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  1. I can understand where she is coming from. I think that’s why someone needs to commit to a 60-90 day low carb (under 100 grams) diet which those 100 grams are good fruits and vegetables only, then they can see / feel the benefits themselves. For me 60 days committed me with the changes I felt, some I can’t put into words. I felt so bad before I started, I felt like I was over 95 years old, it’s like I went back 15 to 20 years. My experience a bit different, I went on my diet because I didn’t want to take diabetes medications, I not only never expected to feel as good as I do, I would never had thought it was possible.
  2. I have to wonder what percentage of the feeling good off low carb diet comes from not taking in all of the processing chemicals used in cookies, chips, and all of the other processed carbs .
  3. My son did drop a bit of weight and he always worked out. He lives out of state and when we visited him he also lost a bit of muscle mass. He was at 185# and now at 165#. I have lost about 15# myself.
  4. I could not get past the believing I can get all of my nutrients from meat and then there is fiber. My son did the carnivore diet for some time and has high cholesterol numbers I never heard of, I think that is dangerous. What I ended up doing is low carb under (100 grams) and those carbs are a couple of fruits and a couple of low starch greens. I have eliminated all other sugars, starches, and anything that isn’t fat, protein, and the fiber I get from said carbs. I also take fiber supplements. The first two weeks was very hard, after 30 days it was hard but got easier. After 60 days I was committed, I feel so much better in ways I had never could have imagined. Now it’s easy to stay on track because now carbs are looked at as a threat to how I feel. I feel like I went back 15+ years on how I feel both body and mind. I still am a bit uncomfortable with my fat and protein intake, mostly my fat. I eat much less and am never hungry. It’s no carnivore but it is a huge change that requires more commitment than most probably don’t have. I thought I would try this before going carnivore but that’s still a possibility in the future. If I do it’s not a big leap from my current diet.
  5. I have seen videos and just can’t see how someone can do it. It interests me and I have been floating the idea around, but I just can’t see how I can only eat meat every day. I have seen testimonies and the ones by Jordan Peterson really influences me, he seems to be someone credible. As for me I am a 68 year old diabetic (T2) and always worked out. The diabetic thing is genetic and some of the fittest in my family has it. The last few years spine issues has slowed me down and severely limited my activity. I have always been educated about diet, never drink nothing but water. I feel a bit ripped off here about how I tried to eat well and exercise only to end up where I’m at at 68. That has brought me to a lot of curiosity of what a carnivore diet can do for me. Two big hurdles I have is one, what I have been taught about fat and meat all of my life. And secondly, how in the heck can I eat just meat, I just can’t get my mind around that. My third concern is all of the chemicals and drugs that are used in animals to keep them from being sick. I am sure many newbies come here searching and my hopes are to get some information that I can believe knowing what I know. I know there a lot of video on the topic but forums have the ability to get a bit of back and forth conversations. I also know by other forums on other topics there are credible people and many that are not. Being new here puts me at a disadvantage for sure but I thought this would be a good place to start .
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