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  1. Hello! I've been following a carnivore diet for several months now. Could anyone tell me which animal-based foods contain vitamin K1 and K2 MK7? I've done some online research, and these vitamins are typically found in plant-based and fermented foods. Thank you.
  2. Hi, I began my carnivore diet three months ago but felt tired and lacking energy. I'm curious if this could be related to cutting out carbs. Has anyone else experienced this and found solutions? Thank you!
  3. But meat has very little potassium. That's why I am worried I will get potassium deficiency on carnivore diet.
  4. Thank you so much, Geezy and Bob, for the kind advice. I plan to take Vitamin D (from lichen) + k2 (from natto), magnesium, and zinc. Kindly advise where I can get potassium from animal sources. Thank you.
  5. Hi, I am new to the Carnivore diet. Can any experts please advise if I can take plant-based supplements? Thanks.
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