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Angela Little

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Everything posted by Angela Little

  1. No appetite, I had my bulletproof coffee, 4 meatballs, trying to get more water down.
  2. Have you heard of Fathead Pizza crust, it is good, like bread.
  3. Take care of yourself, there is so much going around now days
  4. TicTok has this viral cottage cheese bread out, so I made it last night and it is good. It's not eggy at all, I put butter, cheese and garlic on it. Have you heard of it?
  5. I had a dentist appointment today, so far just coffee.
  6. Queezy, how are you? I have been trying to fast and never succeeds; my appetite is poor and sometimes I go a few days without eating.
  7. Yes, I love bulletproof coffee, right now I make my own but there is a brand, Bulletproof and I love their MCT oil, so I will try the coffee and creamer next. Last week, I went about 4 days without eating, just coffee but I could not eat, and when I do I can only eat a small portion or else I get nauseated. My doctor follows me closely, all of my labs are great, A1C 5.1 last time we did blood work. I feel fine, I can walk, food is just not a main priority anymore. I love eggs but they are coming close to an end, at least scramble anyway. You can reach out to me anytime and we can chat.
  8. Get well my brother, plenty of liquids, bring a nice size pot of water to a roaring boil, then let it simmer, it will vaporize the house, covid does not like heat.
  9. So far today, bulletproof coffee, food and I are not really jiving. I have meal prepped me some chicken breasts, shredded some, three different kinds of meatballs I can tolerate simple foods like this. Appetite is not so great; I am down to 156 but not in the right places. lol Todays, meal will be some type of curry that my sister cooked with brussel sprouts, they are from the Islands so I am really looking forward to it. Have a Great Day!!!
  10. I made me a fatboy dough pizza, with ground beef and cheese and bacon, it turned out good.
  11. Hey Geezy, what did you use for the fish coating. Everything looks delish, next time send me a plate, FEDEX haha
  12. Thank you. I can’t really eat anymore either, I have gone a couple of days without. I think that it the the of our eating, but I love it. Do you drink bulletproof coffee?
  13. Are you fasting,and if so what are you doing
  14. This morning, I had my bulletproof coffee, turkey and some cheese, this evening I had leftover fish and shrimp (yeap the bad way) but I did use ghee as well.
  15. That is exactly what it does to you. I don't drink hard alcohol anymore but moscato is no better
  16. Today, so far I had a cup of bulletproof coffee and a turkey, lettuce and cheese wrap on a keto friendly wrap, for dinner, if I am able to I will have some leftover cabbage and sausage with a piece of roast
  17. Today I had bulletproof coffee and 3 pieces of beef ribs leftover from last night. Okay, I have been saying that I don’t or can’t eat a lot. Well, I may know why. I had a CT scan of the abdomen done and my doctors nurse phoned me with the results, she states that I have fluid buildup in a pocket. I had an inguinal hernia removal a few years ago and my surgeon left my abdomen deformed. I was on a journey to have it corrected, now I have to see a specialist and more X-rays and then have it drained. Has anyone ever heard of this before?
  18. Today I just had bulletproof coffee and 2 pan sausages. I just can’t eat.
  19. Thanks Bob, next question is, is there a magnesium for constipation?
  20. Question now that I see that oxalates are not good for you, had this conversation with someone saying how you need them in your diet. wrong. My question is what the difference between Magnesium glycinate and malate, and what should the mg be?
  21. I have never seen livers with fat on them, what type?
  22. so far 1 McDonalds patty, 5 cubes Colby jack along with 5 pieces of uncured genoa salami.
  23. I started out using some bulletproof mct brain octane that I purchased at Whole Foods, I thought it was weird but worth the try, I like it, it cut my appetite tremendously as well, ran out so now I use a tablespoon of coconut oil and blend away and top it with some heavy cream.
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