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Everything posted by Miranda

  1. I quit smoking in 2008 before I met my husband. He made me promise to never do it again. And that promise is what has held me at bay on those warm spring days when cigarette smoke smells good to me.
  2. I am feeling pretty zippy this morning. How are you?

    1. Bob


      I was up late and got up early so I am a little tired. I should go to bed and not repeat this mistake, lol. 

      I should feature Status Updates on the front page.

  3. Ketovore: what someone calls themselves when they eat mostly carnivore most of the time but don't want to get blasted on social media for posting a picture of a meal with plants in it.
  4. I agree, but sadly even when you do speak up. They tend to hear things through the filter of being the "smartest" person in the room.
  5. Mince mashup with butter and harvarti cheese. 3 hard boiled eggs and fatty latte
  6. I am right here with you! 50. I have been carnivore with exception of Easter since mid February. I find that fatigue is cycling with the hormones. I am still regular each month. A good resource for woman is Dr Elizabeth Bright.
  7. Yes! At first I thought Redmond's was like a beach picnic, but I guess I have gotten used to it because I don't notice the grit as much anymore.
  8. What part of the store do you find truffles?
  9. I want to try the Maldon's. Right now I use fine Redmond's and I like the large crystals to for licking.
  10. 2 burger patties with sour cream and kimchi. Coffee jello blox. Lunch was a bowl of buttered mince. Breakfast was butter coffee&bacon
  11. 4Tbs beef gelatin instant coffee half n half 4 cups water Bloom gelatin in a cup of cold water or cold coffee. add 3 cups of hot coffee. I used the ratio recommended for knox blox. I really like the cubed jello texture. I could eat the gelatin plain. Sometimes I will make the blocks with ginger tea. Good stuff! You could just use whatever coffee you have around but I really like this brand
  12. That was the Corelle pattern I grew up with. All I have left of it is a butter dish.
  13. Hi we started at the same time. I have been dabbling for the last couple of years. I had thought fasting was going to be my longevity pill, but used fasting as an excuse to keep bad eating habits. I really enjoy knowing that I am currently eating for nutrition whenever I am hungry instead of watching a clock, and using food for entertainment.
  14. Totally was at the north of us. It happened just as school was getting out. I drive a school bus and only had 3 students as the rest were dismissed earlier so they could witness it. The dim light was neat.
  15. Whc tends to elicit frequent peanut butter poops. Not super urgent, just messy. It happens every time I use it. On a side note I am working toward weaning off coffees and teas as I am getting freaked out over the micro plastics everywhere. I ordered some loose yerba mate . I am going to cold brew it in glass.
  16. I love the stuff and thankfully no one else in my house does.
  17. Hemorrhoid helps. 100% aloe Witchhazel Hexane free cold pressed castor oil in glass bottle. Vitamin E applied topically or as suppository Fasting
  18. Do you have a squatty potty. It helps. But optimally we should be in a full squat when we do our business. When you get ready to go, focus on long slow breathes. Don't strain but do try to expand your belly, straighten your back and pinch your shoulder blades together. sorry if this sounds woo woo, but it helps with the peristalsis. If you have lower back pain try some magnesium lotion. I have also heard people recommend soaking the feet in Epsom salts. Practice squatting down like you would do it in the wild. That is how our body is designed to release this crap...not sitting on a chair. Dr Sean O'Mara has a video about duecing like a rockstar. It is not too far down his timeline.
  19. Are you using enough salt and/or electrolytes? I am continually amazed at how great real salt tastes.
  20. I finds that hot water helps for boredom cravings. It's a way of telling lizard brain who's boss.
  21. It will probably do just fine. I feel like plant based oils for machines got tossed (in machinery) in favor of petrol because DuPont pulled some strings. Just a hunch. He did that to sink hemp.
  22. Munchausen by Proxy perpetuated by the Anointed. Eat this Get sick Take our meds Get worse Repeat
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