At the end of day 13, no cravings or sugar withdrawal symptoms so I think I am one of the lucky few to get through the first phase of kicking sugar addiction with no side effects. No diarrhea for 5 days either just normal bms every other day. I am keeping track of calories just as a side effect of tracking my fat to protein ratios which have stayed about 70/30 and I think that's OK. Surprisingly I have only gone over 2200 Cals 1 day and it was just a couple hundred over. I'm not really trying to keep to that number but eating till I'm full and only eating 1-2 times a day it's just working out that way.
I made my family breaded pork steak, mashed potatoes and gravy with sweet corn. It's one of my favorite meals and I won't lie it looked really good but it was not all that hard to pass it up. I just ate un breaded pork steak fried in bacon grease and it was really good, nice and fatty. I'm not really supposed to eat it as I am really trying to stick to bbb&e but I don't think it will hurt me much. What was harder though was not opening a can of sauerkraut to go with them!