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  1. I’m surprised more people don’t mention having difficulty with carb cravings and then losing it by eating two double cheeseburgers and fries like I’ve been doing also the video mentions alcohol consumption and that is part of my diet - Overconsumption of straight booze and my weight is not shredding off yet
  2. No kidding right. Online dating is extremely bad on mental health. I had to delete my account this morning because it triggers alcoholism lol Men that skipped the online dating app era won in the game of dating. The apps poisoned relationships women are addicted to the unbelievable amount of endless attention they receive from online dating and sugar daddy apps they do that on the lowdown to afford more expensive lifestyles when you meet a woman from online dating she’s likely been out with hundreds of men if not thousands. They will serial date guys for breakfast lunch dinner drinks and anything else
  3. Try being a single guy with dating nowadays. the main hobby single women have is going to the new restaurants and being “a foodie”. Especially when the restaurant foods are overpriced and they use seed oils and who knows what else women have to go out to the new restaurants to get selfies to show everyone online how they went to a restaurant lol Every woman’s dating profile says “I’m a foodie” “I like tacos”
  4. I cook meat all the way through. Always well done. Well cooked. the one thing I will eat raw are eggs, sometimes raw eggs
  5. I wonder how long cheese withdrawal lasts. Serious question lol I’ve never made it longer than a week or two
  6. Cheese is too addictive for me. Dairy gives me slight skin allergy. But I use butter and I would use ghee also if needed
  7. I heard not to drink distilled water because it reduces minerals in the body
  8. I think hundreds of years ago there were a lot more animals roaming around in the USA buffalo, more deer. More of them all right now I do carnivore but I’m using spices for flavoring my soups Black pepper (probably have a slight allergy to this) but also ginger powder, garlic powder, onion powder, sea salt. This is great flavor but I do need to go on full elimination diet soon yeah I’ve told people for years already that all the plants at grocery stores are basically poisonous with hidden chemicals. People don’t like to be told the truth about it
  9. He does a good job discussing cheese and dairy. I must have a slight allergy to cheese but the allergy is hard to pinpoint problem is, cheese is highly addictive lol
  10. My favorite drink is plain seltzer water it’s a treat every once in a while but I mostly just drink plain water it sucks that everything has chemicals inserted into it lol
  11. Yeah I keep relapsing. It’s more of an alcohol addiction thing, where I get a sort of anxiety feeling about once every 4 days that leads me to drink booze At least I pick plain booze with no carbs? lol my new strategy prioritizes getting more sleep and avoiding stress. There’s some discomfort/anxiety I need to work through without reaching for a bottle but also, steak and eggs gets boring after a while. It gets tiresome and time consuming to cook food every day, then clean up but this winter I have made some amazing hot soups. Yeah I boil steaks in water to make beef broth and near the end I add eggs to make an egg drop broth soup. Then lastly I add plenty of butter i do the same with shrimp. These hot clear broths with butter added are great it still gets boring
  12. For decades Ive been leaving store bought eggs at room temps up to 1-2 weeks and never had a problem when I cook plain steak it’s usually enough to put leftovers out. I will leave a cooked steak at room temp for up to 24 hours and honestly it tastes a lot better after 24 hours in the open air. Like a beef jerky i leave sticks of unsalted butter at room temperature for 1-2 weeks with no problem. how are you getting food poisoning? yea I’ve had food poisoning a few times. Always from restaurants. I’ve never had food poisoning from my own cooking at home.
  13. My apt is super tiny and in a highly desirable neighborhood with many grocery stores to be clear we are talking 12’x10’ apartment. So to bring a fridge in would be no room for that! the only way a fridge would be an option is if it was 1’ maximum, and no electric noise at all otherwise a lot of my time is in grocery stores getting fresh meats
  14. What’s your opinion on this: I live in a very small studio apartment no refrigerator because I don’t want extra electric outlets plugged in so i grocery shop every 2 days or so i will leave meats out for 24 hours before cooking and never had any problems Also i will cook steaks and leave them out in open air for a day and they seem to improve in taste and texture everyone screams how steaks are all bacteria unless they are refrigerated but wtf did people do before Refrigeration was invented? just to push the limits further: I never refrigerate eggs. I will keep them room temp for 1-2 weeks and no problems whatsoever I will make hardboiled eggs and at room temp they are good for one week These are plain truths. you won’t die from eating a leftover steak at room temp you won’t get salmonella from eggs at room temp
  15. I honestly don’t know where to get these without chemicals or seed oils but if you can help find a supplier I would stock up
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