hi I am a new member big carnivore believer lost 34 pounds in 2 months and now I have 2 problems 1st is whenever I reach a certain weight I succumb to cravings and gain 3 to 4 pounds wich sets me back and it has been like this for several months.
as for fruits and honey as I need my ldl to be low mandatory medical for work and ldl flags every time I though about adding some carb in form of fruits or honey especially honey since I read that it could help with both lipids in the blood and the adipose cells.
now the questions that arises are
will it help me health wise cause I felt great on pure carnivore meat salt and water but I can't seem to sustain it generally coffee and cyclical cravings .
will I be able to maintain moderation with fruits and honey and get the results I am looking for lower cholesterol and maintain my fat loss with carnivore cause I still have 30 pounds to lose .
thanks for the help looking forward to hear your opinions