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Everything posted by Geezy

  1. Spot on Bob. This is the route I went and it was very lucrative. My son did the same. Most people I come across that graduated with a college degree don’t even work in the field they studied in. When I was working it used to really tick off the young college boys coming on the job that I made three times what they were making. We need more trade schools in my opinion. The skilled labor force is diminishing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Fried egg and bacon chafflewiches. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. That sounds great Angela. I’m so proud of you. Stay with it and you’ll see some wonderful changes. You asked Bob about magnesium supplements and just thought I’d tell you what I take. I’ve switched from LMNT to Keto Chow’s Daily Minerals. Since my wife started following my lead and taking supplements, our supply won’t get us through the month so I needed to go a cheaper route. I also take a magnesium complex I get off of Amazon. Then on top of all that I take a magnesium citrate to loosen up my bowels. I hope that helps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. As you know I make my own tallow and i use it almost daily. It’s ok to leave the tallow out at room temperature. It will keep just fine at room temp for months. I’ve read even a year but I don’t know if that’s unopened or used regularly. I also don’t refrigerate my butter because I use salted butter and that also keeps just fine, especially as fast as I go through it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. It totally depends on the region and genetics. The deer in my area can range from 80 - 120lbs for a mature doe and from 110 - 150lbs for a mature buck. In some regions of Texas it’s less and in others it more. Deer up in the northern climes can easily get well over 200lbs. That particular doe was probably around 90-100lbs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Grocery shopping. PRIMAL BAAYBEE! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. How long have you been carnivore Angela? In the beginning of carnivore this is normal. As your body switches to fat buring you will release a lot of water that is retained during cab burning as a fuel source. After the first day or so, you’ll notice that you are in the bathroom urinating more often. Your body is burning up the extra glycogen (stored glucose) in your liver and muscles. Breaking down glycogen releases a lot of water. As your carb intake and glycogen stores drop, your kidneys will start dumping this excess water. Your body will also expel essential minerals, sodium, magnesium, potassium, so you may want to supplement these. I don’t know if there is a “best ghee” but I would think that if the label says it’s just pure ghee then it would be alright. This is what I use. Another thing Angela, be aware that the Jimmy Dean’s sausage contains sugar so if you can’t find a sugar free sausage ( which I don’t know if there is any unless you make your own) you may want to be cautious how much you eat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Ate big today. I normally only eat OMAD but today I ate twice. Started around noon with a salmon quiche covered in mozzarella and sprinkled with Tabasco. Then I prepared four hearts for the grill. Two lambs heart and two deer hearts. Sliced and seasoned with salt, white pepper and a little dusting of garlic powder. Then refrigerated for several hours to dry marinade. Basted with ghee and grilled over an open fire to a nice medium rare. While all of this was going on I also took a deer liver and made liverwurst out of it. In the past just fried deer liver was just too strong and I always gave it to my dogs but making it into liverwurst is a game changer. My puppies will just have to go without now. All combined made for a great meal of organ meats. