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Carburetor last won the day on February 7

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  1. Smoked pork bone soup. Has bacon,ground meat and ham,too. A little onion. Lots of chilli. Real food!
  2. Yesterday was Feta salad and pork ribs. A little protein OD (wife had some of the ribs) but my weekly measurement day shows my body fat and weight are still going down nicely. Waist did not change last week though but four pounds have gone. High blood ketones (4,0), low glucose (4,1 aka 74,). Yesterday was Feta salad and pork ribs. A little protein OD (wife had some of the ribs) but my weekly measurement day shows my body fat and weight are still going down nicely. Waist did not change last week though but four pounds have gone. High blood ketones (4,0), low glucose (4,1 aka 74,).
  3. And when in low carb , you get your fuel from your body fat storage via ketones, the better the longer you fast. Ketones are excellent fuel. Dietary nutrients are not necessary for a few days when you are properly fat adapted -I usually do a 48 hour fast every week,no food on Monday. Otherwise OMAD. Tuesdays are always wonderful "Superhuman-days" for me. I wake up early, no hunger and lots of effortless exercise all day. Just great. Water and electrolytes. I measure ketones morning / evening, they go lower during the no food day. Glucose goes up. And I have many heart probs like failure and continuous Afib.
  4. After a nice,Superhuman-feeling 48 hour fast, in one hour intervals: Coconut-chilli-shrimp soup: Feta to add fat content up: Kassler salad. (Pork neck). Maybe some greek 10% yogurt... it's just that carbs are nine and I feel fine. 75 % fat day as usual.
  5. That is 81 % fat in calories.
  6. Where were you? I have been to Munchen and Berlin. We have this german "Lidl" -market chain here. They stock good european sausages and cheese.
  7. Some lunch. I'm trying to get the fat content up with olives and cheese. That is our "normal ham", 2,9% fat...
  8. Sauna Sunday so I put some chorizo- style sausages on the stove:
  9. I'm the opposite,my hunger goes away in OMAD. I think I'm not eating enough when I trust my "hunger" -but those calorie tables are for carb eaters I guess...? I get less than 10 g carbs per day. My energy comes 75 % from fat. Anyway,I'm feeling good and weight, waist and fat % are all going steadily down. And blood pressure. Blood ketones were 2,9 and glucose 4,6 today. Belly will take some time... I've been here before.
  10. My humble guess would be Sous Vide. Nearly all beef houses use it for perfect,repeatable results. I did SV pork ribs today.
  11. Store bought for now. I have made my own sometimes,too. We have a very good sauerkraut ( and Kimchi ) manufacturer here. No additives or preservatives, not pasteurised. Just cabbage,carrot and sea salt.
  12. I do the same butter condiment thing. And because I eat some salads,I pour the rendered fat on the salad as dressing, say, bacon and egg salad.
  13. I eat butter. I also take sips from olive oil. I´s been a habit to get a better fat/protein ratio. Our meat is so lean here in Finland, average beef has 3% of fat. Some pork may have 10%. And that comes with lots of protein,too much for me. I like about 80% energy from fat to lose weight. Anyway,I eat a spoonful every now and then, maybe five spoonfuls /day to get about 35 grams extra fat. I do that especially on meaty days,I eat cheese too and for example our Feta cheese has EIGHT times more fat and much less protein than beef. On OMAD I only eat butter in the evening,during the two eating hours. I consider a spoonful of butter a meal...
  14. Boiled Bratwurst dinner. Also some sauerkraut - I take a spoonful of sauerkraut every day except when fasting. It may or may not be helpful with gut health. Probiotics. Mustard and ketchup are tasty here, I make my own so no added sugar. I use them seldom and sparingly.
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