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Carnivore worked for me!

What works for one isn’t going to work for another necessarily. Now I was fortunate that nearly everything that was talked about in carnivore and how to do it worked for me. You know, 70 percent fat, 30 percent protein- Boom! I lost weight. Had no problem. If I stalled out I just kept eating what I did. I didn’t do no tricks, and everything would kick back in a few weeks to a month or so. JOIN THIS CHANNEL TO GET ACCESS TO PERKS! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeAwaxsqfNEK4Zt


Bob in Shorts

A "Proper Human Diet" is carnivore-centric, but not necessarily *strict* carnivore.

My philosophy is in harmony with Dr. Ken Berry's PHD (Proper Human Diet) spectrum. Where depending on your DNA you could have up to 100 carbs a day depending on your personal physiology. These should be single ingredient whole foods. IF... there's a couple IF's there... 1) it doesn't bring back pain and chronic disease issues, and 2) it also doesn't trigger you to go on binges and start binge eating. If you can't do that then stay away from it. JOIN THIS CHANNEL TO GET ACCESS TO P


Bob in Shorts

Why We Don't Trust Government or Big Food!

Why we don't trust the government. Why we don't trust big food. Because they lied to us. They're sneaky. You know, if I had a friend that was sneaky and always pulling something on me behind my back, I wouldn't trust him and he wouldn't be my friend anymore well. You know it's the same thing with the government. JOIN OUR FREE KETO/CARNIVORE COMMUNITY! https://www.CarnivoreTalk.com LET"S DO A VIDEO TOGETHER! Have YOU had success with a meat-based keto, ketovore, carn


Bob in Shorts

The LMNT "Controversy" is much ado about nothing

When you look into it, it's kinda interesting. LMNT always said 'no hogwash ingredients'. They don't make their naturial flavors. They get it from a 3rd party company who told them that they contain a trace amount of maltodextrin as a flavor carrier. LMNT shared this info from their supplier. However, they later had a 3rd party company test their product and found out that the supplier had lied and that it actually contained 250mg to 400mg of maltodextrin - which is still a trivial amount. LMNT


Bob in Shorts

Carnivore! Is it a DIET or a LIFESTYLE?

We talked about the carnivore lifestyle, or carnivore way of eating. I try to be careful how I use the word diet, because I don't like the word. I don't want to infer that this is something that we are just going to do temporarily. I constantly call it a lifestyle. Yes, it's a diet in that it is a way of eating, but it's a permanent diet.   Tiktok version: https://www.tiktok.com/@carnivoretalk/video/7473226850475576622   Watch the Full Video Here: SUBSCRIBE to


Bob in Shorts

Overcoming Addiction - My Battle with Carbs! (with Geoff Klein)

I feel the same way with carbs as I do with tobacco. I'm a carb addict. I admit it. You know and I know that if I eat them it's going to make me want more. And so like any addict it's best for me if I just stay away from them. Now my wife, on the on the other hand, she's a moderator. She can eat one scoop of ice cream and not touch ice cream again for a month. Doesn't bother her a bit. Me? I'm taking out a whole half gallon in one sitting. You know if I eat one spoonful, I'm going for the rest o


Bob in Shorts

How The Carnivore Diet Saved My Life and Transformed My Health (with Geoff Klein)

I was going club footed. I couldn't hardly walk anymore. Finally had to have surgery on that, and I just let everything go until carnivore came along. And my son was the one that introduced it to me after my last AFib attack. I told him the story of lying there on the gurney while they're while a team of doctors and nurses are working on my heart, trying to get me back in rhythm. And I got tears streaming out of my eyes, and I just turned to my wife and I said "This is it! I can't take this


Bob in Shorts

My Carnivore Diet Kidney Test Results - Navigating Chronic Kidney Disease

So I'm going to go check my cystatin C, and my gut's telling me that my cystatin C is going to come back and still say twenty three, and that I'm fine. But I will tell you that when I opened up my test results on Friday and I saw the creatinine was 7.81 and the eGFR was 8 that shook me up. That did shake me up a bit and I'm just kind of like 'OK try not to let it get to your head.' Let's do some more blood work first you know before I get out of control because like I still feel fine. I sleep fi


Bob in Shorts

The Truth About Pink Slime in Your Beef!

Pink slime is still being used in hundreds of meat products worldwide as a food additive or filler. Pink slime refers to boneless lean beef trimmings and finely textured beef, which are meat byproducts used in ground beef, sausages, hot dogs, and deli meats. The United States Department of Agriculture has reclassified the product once referred to as “pink slime” or “lean finely textured beef” as simply “ground beef”. You are likely still consuming "pink slime" from a variety of the foods you eat


Bob in Shorts

Mc-REALLY?? The Truth About McDonalds Burgers!

