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Angela Little

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Everything posted by Angela Little

  1. Today was the norm, eggs, bacon and sausage meatball.
  2. No it's just that somethings I am tolerating well. Say, thick bacon, no no, sometime eggs are not tolerable. I think that it is just a matter of adjusting, nothing major, I am just playing with different meats now, trying different methods to cook.
  3. So I prepped me some bacon wrapped meatballs, next sausage cheese meatballs. Does anyone have a good dipping sauce recipe to go with these lovelies
  4. I wanted some of these so bad, my friend cooked some and I got excited but they didn’t. I can’t get them down.
  5. Haven’t had much of an appetite. I have noticed that I am not so fund of some meats, hamburger is my go to, I love bacon but my system does not care for some brands. I seem to be finding that my system is very picky is this normal? I am not complaining about this just want to know if it’s normal. Angie Picky gut
  6. My first meal for the day, I am going to try to get another in later. Enjoy your day everyone.
  7. Yes, to make it carnivore. I have some carnivore recipes but whipping the yokes makes me nauseated.
  8. I am having soft tacos with my egg life wraps. Hope i can get them both down my first and only meal today. Enjoy everyone!!!!!
  9. Can this be tweaked? Okay here we go! Keto cornbread. It’s turned out supper yummy. Yep, I flipped it over the top was darker than I wanted 1 1/4 c almond flour 3/4 c shredded cheese. (Ain’t gonna lie. I was closer to a cup!) 4tbs melted butter 1 lg egg 1 small can jalapeños 1/4 c sour cream Dash of salt. (I used half teaspoon) Butter the baking dish or use non stick spray!! I was making regular cornbread for the family, so I cooked it at 400° I recommend 350° for 30 ish min until a toothpick comes out clean. Also, I was thinking that if you omit the cheese and jalapeños, you could add a 3/4 cup of erythritol or another keto approved sweetener, and cook it in a cast iron. I would put a stick of butter in the cast iron and heat it in the oven while it’s pre heating. When it’s done, smother it in butter and a dab of sugar free maple syrup. that will be my next adventure #keto #ketorecipes
  10. How did you cook your pork belly? I see it frozen at at Kroger are those good?
  11. Thanks everyone. I am so enjoying this forum, very encouraging and educational for me.

    1. Bob


      Glad to hear it. 

  12. Yes I like her, simple and to the basics, she is strict carnivore.
  13. I know that I am not eating enough but I can’t I gag and upheave, I don’t like that feeling.
  14. How do you make chicken flour and what does it taste like?
  15. Before I made up my mind to buy it I priced the regular ground beef and actually it was about the same for me, I only needed one pack from Wally World
  16. I bought a pack of Wagyu beef last night for tacos tomorrow
  17. Cheeseburger meatballs. I grinded up some pork rinds last night, they are greasy I used them in the meatballs.
  18. I am heating up left overs, I had salmon and shrimps on Sunday, left overs tonight. I am going to attempt to prep some meatballs, the bacon wrapped ground beef and something else that is simple. I bought the egglife wraps and they are delicious, just like a tortilla.
  19. Okay and I knew that it happen, my hair has started to shed, what may help? Don’t want to be
  20. I had a bacon chaffle, a nice thick pork chop and eggs.
  21. Geezy share some ideas with your friends, I can’t find a whole lot to mix up myself.
  22. Sounds good to me, let me know what you have. My email is *****@*****.tld
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