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louis last won the day on June 25 2024

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  1. Namaste everyone. Missed you all. So I did a fast for a while and it went really well. On some days I ate some beef fat. Then one day I bought some butter and ate the whole packet. Something I have said on here that I react to and I did not want to eat in the future. I have continued to eat a pack of butter each day for the last four days. I have eaten out too which again I have said on here that I do not want to do anymore. I have also eaten bacon, another thing I do not want to eat. I only want to eat ruminant meats. I have also eaten eggs since breaking the fast. They were yummy. I know that all of this is emotional eating. I have to go back to eating ruminant meat only and beef fat. I have so much beef fat in my freezer. Butter is more comforting! My addict loves it. I am inflamed again. I fasted to give my gut a rest and now all I am doing is thinking about eating. I am not even hungry. I am telling myself that until my body is thriving and I actually know when I am hungry, it is probably best to stay away from fasting. Any feedback welcome. Thinking of buying an air fryer. Today I have eaten a pack of butter and approx 400g of sirloin steak.
  2. Namaste So in my last posts I was saying that I plan to eat ruminant meats only and at home rather than restaurants. Well, I was feeling all cozy the following evening, in a familiar feeling of the addict and decided to order a load of bacon from the restaurant. I was going to post on here before doing so and the addict said, 'don't do that, then you won't order'. So I listened and did as I was told! DOH! I was so sick afterwards. Truly. I won't be doing that again. I fasted yesterday and plan to keep on fasting. Give my gut the true rest that it needs. Here's to accountability, meat and all of you. Have a great day or evening. Whatever it is when you are reading this. Take care
  3. Namaste. my plan is to stick to eating at home for a while. the restaurant meat which I have eaten over the past couple of days was tasty, particularly the bacon. with it there is inflammation. my feet are almost hanging over the soles of my sandals! here's to good health!
  4. I also ate a large chunk of beef fat this morning.
  5. Namaste. Starting my fourth carnivore month today. So pleased. Thank you to everyone in this community for your support, hearing me and being a place of accountability. Yesterday I did eat butter in the evening. The picture of the steak that I posted was bought from a restaurant and cooked in it. I went to the same restaurant today and had a rib cap also cooked in butter. I had a lot of crispy, yummy bacon too. My plan is to only eat ruminant meat for the next month. Nourish and flourish!
  6. Namaste. Over the last few days I've eaten a lot of beef steaks and fat. This evening I had the flank shown in the picture.
  7. Namaste beautiful carnivore community. Today I had a sirloin and a half and yesterday I had about four steaks. Loving meat!
  8. Mostly eaten beef fat today with a little bit of meat.
  9. 2 rib eyes for me today. Delicious!
  10. Today I ate some beef fat. This evening I ate some cooked beef liver.
  11. Hi Nowler. I am loving the raw beef! If you try it, let me know if you like it! Today I had a few raw beef steaks.
  12. I ate some beef fat this morning and a raw beef sirloin and rib eye to end my day. Yummy!
  13. Yesterday and the day before I ate lots of raw beef steaks and beef fat. I also ate one and a half beef rashers at a coffee shop yesterday. Unsure of what was actually in that meat. Won't be eating it again. Today I have eaten beef fat. I will have a steak later.
  14. Today I have eaten one raw beef rib eye and a lot of butter. Today is the last of my butter eating days. Namaste
  15. Today I ate quite a lot of butter, a raw beef sirloin and a raw beef rib eye!
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