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Idunno last won the day on February 27

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  1. Provide evidence of your theory about never washing hair There’s something about it I’m not understanding Ok… I can visualize just showering 1-2 times per day with just water and a hand rag to scrub things clean. it can work if it’s a 6-10 minute shower of washing with water people who just eat meat need real specifics there’s no such thing as Just taking a shower …….you scalp is going to harbor bacteria and scents building up..,,
  2. Well I am from Wyoming and on a VPN in Philly but it seems like you are a flamer You are a person best avoided. people like you make things lame you slant this message board towards failure
  3. I’m from Wyoming i waste nobody’s time
  4. It’s too bad you two give explanations of keeping your hair a breeding ground for bacteria you just praise the practice with zero evidence and just blind nonsense yeah people might believe you
  5. Okay, well when I need to hear the strong truth I will be sure not to ask you. Because your motive is a lazy one and everyone else here knows it stop justifying the toxic industry that adds chemicals to foods
  6. Nah man you got to clean the hair scalp Am I right? I’ve said it before in this forum you DO NOT need deodorant. Nobody does!! the scalp is a different story but like I said, old books tell how people would not wash their bodies and hair in order to keep pheromones so they can turn on their lovers if they would be away for extended periods of time they would write love letter home telling their husbands or wives that they would not shower until seeing them again to preserve the scents But today we find this disgusting
  7. Yeah I do Kerrygold unsalted, a big fan I can actually taste the difference between Kerrygold and cheap stuff Years ago I had the hookup for raw butter from a local farm. It was probably best
  8. You avoided the questions what’s XANTUM Gum and all the other hidden stuff
  9. there is a big industry around mushrooms it’s all BS even the edible mushroom industry it’s a scam
  10. Allow me to enlighten you all if you put raw bacon into a food dehydrator with a heating element for 24 hours the result will be the most perfectly addictive bacon ever.
  11. I’m kind of appalled, kind of sicken, somewhat taken back and a lot disgusted I’m not eating raw beef but I liked your thing about butter what kind of better do you suggest)
  12. All very real replies I loved them all very nice and truthful, thank you
  13. What did people do before Whole Foods and the expensive sea salt products? was everyone just dying left and right without adding tons of sea salt to everything?
  14. I never added salt to food until the Carnivore diet said to add it
  15. But why don’t people (before luxury grocery stores) why don’t they all die without salt
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