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    Laura got a reaction from Miranda in Nuts and nut butters   
    Thank you, Bob, for your reply 😊
    I do deal with many chronic health conditions, including Liver Cirrhosis (from Hep C, not fatty liver), Osteoporosis, Sibo, Sifo, Hypothyroidism, Psoriasis, Leaky Gut, Arthritis, and a few others.
    My focus right now is reducing inflammation, scalp psoriasis, and weight loss. I am 5'3", and weigh 123, and would like to get down to 110.
    I've been doing Keto/Carnivore since 2018,and at one point was down to 100 lbs. Prior to that I ate nothing but popcorn and veg for 2 years.  After learning about Carnivore, I added back meat, but kept the popcorn (I was addicted).  Since giving that up, I've tried many variations. Meat and white rice, meat an avocado, meat and fruit, meat and cashews or cashew butter .Through the years, I've become increasingly intolerant to all plants. I did try some cashew butter again the other day, and had a horrible reaction.  Never again!
    All this time I've been educating myself with daily videos from Dr. Berry, Dr Chaffee, Dr Baker, Homestead How, Bill Nott in Alaska, and many others. One thing I have lacked, however, is  personal support for this Carnivore way of life. I do have a cousin that's very supportive, and my sister, who lives nearby, although she is mostly vegan.
    I've always been very health conscious, and when I could eat plants, always organic, non GMO, and very simple meals.  Nothing processed. I've always worked out, and still do, about an hour a day. I'm 66, so not a spring chicken 😊
    My current diet is beef(mostly ground, as easier to digest), organic mozzarella, organic whole milk Greek yogurt, with a bit of organic raw green stevia. Eggs, poultry, seafood, lamb, pork, don't work for me. Too bad, about seafood.  I grew up in Alaska, where we had some of the best in the world.
    Sorry for the lengthy post. Just thought I'd share a bit more about where I'm at.  Thank you for being there!! 
    Saw your video today.  Very well done! I hope and pray you are able to keep your CKD at bay! 
  2. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Bob in introducing myself   
    Hi Emmerson
    Welcome to the group!!   I just joined myself last night.
    Sounds like you're definitely heading in the right direction.
    I've been trying to be Carnivore for close to six years now, and have finally come to the place, where I realized I needed to ditch all the plant foods, in order for healing to occur. The last thing to go was cashews. Some can jump right in, but it was a process for me, as well as desperation, since the plants were making me feel so bad.
    I think we need to be our own detectives, and listen to our bodies, in how foods affect us. 
    I believe it takes a lot of courage, to head in the direction to better health, which is what we are both doing. Not many are willing to eliminate the things that are making them sick. 
    This community seems very caring and supportive, which will help all of us on our journeys.
    Take care. 
  3. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Susyn C_137 in Hello everyone! New here. Terrible Anxiety   
    The insomnia and leg cramps at night are one thing that have prevented me going full carnivore in the past.  Only 3 days in now myself, and I'm finding Organic full fat plain Greek yogurt about 4 hours before bed helps me sleep. It has a few carbs, but is still Carnivore. I don't know if that might help you, but I find it's balancing for me. 😊
  4. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Bob in Best Type of Salt   
    I started using Jacobsen's flake salt mined off of the Oregon coast, after reading it tested the lowest in lead than any other salt. Their other salts are from the Mediterranean, but the flaked one is from Oregon.  Good stuff!  Before learning of them, I used Redmond's 
  5. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Bob in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Mozzarella cheese slices in the daytime.  Ground beef with melted mozzarella for dinner, and organic whole milk plain Greek yogurt, with raw green stevia, a bit later. Have been buying the Country Natural Beef Butchers Blend beef patties from Whole foods.  So good!! 
  6. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Geezy in Best Type of Salt   
    I started using Jacobsen's flake salt mined off of the Oregon coast, after reading it tested the lowest in lead than any other salt. Their other salts are from the Mediterranean, but the flaked one is from Oregon.  Good stuff!  Before learning of them, I used Redmond's 
  7. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Bob in New Carnivore... Hello everyone!   
    I've been Carnivorish, since 2018, but decided to go all in just 3 days ago.  Am unable to tolerate plant foods anymore.  They have become like poison to my body.  
    I've never joined a group before, so look forward to sharing, and learning from everyone.  Thanks for being there! 
  8. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Miranda in What Did You Eat Today?   
    Mozzarella cheese slices in the daytime.  Ground beef with melted mozzarella for dinner, and organic whole milk plain Greek yogurt, with raw green stevia, a bit later. Have been buying the Country Natural Beef Butchers Blend beef patties from Whole foods.  So good!! 
  9. Haha
    Laura reacted to Scott F. in What Did You Eat Today?   
    I had this last night.
    Old guy told me that a half-ass veterinarian could have saved this cow.

  10. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Miranda in Best Type of Salt   
    I started using Jacobsen's flake salt mined off of the Oregon coast, after reading it tested the lowest in lead than any other salt. Their other salts are from the Mediterranean, but the flaked one is from Oregon.  Good stuff!  Before learning of them, I used Redmond's 
  11. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Nowler in Best Type of Salt   
    I started using Jacobsen's flake salt mined off of the Oregon coast, after reading it tested the lowest in lead than any other salt. Their other salts are from the Mediterranean, but the flaked one is from Oregon.  Good stuff!  Before learning of them, I used Redmond's 
  12. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Bob in Hello everyone! New here. Terrible Anxiety   
    The insomnia and leg cramps at night are one thing that have prevented me going full carnivore in the past.  Only 3 days in now myself, and I'm finding Organic full fat plain Greek yogurt about 4 hours before bed helps me sleep. It has a few carbs, but is still Carnivore. I don't know if that might help you, but I find it's balancing for me. 😊
  13. Like
    Laura got a reaction from Orweller in introducing myself   
    Hi Emmerson
    Welcome to the group!!   I just joined myself last night.
    Sounds like you're definitely heading in the right direction.
    I've been trying to be Carnivore for close to six years now, and have finally come to the place, where I realized I needed to ditch all the plant foods, in order for healing to occur. The last thing to go was cashews. Some can jump right in, but it was a process for me, as well as desperation, since the plants were making me feel so bad.
    I think we need to be our own detectives, and listen to our bodies, in how foods affect us. 
    I believe it takes a lot of courage, to head in the direction to better health, which is what we are both doing. Not many are willing to eliminate the things that are making them sick. 
    This community seems very caring and supportive, which will help all of us on our journeys.
    Take care. 
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