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  1. Like
    Bob got a reaction from Susyn C_137 for a gallery image, Salt Expires?   
    Just my luck, my 250 million year old Pink Himalayan salt expired last September.
  2. Like
    Bob got a reaction from Susyn C_137 for a gallery image, Fat David   
    Michaelangelo's David statue is returned to Italy after spending a short time in America
  3. Haha
    Bob got a reaction from Vocca for a gallery image, Be a hero. Eat meat!   
    Supposedly, this cow was farting a lot and ruining the environment, so I ate it. You're welcome.
  4. Haha
    Bob got a reaction from Susyn C_137 for a gallery image, How to enjoy vegetable seed oils   
    Do the right thing and throw it in the trash
  5. Haha
    Bob got a reaction from Miranda for a gallery image, Salt Expires?   
    Just my luck, my 250 million year old Pink Himalayan salt expired last September.
  6. Like
    Bob got a reaction from Susyn C_137 for a gallery image, People in general were effortlessly healthy/thin just a half century ago   
    What happened?
    * The US dietary guidelines got introduced
    *The food industry created a multitude of low-fat products
    * Huge increase in seed oil, refined grains, added sugar displacing real foods
    * Increase of additives & pesticides
    * Societal norms changed to eating out
  7. Like
    Bob got a reaction from Meathead for a gallery image, Men THEN vs Men NOW   
    After a few decades of soy and seed oils
  8. Love
    Bob got a reaction from Susyn C_137 for a gallery image, "No animals died for the food I eat."   
    Will Smith Carnivore DIet Meme showing that veganism actually does indeed kill many animals.
  9. Like
    Bob got a reaction from XaqNautilus for a gallery image, Bacon, shrimp, and cheese   
    Bacon, shrimp, and cheese with a side of beef and ghost pepper cheese.
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