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Everything posted by Orweller

  1. Me thinks, fat like others have stated, but do consider your electrolyte intake.
  2. A cheat day is really just old programming being stuck inside of our brains. It's part of our conditioning. We've been trained to consume. Somehow we think its a treat, to have a day where we can put toxins in our body. It's no different than drugs, or the booze. Dopamine flows through your system, you think of times when you had a delicious German chocolate cake... good times. It's addiction. You'll always be an ex addict. I am not saying, don't have cheat days. Not saying it's gonna kill you. But know what it is, at least. My wife brought Ding Dongs in the house. I did not eat them. But I leered at them. Maybe just one? If it was actual food you'd never think like that. Nutrition and entertainment should not be conflated. There can be both, of course, again, at least know what it is that you're doing. Hot take, probably.
  3. That Bruce Lee quote was the inspiration for me. It's a martial arts mindset that since has taken off. But back then, martial arts was also much like religion, dogmatic. You simply could not mix martial arts. As for fruits and herbs, vegetables, use them as you need them, yes. But the time to have bowls of greens and fruits is over for me. Less is more when it comes to that.
  4. That's how I viewed my first one, with a welding helmet lol.
  5. Nuts are somewhat of a crutch. Yes, high in fat, and protein (somewhat), but also full of starches (inflammatory). They just can't beat eggs (pun intended). If any nuts, almonds, just a handful. It's so easy to overdo nuts, and it becomes a snack, and a comfort food. Then consider the ingredients when you talk about roasted, salted, etc.
  6. It's not a conspiracy. At least, not anymore. There's plenty of evidence and observations that most doctors do not have your health at their number one priority. Neither do dentists. It has become a money making industry, and yes, they are evil. Simple as that. Read the book Metabolical by Robert Lustig. This you will not regret. And yes, do not let your diet become your religion. A dogmatic approach, or striving for perfection will have you fail. Do what works for you.
  7. It's all about breaking barriers which have been shaped by lies and deception. You realize you are on your own. That even your doctor may not know what he is talking about. The LDL cholesterol stuff, fiber, etc. Unfortunately, we are on our own. I've had a lot of inflammation disappear overnight. But I do also believe, there are some great vegetables and fruits out there that are anti-inflammatory, cancer fighting super foods. The main thing is, I believe, really remaining in keto, for one. Eat as much animal based food as you can. But if you feel like you wants a little bit of carrots (good for the kidneys) or broccoli (good for the brain), then do so. Just do so in smaller amounts, and you may find you get the benefits, without the oxalates, toxins, and carb overload. I was full on carnivore for about 60 to 90 days. But have since then introduced some plant based foods as well. I'd say I am on a carnivore based, anti-inflammation diet. 95% of what I eat is still animal based food. Probably even more. No sugar, no trans fats, no seed oils, no processed foods, I don't see how one could go wrong with this approach? Eliminate, adapt, and adopt. Make it your own diet, use all the good stuff.
  8. Yeah me too. Twice for me now I was lucky enough to witness something as awe-inspiring as a total eclipse of the sun. Last time was in Europe back in '99.
  9. I don't even know why it is illegal? McDonalds is legal! So it can't be for health reasons.
  10. The meaning of the word "conspiracy theory" has changed over time. It is now used mainly to discourage people from critical thinking/lateral thinking. It's meant to deter questions. The covid era, I think, has really accelerated that. What we do know is that we've been lied to. About many of things. We need to do our own thinking, that is more important then handing that over to another entity. More important than being wrong and learning from it. But we read headlines only and repeat this as truth. Do your own thinking, have your own thoughts, but do research, think logically, and don't be married to your findings, be open to change it. I always say to my son, have an opinion, but know WHY you have it, and welcome scrutiny and question. That way your opinions and views will become strong and solid. "If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things" ~ Renee Decartes
  11. Absolutely, if you get your bloodwork done and commit to post cycle therapy, etc. Again I have absolutely nothing against the use. If women can go and get a BBL, then we should have our option open as well.
  12. I'll remember that when I'm tempted to use them! I'll use it as a selling point to my wife lol.
  13. You need to make a list of pros and cons of this carnivore diet. Also let go of the expectations, expectations can kill even the best of relationships, and thus a good diet as well. Adding a little carbs may not give you that extra energy, since you are in ketosis during carnivore, that may have been a mistake. A carnivore diet is a clean diet, no sugar high, no dopamine rush, no emotional eating, so from that point I can see why it would be good regarding depression. After all, you're no longer elevating your mood and body chemistry -thus emotional and hormonal peaks- artificially. Or with a substance. If you do not already, work out. It's not only about what you eat, but what you do with it. Good for optimal metabolism, but also to have a mental outlet. Happy body is a happy mind, and vice versa. I realize this is a very simplistic response, but I feel like with something this monumental of an dilemma, you've got to start with the basics. Depression is something that needs to be approached from as much angles as you possibly can. Try to be very objective, rather than having a positive or negative emotion to a certain element of this diet. "Carnivore diet didn't entirely help? But did your full on carb diet? Does it actually matter what I eat?" Those are question for anyone by the way. I feel less emotional on this diet, and less emotional about eating, more stable. I miss the elation of eating cake, the anticipation of a cookie. But I realize I have stabilized myself by taking emotion, reward, addiction, out of eating habits. It's a bit more boring, but I get in return, much more focus, less tired, less down about things, calmer, leaner, lighter on the feet, I don't have to eat all the time. That list could go on. You may just have to tweak carnivore in a way it works for you! I did the exact same thing. It's a diet, not a religion, make it work for you. We DO know that sugar is not EVER good for mental health. Like ever. We do know that processed foods are bad for mental health, this is well documented. By eating carnivore you avoid both. So try to rationalize your choices by being factual and honest to yourself, and don't see things as good or bad, but rather, different. No emotional attachment.
  14. I think everyone should make that choice on their own. Not even that much against it. But realize it is a choice you can only make once, and you'll live with the consequences. You'll be a medicated person for the rest of your life. That and small nuts. Can you live with small nuts?
  15. This right here. You're coming off the sugar high, a dopamine crash, blood sugar level changes, etc. So much things going on physiologically, ie. hormonal, chemical, etc. Most people go low carb first, and maybe even keto, then carnivore. I went straight into it, but I was already a fairly clean eater.
  16. Knees up, back straight, and a little prayer. Lots of fat, and magnesium supplements. If you have to, a fiber supplement, a little bit of fiber to temporarily heal you should not hurt you.
  17. Exactly this. At 48 I lift as well, for a good 16 years now. People have to understand that input is output, what you give is what you get. You have to sacrifice something. But most of us are conditioned for the immediate reward, and we get adjusted to over indulgence. Even if not carnivore, or keto, or even Atkins, or low carb, at least eat healthy.
  18. We are on our own. Make the best choices for yourself, that is all you can do. It's a shameful state of affairs, but here we are. Only you have the best interest for yourself in mind, nobody else, no government, no insurance company, medical entity, etc. That maybe perceived as a cynical view, but it's based on factual observation. Why is obesity on the rise? And what about cancer? Metabolic syndrome? Mental issues? Aren't we supposed to have evolved in our modern society? All that knowledge we gained?
  19. The prohibition of anything does not work. Swearing or not swearing should be decided by parents and care-takers. That is my take.
  20. I am also moving towards less toxins in my daily routine.
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