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    Northern NY 6 months, Sw Florida 6 months
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Outdoorstom's Achievements

  1. I’m very generous in the use of my Himalayan salt, and I add electrolytes to my water, which I’m drinking lots of. I cut back a little on the fat after eating too much and dealing with diarrhea a few days ago. I still believe I’m getting plenty of it though.
  2. Thanks for taking the time share your journey and encourage me on mine. I read all the time people saying they don’t feel hungry. I’m feeling hunger pains 5 or 6 hours after eating and I don’t know why. It may be habit as you mentioned. I drink extra water when they hit and that helps for a while. My energy level isn’t where I think it should be yet though.
  3. Nearly finished with my first month. Can honestly say I have not cheated once! I’m down 14 pounds. Today was my second OMAD and I have to say, I get pretty hungry before the 24 hours is up. I’ve been hitting the gym daily.
  4. I started January 1st on the BBBE diet and so far, so good. I was 209 when I started and I had my annual physical today and I was 205. I told my doctor about my diet and she said I shouldn’t do it longer than 2 months. She wants me back for cholesterol bloodwork in 3 months. I’m doing it for 90 days, or more than likely longer. I’m expecting my numbers to be good, except for LDL which is already high and I’m on a statin.
  5. I noticed you eat a lot of venison….me too when I’m up north for 6 months. I’m glad I put two deer in there this Fall for when I get home!
  6. I grew up in a family of 11 children and didn’t have a lot of money, so we ate a lot of it! I enjoy it!
  7. Thanks you for the welcome and advice. It’s 9:45 pm and I just saw this now. Too late….I jumped right in. At 8:30 this morning I had ground beef and two eggs. I enjoyed it so much I made the same meal tonight at 7:00, plus added bacon. That really is my personality type though….all or nothing. I guess we’ll see how it goes! Thanks again….sincerely.
  8. Brand new member here and I’m starting this lifestyle tomorrow. NO SUGAR!
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