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I still don’t think it’s anything to concern yourself with. It’s normal for your ketones to fluctuate from what I’ve read. I’m far from being any kind of expert. I’ve never measured mine because it just doesn’t matter. I’m going to eat carnivore and my body will do what it’s supposed to do. I know some people who love to track all their numbers, it’s just their thing and that’s fine, I get a kick out of tracking my weight but try not to overthink it. I believe you’ll be fine. KCCO Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. From my understanding this is correct. Natural oils that are simply cold pressed and not refined are fine on carnivore. Not ideal but ok. I have heard that you have to be careful in that you only use pure virgin oils and even then some unscrupulous manufacturers will cut the oils with seed oils but still call them virgin. Bob, check out Chris Cooking Nashville on utube. He has a butter Mayo that he makes that doesn’t solidify in the refrigerator. My experience with making my own, using carnivore fats always gets solid and unspreadable so if it’s not used right away it’s just too hard. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. By definition, if they’re being metabolized they are not in your bloodstream and can’t be measured. One of the issues around measuring ketones is the usually false expectation that ketones ‘should be’ some fixed amount or something is wrong. Most people don’t measure frequently enough to see just how dynamic the system really is, and how much ketone concentrations vary over relatively short time spans. So-called ‘fat adaptation’ trends towards matching ketone sythesis with metabolic demand for ketones. This can result in low(er) blood numbers since not all that much is just floating around not doing much of anything. It is my understanding that ketones in your urine (if that’s how your measuring them) are just the ones that are not needed and so are expelled. Also, are you measuring the same time and under the same circumstance each time ie after eating or fasting? Me personally? I try not to overthink it. I never count anything. Ketones, calories, micros or amount of food. I just eat good fatty meat and let my body work things out. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. I don’t have any articles to cite at the moment but there are several videos on utube from Dr’s Berry, Chaffee and others speaking on the subject. Everyone seems to be in a different camp about eating organs. Some think that small amounts daily are good and others think a few ounces weekly is sufficient and then there’s those that just don’t see the need for it. I think it all depends on your personal preference and whether you feel your body can benefit from it. I eat organ meats as I think they are the most nutritious parts of the animal. I don’t eat them every week but I do eat them a couple times a month or more depending on availability. I eat heart, liver, sweetbreads and calf fries. In my freezer right now I have liver from beef, sheep and venison. I have heart from sheep and deer. In fact I’m on the process of thawing out the sheep and deer hearts, I have two of each, and will be grilling them tomorrow over a wood fire. PIMAL BAYBEE! I’m also thawing out a sheep’s liver I’ll be making pate out of. If you’re interested I started a thread on two liver recipes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Once again, this recipe has non carnivore ingredients so adjust as necessary. Recipe Liverwurst INGREDIENTS • 1 pound fresh pork belly • 1 pound calf liver alternatively beef liver • 4 oz. bacon • 6 cups water • 4 bay leaves • 7 whole allspice • 1 large white onion • 1 garlic clove • 1 small red onion • 1 tsp. salt • ¼ tsp. white pepper • 1 pinch ground allspice • ¼ tsp. nutmeg • 1 tsp. marjoram • ½ tsp. thyme INSTRUCTIONS • Cut the white onion into quarters.
 • Pour the water into a large pot and add the onion quarters, bay leaves, and allspice.
 • Bring to simmer and add the pork belly. Cook on medium heat for about 1 hour.
 • Rinse the liver under cold water and add it to the pork belly during the last 10 minutes of the cooking time.
 • In the meantime, finely dice the onion, garlic, and bacon, fry until translucent, and add to the blender.
 • Remove the liver and pork belly from the pot and reserve 1-2 cups of the cooking liquid. Cut the liver and pork belly into bite-sized pieces and place them in the blender. 
 • Add salt, pepper, ground allspice, nutmeg, marjoram, thyme and ¾ cup of the cooking liquid to the blender and mix to a chunky, smooth texture. Add more liquid and blend longer if you prefer a smoother, softer texture
 • Fill into sterilized glasses or wrap in cellophane. You can store these as is for up to a week in the fridge.
