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Bossman150 last won the day on August 9

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  1. I don't ever want to give up my coffee. It's my only vice and I absolutely love every aspect of it. It's not a caffeine thing I just love the taste and smell.
  2. I use to be a bad diabetic before I lost a lot of weight. I was diabetic for almost 20 years and the last 7 or so I was using crazy amounts of bothe fast and long acting insulin, sometimes as much as 350 units a day. I would try lowering protein and raising fat. Use Loseit or another app to track what you eat and keep your fat to protein ratio at least 70/30. Don't eat after dinner and make sure dinner is at least 3-4 hours before bed. Metformin is made to help with dawn syndrome which it sounds like is your issue.
  3. After 5 weeks my clothes are already fitting better and in the case of my m pants a little loose. I am back to 2x shirts and I feel a ton better. As of this morning I am down 24lbs. The only thing that is not quite right yet is my energy level. Before I started this BBB&E I was riding 50-75miles a week on my bike. In the 5 weeks since I can only manage one 16 mile ride a week and it's rough to even do that. I am a little bummed about that with fall coming up and that being my favorite time of the year to ride. On a side note, I brought home an amazing 11 week old Golden retriever yesterday! I lost my most recent dog last February and I could not wait any longer. I wanted a lively but yet slightly lower energy dog since I have had 3 GSPs and my last one was a lab. He is very well behaved and surprisingly has had no accidents so far. I would add a Pic if I could figure out how.
  4. I cant drink black coffee!! It's the one thing I refuse to give up. It's my one vice now and I need it. I have been trying to drink it black but it just doesn't do it for me. The last couple days I have put in just a splash of heavy cream and it is wonderful! Sigh I really wanted to do BBB&E for 90 days but guess I will have to modify to have a teaspoon of cream 1-2 times a day.
  5. 4lbs the second week, about 13lbs for a two week total.
  6. Week 2 I was down 4 pounds. A little disappointed but down is down. Still feel great and loving what I get to eat so I am happy!
  7. At the end of day 13, no cravings or sugar withdrawal symptoms so I think I am one of the lucky few to get through the first phase of kicking sugar addiction with no side effects. No diarrhea for 5 days either just normal bms every other day. I am keeping track of calories just as a side effect of tracking my fat to protein ratios which have stayed about 70/30 and I think that's OK. Surprisingly I have only gone over 2200 Cals 1 day and it was just a couple hundred over. I'm not really trying to keep to that number but eating till I'm full and only eating 1-2 times a day it's just working out that way. I made my family breaded pork steak, mashed potatoes and gravy with sweet corn. It's one of my favorite meals and I won't lie it looked really good but it was not all that hard to pass it up. I just ate un breaded pork steak fried in bacon grease and it was really good, nice and fatty. I'm not really supposed to eat it as I am really trying to stick to bbb&e but I don't think it will hurt me much. What was harder though was not opening a can of sauerkraut to go with them!
  8. I made it through the first week! No cheats, cravings or withdrawal symptoms and I feel pretty good. I dropped 9 pounds and I know a good bit was water but that's fine. I am back below 300 and I really hope to never see over 300 again!! My goal is 220lbs so 9 down and 75 to go.
  9. I just had my first Ribeye since starting this 6 days ago. So Chuck steaks are good, don't get me wrong, but they are miles from a Ribeye!! Man it was amazing cooked in bacon fat and topped with butter cooked rare but well seared in a cast iron skillet. Just wow nothing has tasted that good to me in many many years, even other Ribeyes!
  10. Day 6 update. I could not quite make it 24 hours to wait on supper to eat. I was going on a bike ride and I was afraid to go on the ride after not eating for almost 20 hours so I had 3 pickled eggs and 4 hotdogs. Managed 18.6 miles on my ride which has been my minimum ride the last few months before I went carnivore. I have ridden between 18.6-40 miles in the last 3 months. So I was glad I hit my minimum. After the ride I had my first regular BM, no diarrhea! Still no withdrawal symptoms either, I am really happy so far. I will do my first weigh in on Saturday morning.
  11. Yeah it's just good Ole yellow mustard. It's the only kind I like. I think I will keep it for now unless I don't see progress or a stall down the road. Thanks
  12. I have been eating Nathan's beef skinless hotdogs as additions to meals or even as the main meat/fat for a small meal like my lunch today I had 4 of them with 3 of my homemade pickled eggs. The ingredient list does not look too bad, I know there is a very small percent of not good stuff but I am hoping they are OK as they are very easy to cook and taste awesome. Anybody else eat hotdogs and what brand if so?
  13. Day 5 and ended up doing a 24 hour fast. I had things to do this afternoon so I was afraid to eat due to my issues with diarrhea so I just waited till supper to eat. Then I realized I thawed the wrong Hamburger and had to force down 93/7 stuff. Even cooked in bacon grease and topped with butter (patties) it was rough. I much prefer the 85/15 grass fed I get from Sam's. I known it's still low in fat but it's just too convenient in 1lb packs for $5 a lb. I add bacon grease and or butter to it as well. Still no sugar withdrawal issues. I am very happy about that. I plan on doing OMAD going forward as much as possible. I will try a 20-25 mile bike ride tomorrow too and see how that goes!
  14. Anybody have a good app for tracking food on the carnivore diet? Preferably free but if it's good I will pay for one. I tried myfitnesspal but I don't care for it for this, or can't figure it out most likely lol. Just looking to keep track of the fat and protein I consume.
  15. I am at the end of my 4th day. Still no withdrawal symptoms, I am really surprised considering the amount of sugar I was consuming. Still struggling with the trots but since I did not eat this morning it held off until I was off work at least!
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