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  1. Welcome, Thegreatburk! I'm sure you will find plenty of help and support in this community. I'm glad you've decided to give Carnivore a try, and I believe you can find healing through this way of eating.
  2. Welcome, Bluedagger65! Sounds like you have already come a long way on your healing journey. I know sometimes changing things up a bit can help.
  3. Thanks, Geezy. I probably need to do more fasting. I have removed dairy, and that seems to be helping some. My brother was visiting this week, so was off plan a bit, but not bad. The worst was fries one night at a restaurant, which made me feel quite trashy. The rest was only a small amount of veg. I am including a few dry roasted cashews, and a bit of cucumber, and the only meat is beef. I'm feeling much less inflamed since removing dairy.
  4. Welcome, Shawn M! As soon as I add back plant foods, I start getting arthritis pain again... Ankles, knees, low back, neck. Pain goes away pretty quickly back on animal products only. This lifestyle is definitely anti inflammatory.
  5. Hi Tdyer07: Wow, you have been , and are going through so much! I'm sure the reduction in inflammation you get from doing Carnivore will greatly contribute to the healing you seek. The less poison, the easier it is for your body to hea II have a very simple diet, of ground beef, maybe some beef ribs, or chuck roast, mozzarella cheese, and some full fat plain Greek yogurt. No other meat works for me. I'm sure you will find a lot of encouragement, support, and good information here.
  6. Has anyone here done the Protein Sparing Modified Fast, Carnivore version? It's a low fat Keto or Carnivore used for quick weight loss. Maria and Craig Emmerich do this. When I first started out on the journey to this way of eating, I was eating very low fat, and lost a lot of weight, and was down to 100 lbs. I have been stuck at 122-123 for over a year. I know we need fat for many important functions, but maybe cycling in and out of this would help. Any ideas are appreciated. Also, I don't believe I'm properly digesting fat, due to my liver cirrhosis. The cirrhosis is not from fatty liver, and all of my liver labs and ultrasound s which I have every 6 months, are perfect.
  7. I 5 oz mozzarella cheese, plain Greek yogurt, burger patty with cheese, flanken beef rib
  8. Sorry, Meathead, you must have misunderstood my comment. Geezy explained the dangers of soy consumption in a very thorough and accurate manner. I was simply pointing out that we may also be ingesting it by proxy, when we eat mono gastric animals, ie pigs and chickens, since they don't have the ability to detoxify like ruminants do. Soy is inflammatory! I do know Natto contains K2, but you can also get K2 from cheese. I am sure the dangers outweigh the benefits of anything made from soy. Perhaps you could find a Carnivore food to replace that. Have you tried whole milk plain kefir?
  9. Chuck eye steak with butter, burger with mozzarella, plain whole milk Greek yogurt
  10. Geezy: What about the soy and corn that some Carnivores consume indirectly, by consuming the animals that were fed those things? I, personally, cannot eat pork, or poultry, without an inflammatory reaction. Even organic are usually fed those things.
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