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  1. I eat 2 pounds of chicken thighs and 8 eggs every day and I could eat a little more. That's over 225 grams of protein. I tried fasting for 48 hours and I was hungry as hell. If most people could go a few days without eating, most people wouldn't be overwhelmed no matter what. I didn't understand how much food you actually eat. Also, dont know how you experience can help me because you had a lot of bodyfat to lose. I am now at 185-186lgs -+22%BF i have no more than 15-20lbs of bodyfat to lose. It is much easier to lose bodyfat when you are 100lbs overfat than when you are 10-20lbs overfat. I cant also only afford Bugger patties, Eggs and Chicken.
  2. NOt true. For more than 11 moths i only ate meat and eggs and for at least 6 months of those 11, i did not lose any bodyfat. I can even gain wait eating 0 carbs
  3. 1- THe Bugger patties have some carbs. It is that a problem or as long as i am eating meat and eggs(even if bugger patties) and not other carbs?
  4. Not my body. The most i was able to be without food was 2 days and war hard. If i could just go a couple of days a week without eating, i would be able to lose bodyfat even eating icecream. So would most people too
  5. I dont think you read my post. I can only afford Chicken, Bugger patties and eggs
  6. Thank you for addressing my post. It wasn't clear to me how I can increase the amount of burgers and eggs I need to lose body fat. Eating until full stopped working for me a long time ago. I have about 15 pounds of excess body fat to lose and just eating until full has not led to any fat loss for over 4 months. What should I do as someone who can only afford eggs, burgers or chicken? Thanks
  7. Hello people hope you all have been having a good holidays season. I need some advice on what to do with my carnivore diet. Here goes my explonation of my situation (i will try to be as clear and concise as i can) I am Brazilian(and live in Brazil) and here red meat or even ruminant meat has become very expensive. I have been eating a carnivore diet for almost 1 year. In the first 6 months I ate only red meat and eggs. I managed to lose about 15 pounds, but mostly water (and a couple of inches around my waist). My body fat has changed a lot. (In my first 3 months) I switched to chicken thighs (usually roasted) I managed to lose another 5-6 pounds and decrease some of my bodyfat (justa bit), land also some key massurements like waist and legs, but I have been stagnant for 3 months.(at least) Now, Brazil has been suffering from the devaluation of our currency (1 dollar now equals 6.2 reais) and the rise of inflation, I can no longer afford red meat and ruminant meat. I have been eating 1 kg of chicken thighs(usually roasted) and 7 -8 whole eggs a day. (all this food divided in 2 meals, in a 6 hours window). Nothing else. Nowadays I can only afford chicken (I prefer chicken thights because they are fattier) and burgers patties. I am 35 years old, weight around 185 lbs and go to the gym 3 times a week (I do strength training to build muscle and help lose body fat). I started the carnivore diet for 2 main reasons: to lose body fat and get below 15% BF (I am around 20-22% BF) without having to starve myself . I have no health issues or chronic diseases. I also haven't experienced many of the famous carnivore benefits like increased energy or better sleep. Now that i explained my situation, allow me ask you a few questions as someone who still need to lose the last 15-20 pounds of body fat without being about to buy red meat or ruminant meat, shoudl or could do: 1- Can I eat a carnivore diet and lose the excess body fat I still have if I can only afford chicken and Bugger patties? 2- How can I calculate how Bugger patties or chicken I should eat to lose body fat? 3- When should I start using the CICO model, since eating until fullness(satiety) really stopped working for me after the initial 3-4 months of being a carnivore? 4-Should i in my fanancial situation migrate to a Keto diet? IN can of Ys, how do i calculate how much food i should eat to lose bodyfat? I am afraid that I will have to quit the carnivore diet, since I cannot afford red meat or ruminant meat, and also because of my lack of results in terms of losing body fat. I do not know what to do in my situation. Thank you for your attention.
  8. I was a carnivore (I ate only meat and eggs for 8 months). I lost some body fat in the first 3 months, but after that nothing happened. Aside from the satiety effect of eating more protein, most of the supposed benefits that the carnivore diet can provide you can find on a whole foods diet with a high protein and low carbohydrate ratio. Cravings for sweets are very common when you are on a hyper-restrictive diet like the carnivore diet or the lion diet. This is not a problem, it is a downside of this way of eating. You will always have some craving for something sweet. You can only eat something sweet so often. The healthier and more active you are, the more often you will be able to satisfy this craving without suffering negative consequences. As a rule of the tumb, do this as infrequently as possible.
  9. Classifying it as a lifestyle doesn’t change the lack of results. I have 22% body fat, which is not good for my heart health. I also still need to lose a few inches around my waist to eliminate visceral fat, which is more dangerous type of fat. This is the difference between being thin and accepting being fat. Eating meat doesn’t change the negative effects of being overweight. I’ve always been surprised that meat eaters have a very similar reaction to someone who isn’t experiencing the benefits of eating meat as many of the vegans who have experienced it, which you’ve seen in the vegan community. There’s very little rational thought here and a lot of dogma and emotional (negative) reaction to those who share the struggle of making this way of eating productive.(It is almost like if you are eating meat and eggs to improve you body composition, you dont have enog emotional investiment in the Cult of Carnivore. Than when you will questoin the lack of results or problems/struggles of eating a very restrictive diet., Those who are very emotionally invested in this identity will atack you) Futhermore it seems you really did not read my post, what makes me wonder, why even bother responding...