 • If you want to keep the liver sausage for up to a year, cook the jars. The amount of time it takes to preserve the liverwurst depends on the size of the jar. It takes about 2 hours at 212° F for half-pint jars. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I was asked to post some recipes of mine so I’m starting a thread just do recipes. It would be nice if this topic had its own forum. Everyone feel free to post up their recipes. Recipe : Now there are some non carnivore ingredients in this pate so adjust it to your diet spectrum. I generally make two different batches, one for my wife and a more carnivore friendly version for me which cuts out the onions and mushrooms. Now that it appears that my weight has stabilized and these things don’t bother me I’ll start adding them back in my pate. Bison or Beef Liver Pate •. Buttermilk enough to cove liver. I use 1 pint • 1 small onion, minced • 8 medium mushrooms chopped • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 1 pound bison or beef liver • 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, minced • 2 tablespoons fresh thyme, minced •. 1 cup coconut oil or duck fat, melted •. 3 tbs balsamic vinegar • ½ teaspoon sea salt INSTRUCTIONS 1. Cube liver and cover with buttermilk. Refrigerate for a minimum of two hours. (I prefer 24 hours) 2. Split the fat and put half in frying pan. Add the onion and mushrooms, and cook until soft on medium-high. Add the garlic and cook for about 3 minutes. Add the liver, sprinkling with the herbs. Cook for 3-5 minutes per side, until just pink in the center. Add balsamic vinegar and reduce liquid. 3. Turn off heat, and place contents into a blender or food processor with the remaining oil and sea salt. Process until it forms a thick paste, adding more oil if too thick. 4. Garnish with some fresh herbs and serve.  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Cool! I’m glad you like it. I love starting my day with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Ok, I’ll start a thread on it soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. That all makes sense. It is, like you say, a cult like influence on us all. We have all been indoctrinated by religion, big food and big pharma to believe a certain way in order to further an agenda and profits. We all have a choice, the red pill or the blue pill. We have chosen the red pill of enlightenment. Congratulations to you for being open minded and recognizing the truth. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Spent the last three days guiding a youth hunt. I knew that most of the food on this hunt/camping trip would not be edible for me so I took a dozen cheesy egg muffins with venison sausage mixed in and a stick of butter. It was enough to sustain me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. It’s easy. Maybe I need to post my recipes in the recipe section. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Pate does not need to be eaten with toast. I make my own and will eat it with pork rinds or fry some up and scramble some eggs into it. Then there’s always pate and egg pancakes. Liverwurst was mentioned. This I also make and I like it better than pate. Same principles apply when eat it as well. Bob is correct when taking vitamin C. If you are eating carnivore, you will become metabolically heathy and when you are metabolically healthy you just don’t need to supplement vitamin C because your body is no longer having to fight off the toxins in your body. Now if you get a cold of the flu then yes, I can see supplementing to help fight that off. Vitamin D is necessary in my opinion because we generally don’t get enough sun. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. No genius on my part here brother, that’s just “Old School” as our forefathers did it. I love the old ways of being self sufficient. I really don’t know how long the fat bombs will last but I figure since they are just pure fat that they’ll last quite a while. If I’ve got a bunch I’ll bag them up in one or two cup servings and freeze them and keep one in the fridge to use as needed. I like heating them up in the skillet and mixing them with scrambled eggs and their pretty good for quenching a craving if one comes along. Heat a few up and put a little salt on them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I understand some of what you’re talking about because most of us have been there. I know it was hard to fathom that all the years I was being brainwashed was just a lie but once I started seeing how all of the research that had been telling us these lies was all fabricated it became easier to accept the truth. The part I can’t emphasize with is how your mind is so hung up on not eating meat that it’s repulsive. I just can’t relate to that because I’ve always preferred meat over anything else. I think that maybe you need to just start slowly and ease into carnivore if you still desire to do it. Just eliminate all sugar, processed foods and seed oils. That would be a big step towards better health right there. Eat fatty meat. Whole fresh vegetables. Berries. Eggs and butter. Then slowly cut back on the veggies by going to lower carb veggies and then slowly wean yourself off of those and then wean yourself off of the berries. Maybe this may help. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I ain’t no doctor but I could have told them that. [emoji13] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. I agree with this completely. I quit using ice since our talk yesterday and will continue even come summertime. I’m always open to improving. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. I’ve seen some of those videos before and it’s funny when I tell people that Bambi was was just a fantasy and that in real like Bambi would have eaten Thumper. Lol. Some of my hunting buddies have put trail cameras on gut piles just to see what would come to it and were surprised to see deer come and eat on them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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