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  1. I am a shift worker I work 3 nights per week 12h shifts, the women I work with is 58 years old she has bad arthritis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, she is also a smoker and she as at least 50 pounds of weight in extra. At 23h30pm her phone rings and its the pill festival parade, its insane the amount of medication she takes. Then she tells me that she enjoys life and eats what she wants, and that at my age at 51 I have nothing to prove to anyone having big muscles and watching what I eat, she loves to try and manipulate me (without success) to order junk food and get aggravated when I tell her NO. Those people do not understand what passion means, I lifted my first weight at 13 years old a weider bench press at Eaton, my grand father god bless this incredible man that i love and gone too soon bough me my first set and also my first gym membership at 16. Yes i lifted weights at first to get bigger because i was bullied a lot as a young man and teenager, but those people paid the price when i got bigger and got a chance to meet then again quit funny when the table are turned around. But my passion for lifting weights never went away, even at 51 if i miss a workout i feel bad, i love to train of course i don't powerlift anymore, i been injured a few times but Monday is my heavy day 4 sets of 5 reps, Wednesday is relax joint day so its 4 sets of 12reps and more and Friday its a standards 8-10 reps training. I switch to full body 1 exercise per muscle and its starting to show, i use creatine and that's it. Sadly the women i work with is a model of 99% of all people, people who tell me that at my age i should not be able to do what i do, or that i won't lose the fat i gained in the last 5 years (entirely my fault on this one eating junk) or other stupidities like that. I just love to laugh at them and tell them its not because you look atrocious and finish at your age that i have to follow your standard. I guess over the years the remarks like this and all the mean things people have been telling me i have grown to hate most people and see them for what they really are.
  2. You can bring the horse to the water but you can't force him to drink goes the old expression. She doesn't have to go cold turkey on this, just cutting out sugar and junk, those sugary soda coke pepsi will be a great start. If she does not want to go carnivore she can still go keto. There are actually a tone of recipes on the keto diet that taste insanely good, i got the keto pita 10g of fiber 1g net carb you can make amazing pizza and you get your fiber, veggie soup with keto friendly vegetable and mix berry smoothies. But she can't get on a diet its changing eating habits. When you start eating right and you see your health change, more energy etc its encouraging to continue doing what you do.
  3. she chooses the pleasure of her junk food over her health and feeling good. This is exactly what 99% of all people do, I am 51 and still lifting weights i do eat junk sometimes but now i stop ordering at work, buying stuff in the machines (you know the junk in there chips chocolate and more) and take outs. Lot of people at my job also try to bring me into there world, they are obese, they take insane amount of medication and they tell me that at my age i have nothing to prove, enjoy life if your clothes don't fit anymore buy bigger ones. Its hard to have pity when people try to discourage you like that and to be honest it motivates me even more to train harder and eat right.
  4. I don't get involved in things like this anymore I started weight training at 13 and am now 51 i do eat junk and i am not going to hide and say no no. There is a guy at my job who is obese he has a big gut and as been diagnose with none alcoholic fatty liver disease, he is 58 but as the maturity of a 12y old child, and he always eat junk and worse never exercise. Those people sadly are a lost cause. He came to me for help but I told him to go see a dietician that is specialize in liver issues I surely am not. Weight loss is nothing more than calorie in calorie out on any plan, now if that women does in deed cut out junk food and process food its going to be a big plus for her, depending on the damage of the liver most people can heal from NAFLD just by losing weight and that visceral fat around the organs and stomach. Weight training helps because when you build muscle mass you burn a lot more calories, cardio is also good to pump up the heart. Of course if should would make the jump to carnivore or keto she would lose more, water weight but as time goes by fat and weight loss, keeping insulin level low, and using ketones for energy. But to each is own lots of people can't even stick to a well planed keto diet. A guy at my job is high on keto loses 25 pounds then 6 months later gains it back and more due to junk food eating. The best is to follow a plan that is good for you, carnivore is amazing because most people are gluten or lactose intolerant so carnivore and keto are elimination diets.
  5. Its a disgrace that the medical community does not in fact have any nutritional training. My grand mother died at 98 her old doctor before she passed was a pill pusher all he gave her was pills that made her feel even worse. When that idiot retired she got a younger doctor that remove all her pills except the ones she really needed. She was so confused because she had more energy at her age she was 92 at that time and even more confused that she was feeling like crap most of the time while on those massif dosage of pills her other doctor gave her.
  6. My father died of colon cancer in 2006 I am 51 now and am prone to get this, i been having regular colonoscopy since 34. Everything as been good each time. I recently switch to a more Mediterranean base diet plan of eating, but its always the same, I just ate a bowl of oat bran, and some plain Greek yogurt and i am bloated silly. But if i eat vegetable like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach i am fine no bloat and i feel great, same as berries, pomegranate, kiwi fruits. From reading this study its seems that the carnivore diet is not that bad https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8684475/ I know its an elimination diet from the start but from some of the food i eat i seem to have develop some allergies as i get older. Anything from milk product cottage cheese oats does it for me. Seems that those foods that all the medical community tells me to eat more of are not too good for me in the long run, I still have a lot of weight to lose too.
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