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About InMyOpinion

  • Birthday 12/16/1992

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  1. When I did this calculation it told me I should be 110lbs, honestly, I feel like that would be too skinny for me. I'm 5'4 and even in high school I was 115lbs and lots of people told me I looked too skinny. I think 110lbs for me would not be healthy at all. That's just my opinion though.
  2. I'll be honest, I used to eat one meal a day when I was younger (early teens), my parents kicked me out (long story short my dad didn't know how to deal with girls so for him it was easier to kick me out and encourage me to get pregnant, so I didn't have to be his problem.) Anyways, for a while I was homeless so I would only really eat once a day because it was all I could afford and instead of eating a lot I wanted to save my money to be able to rent an apartment. Once I got a place and I was able to eat more than once the temptation was there, but I had decided to stick to eating once a day as it was just routine. As I got older, I did start to eat more but ultimately went back to eating once a day. At first it was harder because when I would hang out with friends one thing they always wanted to do was eat out and it really wasn't what I wanted to do but I wanted to spend time with them. I got used to it though, and I'm happy I decided to stick to it because even though I had temptations I had kept a lean body which was more important to me than food. Now I tend to eat once maybe twice a day and it isn't difficult at all because it became more of a routine. Even if I get hungry in between I try to distract myself so I don't notice that I'm hungry.
  3. My boyfriend and I are both doing the keto diet so we are keeping each other accountable. Honestly, I must admit it has been way easier doing it with someone than to do it alone. Especially because I feel like we are in this together, so it motivates me more to stick with it. I do believe if I were to try to do this diet on my own it would have lasted a few days and then I would have been over it and wanted to eat all the foods we are trying to avoid. If someone is going to start any diet, I would strongly suggest having an accountability partner.
  4. Oh that's good to know because I do have some heart palpitations that I've had for years now and I haven't noticed any change in it since going on the diet. Though I am not on the carnivore diet, I'm not sure if the same happens on the keto diet.
  5. Today I have eaten a handful of nuts and steamed broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.
  6. Oh wow congrats! Looks like it's really been working for you I've been feeling like once a day is good enough for me, I do sometimes go a day without eating but by the second day I am starving. I used to have the opposite problem when I was younger (early teens) where I could go two days without eating and it was nothing, now I feel like I get bad headaches if I try to go more than one day without eating. Thank you for the encouragement, I appreciate it and it helps me stay on track.
  7. Thank you for the warm welcome Geezy, I'm glad to be here and I'm excited to learn more about Keto and diets
  8. I have tried dark meat but for some reason I've always enjoyed the white meat better. Also stay tunned because I may post a carnivore recipe on here soon
  9. This is one of my favourite Keto diet recipes that I tend to make almost weekly. Chicken Fajitas Ingredients: 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts (sliced) 2 tbsp Fajita seasoning 2 tbsp Olive Oil 2 large bell peppers (sliced) 1 medium onion (sliced) 1/2 tsp of salt 1/4 tsp black pepper Instructions: I prefer to brine my chicken for about an hour before I actually start cooking it. To brine I put the chicken breasts in salted cold water and leave in the fridge for about an hour. (If left too long the chicken will start to get too salty so I wouldn't recommend brining for more than a few hours) After brining the chicken, pat down the chicken with paper towel to dry the chicken out. Next season the chicken slices with the fajita seasoning Heat your oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat, until simmering. Add the sliced chicken and sauté for about 5-7 minutes until golden brown and cooked through. (Thermometer should read 165 F) Remove the chicken from the skillet and place on a plate, cover loosely with foil. Then you're going to add your bell peppers and onions to the skillet, add oil if needed. Sauté for 4-5 minutes stirring occasionally until soft and browned. Season with salt and pepper. Once the peppers and onions are almost done add the chicken to the skillet. Place chicken, peppers and onions on plate and enjoy!
  10. I am so glad you've enjoyed this forum and it seems like it's really helped you! Thank you for the warm welcome and I hope to see you around the forum
  11. Today I had an egg and sausage, for dinner I'm more than likely going to have some steamed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower with some ham.
  12. Hi ketomonster, I would definitely be happy if I slept better once my body gets used to this diet Thank you for the warm welcome! Oh wow! Well I'm happy for your son and I'm happy you decided to give the carni diet a try, seems like it is really working for you I have read a lot of health benefits from the keto diet and I'm glad my boyfriend & I decided to do the diet. I've been noticing a little less flab in the mid-section which is nice. I bloat very easily and haven't bloated since starting this diet. Thank you for the heads up on the salt and electrolytes, I'll make sure to get plenty. I can imagine having patience is a HUGE thing because you won't see results right away or even in the first few weeks. With any diet or exercise you can't expect change right away. It takes patience and persistence to get great results. Ahh yes, eating once per day, I usually do that and that was even before the diet. I've never been one who eats a lot (other than when I mentioned I took meds that made me feel like the hungry hungry hippo.). I rarely eat 2 or even 3 meals a day as for me I just don't have the appetite for it. Sorry to hear about your boots, it must be a little sad and disappointing that you paid so much for boots that no longer fit though it does mean that the diet is working. I'm hoping after a few months I can fit into my older clothes again. I haven't gotten rid of them in the hopes that I would fit in them again one day and I'm hoping this year it'll happen. Thank you for all of the advice and being open about everything, I truly do appreciate it! I hope to see you around the forum Cheers!
  13. Hi Scott, Thanks for the warm welcome, If you don't mind me asking, what was the reason behind wanting to start the carnivore diet? What is one thing you've learned from this board that you find would be helpful to know as a person who is new into this diet? I look forward to reading your reply, Thank again for the warm welcome!
  14. The most eggs I ever eat is two, I've never been a big eater (other than when I was on medication that made me hungry) and so two eggs for me is plenty.
  15. In my opinion there should be designated smoking spots. I understand that people should be free to do what they want where they want (to some extent) however smoking has bad side effects and there is such thing as secondhand smoke which is why I believe you should only be able to smoke in designated areas. I don't think kids should be around smoke, I grew up with two parents who chain smoked and I HATED it, I have heart issues because of the smoke inhalation and have asthma that was also cause by the smoke inhalation. I don't think that it's fair that now I'm stuck with health issues because my parents decided to smoke and I had no say whatsoever. As far as marijuana is concerned (it is legal here in Canada) I think the same thing, we should have designated spots to smoke it in public. I don't think it's okay to smoke a joint while there are kids walking around or people who a recovering drug addicts trying to get sober and walk into a cloud of smoke because someone else decided to smoke a jay. I don't think it should be illegal to smoke in public however, I do believe there should be designated spots to smoke and heavily reinforced with big fines.
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