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Everything posted by MG426

  1. 80 minute walk this morning.,.a couple more of these are planned for today..
  2. Went for a 2 hr and 5 minute walk this morning...feel great...most likely do a repeat this evening..Its mighty hot out..
  3. Today Is my grandsons Graduation Party....Looking like a Burger..Hotdog..Deviled egg kind of a day..
  4. 70 minute walk around the neighborhood...this morning....will do some resistance band workouts later on..and some more walking...
  5. Not much today Mowed the yard....set up a kiddie pool for my grandson...walked to church and back for bible study..
  6. bacon wrapped meat loaf...scrambled eggs with ham and chesse... water...green tea..
  7. 4 large pork chops....4 eggs...water
  8. We had another cookout on Sunday...Many left over burgers and hotdogs..It will be on the menu for a couple days for sure..
  9. Ribeyes...Bacon...Eggs...green tea..
  10. 100 minutes of walking...10 lb dumbell curls...Resistance band workouts...Cutting grass..weed wacking...
  11. Lost 35 lbs.... Gotten off of Insulin and Glipizide...Blood pressure down from 160 over 90 ....to 108 over 60 ..... I care what I think..Just sayin..
  12. Does anyone ?....And I mean anyone..? Care what any of these people think..? because I surely Dont...!
  13. 6 eggs...four hamgurger patties...Bowl of chicken salad..Water..
  14. The last three days I have walked 2 plus hrs per day....Also 200 wall pushups..100 squats..and 3... 10-minute sessions with resistance bands..
  15. 3....8 oz NY strip steaks...4 hard boiled eggs....Club soda...green tea..
  16. 6 hard boiled eggs..Bowl of chicken salad...4 hamburger patties...2 hotdogs....Coffee ...green tea.
  17. Four eggs...4 Hamburger patties..bowl of chicken salad...2 pork chops..Green tea..
  18. Yesterday was my Grandsons birthday...hamburgers and Hotdogs and deviled eggs...No buns...! Today will be more of the same...(leftovers)
  19. I try to walk 1 hr per day....(weather permitting)...I use resistance bands..lift dumbells...Wall pushups.. Squats..Planks...I just started all of this a month ago...It does help with blood sugar and blood pressure...I am gradually increasing the intensity each week..I am in way better shape than I was...However I realize I have a Long..Long road in front of me...
  20. 8 sausage patties....4 hard boiled eggs...Big hunk or pork roast...Green tea..
  21. Might I also add that High levels of Insulin also raise blood pressure...! increased Blood pressure...High Triglycerides and Low HDL...Are Very common markers of high insulin in ones body as In Metobolic syndrome.....None of which I even realized until I dug into this a couple Months ago....The sad part about all of this is..NOT ONE DR. EVER MENTIONED THIS TO ME...I am so glad that I questioned the standard Diabetes treatment..and did my own research...!
  22. I myself am a diabetic...I can honestly say that having worked for a major Pharmaceutical company for 12.5 years...the culture is most definitely treatment as opposed to cures..! I was also led to believe by the American Diabetes Association that type 2 was a chronic progressive disease will no hope of any cure....that's is until I discovered Dr Berry....I have been diabetic for 19 years....And have taken every type of pill in existence to get A1Cs...of 6.5 or higher....Since starting carnivore...I am off Insulin and Glipizide....Still taking Metformin....and seeing very good Blood Sugar numbers....So in 8 weeks I have surpassed every drugs ability to control blood glucose....by eating meat and NO Carbs..! The American Diabetes Association is completely full of S@#$t when it comes to treating type 2....
  23. I have 2 cuffs at home....They are withuin a couple MMs of each other,,I had one of them verified at my Drs office....I am very happy about the results so far,,..I have never been this low in my life..so I am checking every day..I may begin decreasing my meds if it goes any lower...This is all so new to me..However I feel great..Have lots of energy....Its a good feeling..!
  24. I have been as low as 109/55........going to keep a close eye on things...Go back to the dr in a couple months.....I have a bad case of White coat phobia....So my BP has always been rather high at my drs.....the main thing is that my Diabetes is going in the right direction ..along with my BP...And I feel so much better...Its unbelievable...!
  25. 6 scambled eggs with diced Ham....2 hamburger patties...10 slices of Bacon....Club soda
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