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Everything posted by Ravenfreak

  1. Thank you for sharing your story Bob! I recall seeing those books at stores when I was a kid in the late 90's, I believe my aunt had one of those books too. I've heard great things about the Carnivore diet, and a few different people I follow on Youtube lost weight and have been keeping it off too!
  2. Hey Robert, I have a suggestion for your site. The word overweight has a space in between the two words, but it's a compound word so the space should be removed. I also think it needs some more content, especially in the women's section. You're off to a great start otherwise though!
  3. The big food companies of course only care about money, they do not care about the health of the country. Makes me wonder how long it will be before they attempt to add something to their foods to mitigate the appetite suppressors in Ozempic. It's best to just try and avoid these foods as much as possible when losing weight.
  4. I never tried fasting before, but I also have a odd schedule so I don't think I could really pinpoint when I shouldn't eat and when I should. I work 10 hour shifts in a factory, so I need to eat to have the energy needed to get my job done. I've heard it has great results though!
  5. I love both white and dark meat chicken and turkey. I've never actually had duck or goose before, but I would be willing to try both someday for sure. My spouse enjoys dark meat chicken and turkey, so I always make sure to save them more dark pieces. I'll stay away from organs like gizzards, livers, etc though just doesn't sound appetizing to me at all!
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