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    Kristin reacted to Geezy in Happy Thursday All! I'm Brand New... and a little lost   
    Welcome Kristin. We are glad you joined us.
    You are very early into your new lifestyle of eating so your body is going through some transitional changes as it learns to become fat adapted. If your gall bladder is acting up it could a medical issue that you need to see a doctor about.
    Check out this video from Dr. Berry about gall stones.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Kristin reacted to Bob in Happy Thursday All! I'm Brand New... and a little lost   
    Welcome aboard! Once you have just ONE post approved, you're out of moderation. I keep the spammers at bay this way. You just have to wait until I've checked the site, since I'm the only one with the keys.... for now, lol. 
    Well, if you don't consume fat, the gall bladder won't get much use. BUT, this is why you might have gall stones after all. You may need some time. As you you increase your fat intake, the gall bladder will ramp up production. If Geoff posted the video I think he did, Dr. Berry explains it very well.
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    Kristin got a reaction from Bob in Happy Thursday All! I'm Brand New... and a little lost   
    Hello Everyone, Just finish a little bout of crying and feeling lost and defeated.  I'm hoping to find some light at the end of my "fat" tunnel, but keep getting side blocked by my body.  I started the Carnivore diet Sunday 5/26 by suggestion of my awesome husband.  His motivation was to help me overcome my constant acid reflux and agonizing heart burn.  By Tuesday and had no stomach issues at all!!  YAY!  I haven't taken any tums all week!!  (normally 3 to 4 a day, plus my middle of the night ones). However, last night (I had slow roast turkey breast and bacon). I had HORRIBLE pain and a lump by my gallbladder.  Now when i try to search up healing a gallbladder, everything says eat, vegetables, fruits and fiber?!?!?!?!  and Stay away from FATS!!!   ya, not to Carnivore doable!  Any suggestions?
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    Kristin got a reaction from Geezy in Happy Thursday All! I'm Brand New... and a little lost   
    I am on it!!  Thank you so very much for the suggestion.  I am totally looking those up right now!!
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    Kristin got a reaction from Miranda in Happy Thursday All! I'm Brand New... and a little lost   
    I am on it!!  Thank you so very much for the suggestion.  I am totally looking those up right now!!
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    Kristin got a reaction from Miranda in Happy Thursday All! I'm Brand New... and a little lost   
    Thank you for you're input, Miranda!  
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