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About BevG

  • Birthday December 28

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  1. LOL! Narky; grumpy and irritable. I gave him two miserable bits of haddock for his dinner. I have Wagu burgers lined up for me.
  2. Mine is fine about it too and he decided to join me a couple of weeks ago to help control his Type ll. But I discovered he had carrot cake this morning so my motivation to keep him motivated has evaporated. He can go back to his normal sugar-laden diet as far as I'm concerned. Ha ha, can you tell I am really narked over this?
  3. It's crazy though, isn't it? The information just wasn't available. I always considered myself to be quite healthy. No medications. Then I started to get pain all over my diet so went full-tilt into low-carb. The pain did subside only to be replaced by arthritis in my hips. I bet I could have prevented it all along if only I'd known.
  4. I've been reading, listening, and watching various sources regarding the issue of oxalates in certain plants. I realise how much damage I have done to myself over the years. And not only to me but to my kids and animals. For example, my dogs are on a raw food diet, but for years I bulked it out with cooked oatmeal and lentils, and, more recently, sweet potatoes. One of my little dogs had mammary gland cancer masses about 18 mths ago and one of my Labs had a weird neurological thing going on last year. Both are fine now but I can't help feeling both guilty and misled over the decades. My 22 yr old daughter has had half her thyroid removed, which could also have been caused by oxalate overload. She ate a lot of bran-based cereal while growing up. All my aches and pains over the years may be attributed to the same. All those foods we were told are good for us are full of oxalates: spinach, almonds (I consumed so much almond flour on keto), nuts in general, cocoa, chocolate, sesame seeds, beets, strawberries... the list is huge. I read that issues like kidney stones and breast cancer (like my dog) may be caused by long-term ingestion of oxalate-rich foods. Has anyone else looked into this as a cause of their health problems?
  5. I have 'The Carnivore Reset' arriving this afternoon. Will let you know what it's like. Meanwhile, will have a look at the other suggestions (thank you).
  6. I made some once and didn't like them. Probably because I used salted butter. I may try again with unsalted.
  7. Well, at last, my partner has decided to join me and that has helped tremendously. I have been about 80% carnivore for ages but 'treated' myself to a weekly bottle of red wine and bar of chocolate. We've been 'clean' for 10 days now. At the moment, recipes have gone out the window. I just cook things like chicken thighs with the skin on, hard-boiled, eggs, and a sort of ground beef pie with eggs and seasonings with cheese on top. We just take a portion and eat it cold or microwave it. I also do other things like pork steaks, beef steaks, and salmon. We've always sat down around the table for family meals but that's kind of gone at the moment with my daughter cooking her carby meals for herself and my partner and I eating when we are hungry. I bought sardines today. Couldn't find them in brine so had to settle for olive oil. I'm definitely feeling better day-by-day.
  8. That's what I felt like. And I was not looking forward to doing it on my own and just floundering around. So I found this lovely community. Nice to meet you.
  9. Thank you, Les. Nice to meet you.
  10. I just whizz it with a small hand held foam whisk. It cost about £3 / $5 from Amazon. I usually do it with the mug half filled as it's a powerful little thing. I then top up to full. It creates a lovely foamy top.
  11. I have several keto books but I'd like a couple of specifically carnivore ones. My preference would be a bit of science/protocol and some recipes. What do you recommend? I've just added this to my wishlist. Has anyone read it? "The Carnivore Reset: The Primal Approach to Restoring Your Gut Health, Reducing Inflammation, and Losing Weight".
  12. My taste for seems to be getting more intense. I don't mind a cup of tea now and then but I could easily do without it. I have a frothy butter coffee next to me right now.
  13. Nothing yet as it is early and I can't face eating at this time of day. Later, we'll have left-over beef stew (no veg apart from a chopped onion) that I made yesterday. I have chicken and beef mince (ground beef) defrosting and ready to cook later for the fridge. The chicken will be spiced up, buttered, and air-fried but not sure what I will do with the beef yet. I often make a 'cake' with whisked eggs, bacon bits, topped with a little cheese. It lasts me a couple of days.
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