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About tatortot

  • Birthday 02/11/1957

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  1. Does anyone here order rib eyes online to save money? If you have an inexpensive source please share. Also bacon!!!
  2. Is there a huge difference between grass and grain besides the price and nutritional values?
  3. Just found these last year and they are really good and are very inexpensive. Just thought I would share!! Excellent for carnivores and haven't had any that I didn't like. https://www.familyfarmsllc.com/
  4. What brand of bacon do you get? where do you buy it? All I know is that it shouldn't have sugar...lol
  5. Looking to buy because I really do like the grill taste but is it just as good? Which kind should I invest in?
  6. Hi, Yes it is on the history channel and I think it is in the 11th season. Its a survival competition and I don't think it is scripted so it makes it better. They are not allowed to bring food and they move locations every season. I do know that alot of the cast members from the show are survivalists and teachers and several have YouTube videos to share their experiences.
  7. If you watch the alone series they basically do the carnivore life style to stay motivated, healthy and aware. Alot of the cast come from animal, and plant survival. Its very interesting esp when you know a naysayer of this lifestyle.
  8. What sort of carnivore diet are you on that you are doing so well?
  9. Wow wow !!!! Thank you so much for your well written and informative post! Do you think there is a specific one that takes weight off better than others? I would appreciate your personal opinion!
  10. Looking for books that explains everything I need to know to start this diet? I read Paul Saladino's book but way over my head. Please a beginner s book for dummies, or senior women.
  11. Hello, My chiropractor is a carnivore and she is fully embracing her lifestyle. She is aware of my health issues physically and mentally. She has made me aware of the benefits and now my curiosity has peaked. I am 67 and need to do something about my health and lifestyle. Looking forward to gaining knowledge from this forum.
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