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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. That poor boy, his eyes tell the truth. I didn't click on it, but pray someone reports that monster.
  2. My advice would be to go to popular channels and leave comments on all their videos, you don't have to ask people in the comments, to come visit the channel, so much as make a compelling comment that might cause them to look up the channel, did you already do an interview with anyone on their channel? people can find you that way too.
  3. Just to see how much YouTube is throttling your channel, I did this search:
  4. I also used christpiracy as a search, still could not find your video, but this was in the list
  5. Unfortunately I don't have a YouTube account and have no interest to sign up for one. The only comment that is viewable is a weird, nonsensical, vegan troll. Also when I typed, "vegan Jesus" in search your video was nowhere in that list. I had to put in "this week" for time, and even then it was second on the list. Al Gore Rhythms are not in your favor. I did send it to my Mom, and will listen again to get the view count up. Sorry that I can't comment or give a thumbs up.
  6. Excellent production. I love learning about words. YouTube must be up to some tricks because it says there are 2 comments, but they aren't visible.
  7. Oooh, I'm looking forward to listening to this later.
  8. @KristinI was just thinking about gallbladder attacks that happen after years of restricted fat. The bile gets sludgey in there and you may want to consider gradually changing, depending on how you ate before. Dante Ferrigno has some videos where he has theorized about this. If you haven't watched FerrignoFreedom, I do recommend his YouTube.
  9. Welcome to this space! Hope you are feeling less hungry soon. What is your diet history like? You could be having some leptin resistance if you have come from a place of over restriction. Eat when you feel hungry will help regulate that.
  10. I am guessing you are since I can see it. So glad you are stepping out on faith to heal your body! I find that slow cooked meat doesn't agree with my digestive track. Also I know a lot of influencers promote omad, but I find that trying to eat enough in a small window also doesn't agree with me. I fast when I'm not hungry and eat when I am hungry but I try not to overdo it or I get nauseous.
  11. I cut up a chuck roast and grilled it for lunch. Snacked on kerrygold cheddar and a few apple slices just before dinner Scrambled eggs for dinner. Jello. I have added decaf with half n half back in as well.
  12. Anyone who doesn't ascribe to what the "anointed" have deemed righteous is now a radical right winger.
  13. Once I saw her name I on byline I gave it a click and scanned it. It was a bit too long so I just scrolled through most of it...but subscribed to her substack.
  14. I have given myself permission to eat ice cream at one particular shop that makes their own. I have nfi what they use for ingredients but, it's the best ice cream in the state IMO. My son and I have been nudging my husband to take us there for 2 weeks. We'll come to find out he doesn't want to take us because, he felt it was too expensive last summer and imagine how expensive it is this summer, yada, yada. So I ate my go to comfort food in disappointment. I really love I also think the flavored seltzer might be a driver of sweet cravings. I guess I will stick to club soda.
  15. I was able to sprint hard for most of the 100 meter. I had a ball cap on and tried not to slow up till I crossed the finish line. I wasn't able to do max intensity for the entire stretch but previously had to stop running before the finish line. I think the rest is important and I probably won't try again until next week. Coincidentally, I had been sucking on a piece of salt from Redmond's 20 minutes prior. I feel like that helped.
  16. I hope this isn't required reading I heard a snippet from Bill Maher where he referred to colleges as @#$hole factories. They have changed so much since my brief sojourn there in the early 90's. I saw the writing on the wall in the early 2000's when I thought I would try some night classes. By 2017 I told my eldest that there was no way we were going to cosign on an extended stay at an adult year round "summer camp" we encouraged her to use her savings, that would easily pay for a trade school education. These "higher learning" institutions have become the new asylums. When I was in school they still explained critical thinking and taught us how to spot the difference between fact and sales pitches or in this case propaganda. Unfortunately a lot of people must have slept through that class. I have a hard time reading these articles because they are silly, stupid, and baseless, but are trying to pass themselves off as very important. I have also noticed in the past 15-20 years that what passes as good writing is often screed filled drek. Rant over.
  17. Well...I am out walking the track today and feeling like I regressed quite a bit. Just overall stiffness in my back. I was definitely more snappy at my family yesterday. Just like with alcohol the only remedy is time and patience and abstinence.
  18. I think art is great in the context of history. I regret not taking these classes because I felt I didn't have the inherent talents. I think good teachers can teach people to use the tools they have. I do believe art, music and sports help people be better learners even if they don't excel in these areas.
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