McDonald's invites journalists into their facilities to observe the process of preparing their burgers before it's been ground up all the way to when it is packaged and ready to ship to demonstrate that it is indeed 100% real beef. Tik-tok version: https://www.tiktok.com/@carnivoretalk/video/7415755806433463594     Watch the FULL video here... https://youtu.be/kWiKpzrbAv4 SUBSCRIBE to the channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeAwaxsqfNEK4ZtfWX3Dz3g?su


Bob in Shorts

Transform your Health with the Power of Meat

If you are struggling with weight or chronic health issues you should seriously consider the Carnivore Diet. It works, it's nutritionally complete, and you will not lack anything. Thousands of individuals have found the carnivore diet to be a pivotal life-changing moment in their lives.   Tik-Tok Version: https://www.tiktok.com/@carnivoretalk/video/7375354044061125931   Watch the FULL video here... https://youtu.be/DzEsQOVUx0k SUBSCRIBE to the channel! htt


Bob in Shorts

The Miraculous Carnivore Diet Will Transform your Life

Carnivore has been a major game changer in my life, and a huge eye-opener into human nutrition. But overall, this dietary choice has worked wonders for me, to the point where it seems almost miraculous. and more people need to know about the benefits that can come from applying it. There are so many overweight and obese individuals out there as well as those who suffer from chronic disease and auto-immune conditions and the reality is, the power is in their hands to greatly improve their conditi


Bob in Shorts

Eating Keto the Right Way with Dr. Ken Berry MD

I came across this doctor named Ken Berry. He’s a big proponent of keto. He teaches a “clean keto” which is basically all the meat you can eat as well as some low carb veggies, and says not to buy into that net carb garbage. He basically says stay under 20g of carbs a day to lose weight and for maintenance you could have up to 100g. No seed oils, no sugar, no grains. Just meat, maybe some cheese, a little low carb veg, a few berries or a few nuts. Tik-Tok version: https://www.tik


Bob in Shorts

Enjoy the Life Changing Benefits of a Healthy Carnivore Diet

Humans were meant to eat, an all-natural protein and fat-based diet that is essentially devoid of anything that mankind and Big Food corporations have created. I have come to learn that all their ultra-processed junk is really the source of all our health issues today, and more people need to hear this. I now talk to people all the time who struggle with weight loss and who struggle with their health. They are looking for solutions and want answers that actually work. And I am firmly convinced t


Bob in Shorts

How the Carnivore Diet Improved My Health and Well-being

When I was laid up with a broken ankle I was on a carnivore diet. My blood pressure came down, my ulcerative colitis vanished, my gums stopped bleeding, and my skin tags stopped trying to grow back. I had been clean keto since April 1st and carnivore since May 12th, and now by the end of June, I’m a believer. I’m convinced now and I continued the carnivore diet faithfully.   Tiktok Version: https://www.tiktok.com/@carnivoretalk/video/7371985008719826218   Watch the


Bob in Shorts

Losing Weight just by Eating Meat

I lost weight sitting in a recliner and eating meat. I was unable to do anything else for 6 weeks because I had broken my ankle. But with the carnivore diet, not being able to exercise was not an issue whatsoever. Tiktok Version: https://www.tiktok.com/@carnivoretalk/video/7371983944515931435   Watch the FULL video here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xznaBOHz8U8   SUBSCRIBE to the channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeAwaxsqfNEK4ZtfWX3Dz3g?sub_confi


Bob in Shorts

Carnivore Diet options at the county fair.

This is just a silly video I put together when I was at the Canfield fair in Canfield, Ohio. I had been on the carnivore diet for the last 6 months and was admittedly thinking about the animals in a new light now, lol.     TikTok Version: https://www.tiktok.com/@carnivoretalk/video/7275502637708086570  


Bob in Shorts


Been noticing more and more Carnivores coming outta the woodwork. Seen a new one this evening at the butcher shop stocking up for the week. "Seen one" as in she admitted to it. Not like I know one when I see one. 🙂 .. Or well, you can kinda guess when they buy lots of just meat.  There's several I've met at the little grocery store I part time at. In a county of eight K , that's quite a bit.  It's catching on....


ol_hilly in observed


What can a Duck do that a Doctor won't?  Stick his Bill up his behind!    I told that to a couple Docs in the ER office one time. I got some smirks and a lot of finger wagging. 🙂 



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