have muscle definition, low body fat, even got abs now! I see myself as being fit. and I always correct a person, I say: no I am fit, not skinny. In fact I've got less skin than you! Just keep on doing your thing!
  13. Yes, anything above ground will be overall safer to eat. What I do is, small amounts, approach any carb with care. Then you can still add some veggies in. For example, I ate carrots, but only 1 ounce. This is with regard to carbs, but also insulin response.
  14. I think "calorie count" should be at least 1800 to be honest.
  15. Yes you are welcome here! If they can deal with me, they can deal with anyone! You're going to have an adaptation phase. Supplements are key in this period. I take Vitamin K, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fish Oil. Also, bone density issue, see what calcium needs you have, in food or supplements. This will require some research as we are all different.
  16. Hey there, fellow Dutch person here. I've been living in the US for about 23 years now. Good luck on your journey. Niet opgeven hoor! Veel vragen stellen! Have you had bloodwork done?
  17. I have the same predicament. Probably herbs, and some keto friendly vegetables.
  18. IMO opinion, it's the scale, the mirror, and how you feel. A combination of those. You wanna see muscle definition. The waist line is one of the most important markers for health. It had me close to my "Ideal weight", but I have a problem with the term "body-type". Let's say you are a long distant runner, you are going to have lean muscle tissue, or if you are a power lifter, you are going to have the fast twitch muscle tissue, and circumference on limbs is going to be different. So it's also what you do, your activity level, and what type of activity level. Though I believe being on the carnivore diet, exercise like lifting is quite important.
  19. After the first week, the carbs stop calling all together. It was a strange realization for me. You get a different type of hunger, less emotional, less urgent. Good luck. Ask a lot of questions.
  20. That sounds already a lot less serious now.
  21. Try to remember if those bruises had any cause. Also the location of those bruises are important. Obviously on the knee or elbow, most likely we bumped into something. But on the trunk, or face, where you'd remember hitting something, that is when you wanna visit a doctor.
  22. We are of the same age my friend, and I am equally scared lol
  23. I am eating too basic to post it among these incredible creations lol. Meat salt and pepper, egg salt and pepper, done.
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