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Everything posted by SusanneUK

  1. 4 yolks, 1 whole egg scramble this morning 2 sirloin steaks, butter That's me today
  2. Woo hoo, I'm here celebrating with you! That's big - well done you!!
  3. Made 'carnivore ice cream' yesterday - just cream and egg yolk. It's rock hard, but tastes nice.... mind you, not something I'd want to get used to. I've ditched the Kefir and am keeping my dairy absolutely minimal now, just cream in coffee once or twice a day and a piece of cheese here and there. Life is good like this. Weight is stable, which I'm ok with - I trust there's healing happening.
  4. Haven't checked in for a little while - still plodding on, carnivore no matter what.
  5. Welcome Jamie, hello from Bristol!
  6. I gave pork rinds to my kids today for the first time, expecting they'd love them... well, it's a resounding no from them! I enjoyed them though. B- 4 yolks, 1 whole egg L- slow cooked brisket, butter D- more brisket & butter
  7. That's brilliant, my kids find it really hard still - keeping in mind that up to 2021 they were vegan their entire life, it's still tough. Steak is an absolute no go still. But, I keep trying...
  8. I've had similar issues, getting enough fat - protein being too high can still cause hunger, when the body metabolises protein as glucose. I'm sticking to fatty meats (pork belly is great!), if eating eggs I'll have the yolks only, and some butter.
  9. Today - B- 4 yolks, 1 egg, 1 cup kefir (final one - I'm giving that up) L/D- 4 shrimp (we went out for lunch, this was all they had for me); two delicious pork belly slices when I got home!
  10. It's Friday again, and I've gone meatless. Yesterday I input my food onto a tracker for the first time and I was shocked / surprised to find that my protein was at 40% - I'm aiming for high fat carnivore, and this wasn't it! So I put in my plan for today, and that's come out at 80% fat / 20% protein; that's what I'm aiming for, and it's the end of the day now and I find myself slightly nauseous from all the fat. So that's what that is supposed to feel like! B- 4 yolks, 1 whole egg, butter, 1 cup kefir L/D- 3 yolks, 1 whole egg, butter Also had a bit of browned butter as a treat, and a piece of cheese. I am struggling to find a way to get comfortable - I'm so used to eating three times a day, it provides structure for my day, but I also want to eat substantial meals. So I think I might go to 2 meals a day.
  11. Went to my local butcher for the first time (it's a small shop where you have to talk to the owner and ask for what you want... scary!) and got some sirloin steaks, very nice. And now I've broken that barrier I'll be going to the butchers again, for sure! B- 3 yolks, 1 egg, 1 cup kefir L- some deli beef & butter D- 2 sirloin steaks, piece of cheese I have to say, this evening I truly ate to satiety. I thought I'd have to eat masses of food to achieve that, so I've never really tried - I'd always just eat what I thought was reasonable as an amount. But today, what I thought was reasonable filled me up so much... it feels AMAZING to feel truly satisfied.
  12. Thank you for sharing, I've just subscribed too! What's your plan for the channel? Interviews, or mostly you chatting to camera? If it's just you talking to camera, my honest feedback would be to add visuals - in this video, before/after, childhood photos as you mentioned you were a fat kid... That's what most YouTubers are doing these days. And if you'll just talk, without extra visuals, that'll probably be more suited to a podcast rather than video... (and I'm way more into podcasts than videos because I can multitask!) Hope this is helpful, no offense meant!
  13. Wow Geezy, that is powerful stuff. Thank you for writing and for all your contributions on here!
  14. I'm still here, just was a bit busy after London. Back to normal. B- 4 egg yolks, 1 egg, 1 cup kefir L- 2 small minute steaks with butter D- some chicken with butter and parmesan I'm staying away from diet sodas, I know you guys are right about that...
  15. Travel day back home from London, I had B- 2 hard boiled eggs, one burger patty, some cheddar cheese L - 3 McDonald's patties, more cheddar cheese No dinner, but did have a few bites of frozen browned butter. Wasn't hungry.
  16. Still in London, so my food was - B: 2 hard boiled eggs, some deli chicken and butter L: 4 burger king patties Didn't need any food after that. Home time today, but not until after lunch!
  17. Today, we're in London (for the weekend) staying in an Airbnb, so I'm not in my regular kitchen... So: B: deli chicken slices with butter and cheese L: 4 patties from Burger King D- don't think I'll need any, but if I do, I've got biltong
  18. I thought about getting moulds initially but it's actually simpler to just pour the browned butter into a greaseproof paper lined baking tray - then, keeping it in the freezer, you can just snap off a piece. Or you could snap the whole thing into pieces and put into a container, if freezer space is tight... The reason I'm keeping it in the freezer is so it's solid, I'm not sure what it would be like in the fridge - probably not possible to snap it, and it would melt in the fingers while holding it...
  19. Today, I made brown butter for the first time. Froze it, then tried some. It's sweet, but also overly salty - I'll probably do it again, but with unsalted butter. B: 3 egg yolk, 1 egg, 1cup kefir L: some brown butter, ground beef cooked with bacon & liver pate, butter will probably skip, but perhaps some chicken
  20. That's a good question, I actually have no idea what part of the animal it's from - it's just called minute steak, probably because it's fairly thin cut so only takes a couple of minutes to cook... It's way cheaper than ribeye, that's why I bought it, as I'd normally struggle to justify the prices of other steaks
  21. For me today - B: 3 egg yolks, 1 egg, 1 cup kefir L: pan fried ground beef with bacon bits and liver pate D- Minute Steak, 1 burger patty I have realised that I hate ground beef hot, but it's fine cold. So today it was my eat-in-the-car lunch before a job, and I enjoyed it. Minute steak, now THAT was a dinner I enjoyed. But it didn't quite fill me up so I had a burger patty as well.
  22. Maybe I'll get there one day, but for me, the three meals a day is a kind of structure my days otherwise lack - they are like stepping stones through the day, something to look forward to. I find I need to create structure in my days, it's better for me as well as for my kids (I home educate them) so meals do make a nice scaffold for structure. That said - when we go out for the day it's nice not to need to pack my lunch or worry about where to buy it!
  23. Yesterday - usual breakfast of 3 yolks & 1 egg, 1 cup kefir Lunch: 4 hard boiled eggs, some cheddar cheese Dinner: 2 pork belly strips
  24. Same breakfast as always (3 egg yolks, one whole egg, cup of raw kefir) Lunch: instant pot roast beef Dinner: 2 burger patties Today I cooked the beef joint (not further specified - I had no idea what kind of joint this was, it just said, beef joint) in the pressure cooker after browning it on all sides. Instructions said to pressure cook for 5 minutes, which seemed super short... Turns out it was way too short, my instincts were right. I gave it another 10 minutes and then had to cut it in steaks and fry in the pan! It was yummy in the end though.
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