  10. One of my last Carnivore meal: 600g of chuck steam at lunch and 4whole eggs plus 4 yoke eggs at Dinner.
  11. I was healthy to began with so body recomposition was my goal. The idea was to lose the bodyfat without being hungry. I would be a Carnivreo (for the reast of my life) if this diet helps me to achieve those goals. I dont look at a diet as a Religion! What it is the point to spend my whole life eating only meats and eggs, if i cannot lose the bodyfat i need, without being hungry? I also have not expereinced many of the suppoesed "Carnivore benfits" What lead met to wonder, how long should it take someone to be able to acesse if this way of eating actually works? Because after 8 months, what i have expereince so far is very similar results people often see in other diets. So why shoud i have an irrational/emotional and or religious apporach to diet?(What do i have to gain to look at the Carnivore diet, as it was the salvation of my life, when i am already healthy and have not lost any bodyfat in more than 4 months?) You cannot say that This is the most optimal way of eating.(There are NO Studies on the topic to validate that Claim.)That is not a fact that is an biases opinan. In fact, most of the healthy and fit people do not follow a Carnivore diet. If you have nothing of valure to say or any adivice to how to ajust the carnviore diet to lose bodyfat, just dont respond the post. Carnviores often act like the VEgan that they so much complain about it. Dont need to be on your feelings just because i dont worship eating meat.
  12. For 8 months I have been eating nothing but meat (mostly red meat and eggs). I weighed around 200 lbs and was 180cms". I am now 183-185 lbs, but most of the weight I lost in the beginning was water. My BF has dropped 25-20% in 8 months. I have not lost any significant amount of body fat for over 4 months. I think the Carnivre diet really works for those who have health issues (I am a healthy individual) or if you have around 100 lbs or more to lose. So far my results have been mediocre at best. I don't think I will ever be able to make Carnivore work for me. I just haven't stopped yet because I don't know what to do and I am afraid of gaining back the same weight I lost.
  13. "2 -What can i do to lose the excess bodyfat i still need to lose, with[out] being hungry(if it is posible)" - I eat in a 5-6 hour window, between 12-18 PM (Meals: 1 large and 1 small, usually eggs) Just what I describe in my post. For 8 months only eggs and meats. 4 - "This is your personal choice. If something isn't working, it's time to shake things up. But only you can figure out what it is you need to do. Do you need to intermittent fast? Do you need to get more sleep? Do you need to workout more? Do you need to up for fat macros? Do you need to eat less? Do you need to carb cycle?" - I don't understand your answer here. Since I've never done the carnivore diet before, how long will it take to get an idea of the effectiveness of this way of eating? There are people who get great results in a few months. So far I've had mediocre results, but I was thinner and healthier than the vast majority of people who would start the Carnivore diet. It seems to me that in a way, there is no reference to what to expect, especially when you're healthy. Unless you are in very bad healthy and have 50-100 lbs to lose, this way of eating is just like anyother way: It works for some people and it does not for others. 5-" Define "effective". If you are already healthy, the carnivore diet will keep you healthy. Eating meat doesn't make you unhealthy. Can you miraculously change your body composition using a carnivore diet? Define "miraculous"? If you're 400 pounds and you lose 220 and reverse disease, then you just might feel it's "miraculous". If you're 180 with a little spare tire around the abdomen like myself and want to be 165 with 6 pack abs, that's going to take some work and dedication. No miracles are gonna happen." - Well, effective means lose body fat witthout being hungry. I am still overwieght if you take in consideration the BF% for men who are acive and for hearth health(Recommend to be under 18%BF) So far i was not able to lose bodyfat to for more than 4 months. If you take in considaratoin that most of the initial weigth lost is just water, since you are not ingesting carbs, my fat loss was mediocre at best. Peopel counting calories and eating carbs lose more Bodyfat everyday. 6 - "I would stay all-natural, eating like a human would back in the beginning. If you can hunt it, milk it, pluck it from a branch or vine, then it's probably going to be fine. For me, this rules out grain and sugar, but would allow for fruits and vegetables that are in fact, fruitages themselves. If you are looking for more variety, you should look into Dr. Berry's Proper Human Diet, particularly, the keto/low-carb side of the spectrum, or Dr. Paul Saladino's Animal-Based Diet, or some combination of the two." - So in your opinion (and correct me if I'm wrong), should I continue eating meat and eggs, with a few additions, even though this way of eating hasn't given me any of the supposed benefits of the Carnivore/Keto diet, such as more energy, better sleep, less hunger, or improvements in health? Should I double down on a way of eating that hasn't worked for me so far, Because this is supposedly the correct way to eat for humans ?(even though most healthy and fit people eat carbs and other foods,everyday for decades). I still have bodyfa to lose. I should I just count calories while on a Keto/Carnivore diet, like most people do when they're on a conventional diet? I dont undestand your answer again. Thanks for answering my question. However, it seems to me that if the Carnivore or Keto diet really worked as well as you see people on Internet/Social media claim it does, I should have seen better results. I haven't stopped this way of eating because I don't know what to do and I'm afraid I'll gain most of the weight back. I guess it is just like most things in life: It work for some folks. It doesnt for otheres
  14. 1 - "As long as you want. Beef and eggs are some of the most nutrient dense foods you can put in your body. You can live on meat alone, OR eat a carnivore-centric/meat-based diet that incorporates some more variety from the plant kingdom if you choose, whether that's ketovore, keto, or animal-based." I ask this question to understand how long one should follow this diet and this way of eating, so that I can make an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the Carnivora diet, aiming to lose body fat and control hunger. I don't understand your answer since you didn't share a period of time in which it would be appropriate to be on a Canirvore diet, before making judgment about it.
  15. I can't just not lose bodyfat for 1 year. I also don't understand how carbs can be so evil and yet most healthy and fit people eat carbs. I'm 8 months in and for more than half of that time I haven't lost any significant amount of body fat. My experience with Carnivore was a huge failure, so far, when you consider that most of the initial weight loss is just water weight since you're not eating carbs. I guess in the end it's all about CICO and as it happens with most diets: It works great for some folks but it doesnt for others.
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