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About this blog

I'm gonna try one of these blog things since I'm not on any other social media other then utube. 

This'll be just random postings. Maybe a line or two. Maybe a whole paragraph, or maybe a story. Feel free to comment if I have this set right. 

Entries in this blog


Been noticing more and more Carnivores coming outta the woodwork. Seen a new one this evening at the butcher shop stocking up for the week. "Seen one" as in she admitted to it. Not like I know one when I see one. 🙂 .. Or well, you can kinda guess when they buy lots of just meat.  There's several I've met at the little grocery store I part time at. In a county of eight K , that's quite a bit.  It's catching on....


ol_hilly in observed


What can a Duck do that a Doctor won't?  Stick his Bill up his behind!    I told that to a couple Docs in the ER office one time. I got some smirks and a lot of finger wagging. 🙂 



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