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    Carnivore Club reacted to Bob in FAQ: Why does my post need moderator approval?   
    We don't get a lot of spam attempts, and every once in a while I think about turning this off, and then BAM! there are like 3 spam posts, lol. 
    Approval can take awhile, especially of a newbie posts while I am at work or asleep because I have appointed any helping hands yet to be moderators.
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    Carnivore Club got a reaction from Miranda in FAQ: Why does my post need moderator approval?   
    This makes sense and is a great move tbh. 
    I've seen it on other forums, not diet-related ones but the chatgpt ai responses are clear as day and they usually are shilling some affiliate link. 
  3. Like
    Carnivore Club got a reaction from Miranda in Vitamin C ??   
    There is enough vitamin C in meat.
    You only need a very tiny amount IF you aren't shoving carbohydrates down your throat. 
    Vitamin C and Glucose compete for uptake into the cells and so by eating carbs, which, by the way, all turn into glucose will significantly increase the requirement for vitamin C.
    It's not an issue on carnivore.
  4. Like
    Carnivore Club got a reaction from Bob in Supplementation   
    Okay great. Congrats on having an open mind at the very least and being willing to try this way of living/eating. I'll answer to the best of my knowledge. 
    Do not just jump into carnivore though as you need to give your microbiome time to adjust, usually it seems to be about a few weeks. If you hear why people who go carnivore get diarrhoea and/or constipation, that is a big reason why. 
    Correct. Fibre is not needed and shouldn't be consumed at all. Zero grams are required. None.
    Here is a study showing how fibre irritates the colon and how it aggravates colon issues, especially constipation-related issues: Stopping or reducing dietary fiber intake reduces constipation and its associated symptoms.
    Correct. They are not needed. However, In my personal opinion, it might be useful to consume something like kefir or raw milk when starting carnivore to give your microbiome a helping hand when changing from the standard diet to carnivore.
    Not needed and you make enough through ketone production. Hence beta-hydroxybutyrate. 
    See the above response. Not needed. Unless you want to make your urine more expensive.
    Not needed. You could however look into Taurine as a sulfur compound. but you don't need to supplement with methylsulfonylmethane.
    Not needed.
    You will get enough collagen from your meat. 
    All of those you will get in meat in the appropriate amount needed. It's perfect, isn't it? it's almost as if we evolved by eating the muscle meat and fat of large animals. :D.
    They are correct. Glucose and Vitamin C use the same transporter into the cells and from memory, I believe it is the GLUT4 receptor. Your body will prefer to uptake the glucose as yes your body does need some glucose but you don't need to get it exogenously your body produces enough through the gluconeogenesis pathway.
    If you cut out exogenous carbs aka glucose then your requirement for vitamin c drops significantly since the vitamin C doesn't have to compete to get into the cell.
    and yes, meat does have enough vitamin C, so don't worry about scurvy. 
    You should get it from the Sun as much as possible in the non-winter months to build up the vitamin d stores for the winter. If you don't go out much then I'd advise taking it as a supplement, especially.
    You do get some vitamin d from meat but it's mostly from the UVB rays from the sun hitting your skin that's where you will make the bulk of vitamin d. By the way, glass blocks UVB light so you won't get any vitamin d production if you are by the windows. 
    You'll find vitamin K2 in meat so it's a none issue. But if you are concerned eat some dairy as dairy has vastly more vitamin k in it than meat. No need for supplementation here either. Vitamin K1 is plant-based and has to be converted into K2 in the body and the conversation is rubbish. 
    You get vitamin E in meat as all the others. You don't need to supplement with it.
    That article is a nonsense propaganda piece. Don't worry about it, if you eat a carnivore diet all of those things will not be an issue. 
    You don't need to supplement with that either.  By the way, one of the best anti-oxidants is grounding but that is for another post. 
    You don't need to supplement anything on carnivore as meat will have everything you need in the right amounts. 
    Also, don't eat liver every day or any organ apart from heart as you will suffer from copper toxicity and it's not required for carnivore anyway just the muscle meat and fat of large ruminant animals. Yes. If you fancy chicken/pork then eat it it will not be a problem.
    TLDR? No need to supplement with anything if you do a 100% carnivore diet or as close to 100% as possible and as sustainable as you can make it. If that means still drinking coffee then that's fine. Don't think that having coffee/pepper/seasonings means it's over for you. I have coffee still and while yes it isn't optimal it is light-years better than the standard diet. 
  5. Like
    Carnivore Club got a reaction from louis in Liver consumption   
    I'll have some liver maybe once every few months.
    It's not required at all.
    and as others have mentioned copper toxicity and hypervitaminosis A will cause massive issues.
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    Carnivore Club reacted to Carnivore Talk in FAQ: Why does my post need moderator approval?   
    Answer: This is just one of many ways we keep our community free from unwanted spam. When you first join the community, your topics and replies will be held in queue for moderator review. Once they are proofread and a approved, they will be visible to the rest of the community.
    We only do this one time. Once your first post has been approved, you are no longer subject to moderation and can post freely.
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