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Skeptic last won the day on March 12

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  1. Your body shape is pretty similar to mine, so I will say from my point of view that I see some of both kinds of fat. Subcutaneous fat is between your stomach muscles and skin of course. If you can tighten those muscles and still feel some "squish" thats the subcutaneous, in my experience. Both kinds of fat will go away in time, with a proper diet and exercise, but I always stress the diet BEFORE the exercise. A lesson I am currently in the midst of learning is one of patience, while listening to my body. This is one of the hardest things to do, believe me, and never what anyone wants to hear, to be honest. When I began carnivore, I felt like I finally had the golden ticket after years of searching and wasting my time and money on gimmick supplements and diets. The truth is, we DO have the golden ticket, but there may be a lot of damage to undo, especially if coming from a typical western diet of processed foods. Calorie counting is not necessary on carnivore, but fats to protein counting is VERY helpful. Bob just put out a great video on this, that I just watched this morning. Check it out if you havent already. If you have not done so up till now, I would recommend that you do a few more weeks of getting comfortable with a measured and proper 80/20 fats/protein diet, and make sure you are in ketosis. Get a cheap fingerstick meter ($35-40) and see what your numbers are morning/evening. I just got a meter, and am having good luck with the KetoBM brand, for what its worth. The test strips are about $1 per, but worth it to know what does what in terms of foods you eat. Mix your own electrolyte water and stay hydrated, especially with nice weather coming. Really makes a difference. Im happy to share my recipe, and there is a thread on here somewhere about this topic.
  2. Howdy Rose and Jay! Welcome aboard. Carnivore diet has helped me, as well as seemingly everyone else I know who has adopted it. It is definitely not without its challenges, but there is no better payoff than good health!
  3. I think I grabbed one from the same seller! $4.40 from Illinois.
  4. I will have to check this out!
  5. Well I sure as heck am late to this party, but welcome Terry! This is a fantastic place to be. Enjoy yourself. Funny how we all come to this way of eating via slightly different paths, but stay for the same reason. "I am NEVER going back!!" seems to be the general consensus. I have a friend that has recently begun fighting with MS, and I have long suspected the carnivore diet would be the way to victory for him. I will be staying tuned!
  6. In my opinion, anyone on the carnivore diet that has the means to do so should be buying their beef this way. Its not about the quantity, its about the quality. Store beef tastes and acts nothing like what we get back from our local butcher. Cost savings is also huge, and not to be overlooked. We have been raising beef at the farm for a lot of years now, and sadly the prices have skyrocketed over the last 5 or so. Last year's rangy looking little feeder calves were going for $2.50 to $3.00/lb at the auction, so $5.45 a lb all done up nice for freezer camp isnt too bad from what Ive been seeing. We put a whole beef in the freezer every fall now, and it doesnt last the year. Gonna have to pony up and buy another upright unit (or a walk-in haha)
  7. I was little disappointed that the poll didnt have a selection for "uncooked" I settle for "blue" when Im out somewhere, and it IS tasty that way. I can seriously eat it raw though. At home I prefer just warm (which is hard to do without cooking too much) My wife says I do em so "a good vet could bring it back"
  8. Ain't NOTHIN tasty like a fatty rib steak!
  9. The first 12 to 18 hours is always the hardest for me when I have gone from breakfast time. I find it works best (for me) to eat a normal breakfast and lunch, then fast from there. I barely notice that I skip dinner, and then go right to bed. By 7am you're 19 hours in! I know RIGHT where you are and what you are feeling like. You got this!!!
  10. Welcome Jack! So glad you found the carnivore diet. You are on the right path! I will offer my perspective in regards to inflammation, as this was something I wish I had known a long time ago. Western medicine regards inflammation as a bad thing, the root of all evil, if you will. They try to reduce it any number of ways. Dont get me wrong, inflammation is not what any of us want, but it is a healing response, rather than the enemy. Fixing the problem that is causing the inflammation is the key, and is one of the things that carnivore is very, very good for!
  11. Tonight was a full pound slab of prime rib at the local diner. I ordered it on the grill, and "blue" When it came out, it was so rare it was barely warm! Perfect!! Ate the whole thing with all the fat too. It was one of the most satisfying things I have had "out" in many months!! No picture, sadly.
  12. Welcome to the forum! I like to stay well away from most things that are mass marketed, so I make my own electrolyte solution at home. I start from either really clean well/spring water, or if you have municipal water use filtered or bottled spring water instead to avoid all the garbage that exists in regular tap water. For my recipe, in about a gallon of good water, I mix 1/2 tsp of Magnesium Sulfate, 1 tsp of Potassium Chloride, and 1 tsp of fine sea salt (the fine stuff mixes easier) I buy the sea salt locally, and the magnesium and potassium online. Make sure they are "food grade" Carnivore has saved my life, and although it can be difficult to start, I will also agree that it is very much worth it! Good electrolyte water helps a LOT!
  13. Gosh, so it isnt just me? This makes me feel better
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