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Everything posted by Geezy

  1. According to that chart I’m a relaxed carni. I’ve always just called it dirty carnivore. Relaxed sounds nicer. It’s worked well for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787] I’ve hunted bear but that takes it to a whole other level. I took a black bear up in Canada back in 2010. We didn’t get to keep or eat any of the meat because my outfitter was worried about trichinosis. He said that the university of Quebec had done a survey of bears taken in that area and said that they found trichinosis in 20% of the bears. I regretted not eating some after I got home and researched trichinosis and found out that it’s no big deal as long as you cook the meat thoroughly. I’ve always said that if I go back I’ll definitely be eating some. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Oh Bob, you are so bad. [emoji1787] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. There is a great variety of meats and ways to cook them that if you use your imagination you shouldn’t get bored. There are bacon’s out there that are sugar free. Fish, salmon, yellow fin tuna pan seared in butter. Any cheap cut of beef or venison slow cooked in beef broth. Tuna salad, salmon salad, chicken salad, deviled eggs, all made with carnivore friendly mayo. Rotisserie chicken from the store slathered in butter. Lamb, beef slow smoked to tender perfection or flame grilled over an open fire. No limits except in your imagination. Stick with it long enough and you should become fat adapted and may become like me in that I generally only eat OMAD because I only eat when hungry and when I do eat it’s strictly for nutrition and not for pleasure, fuel not fun. Don’t get me wrong, I like my food to taste good but it’s just not a priority anymore. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Your confusion is totally understandable Steven. I felt the same way in the beginning. What I came to understand was there are no set rules to eating this way because it all boils down to individuality. What works for my physiology may not work for yours. Remember, this is an elimination diet. Start with a foundation of clean meats, salt and water. Stay clean for 90 days. Introduce something that you like for few days and see how it affects you. No problems? It can stay. Issues m? It’s gone forever. Build on it from there, slowly. You have to build your own diet/lifestyle plan according to your needs, not anyone else’s. I personally avoid all sugars and sugar alternatives but if a little sneaks in once in awhile I don’t worry about it. In something like sugars used in a cured meat it’s not that much. I make my own bacon and before carnivore my brine/cure required a lot of brown sugar and maple syrup but after the curing process was over most of it was rinsed off. There was still some residual sugar but considering the slight amount on the surface of each slice I don’t believe it’s enough to do much harm unless you are super sensitive to it. With all that being said I still avoid sugar as much as possible. If given a choice I wall always go without. The only items I allow in my diet that are not carnivore is one cup of bulletproof tea in the morning and some spices. Those spices must be sugar and sweetener free. I eat meat of any kind, eggs, cheese , cream and yogurt sparingly and pork rinds fried in lard. The only fats I use are ghee, lard and tallow, which I make myself. I do not allow vegetables, seeds, seed oils and sugar (if at all possible) Now here is a concession that I might make if I went to a restaurant and there were no steaks or any meats that weren’t clean enough to suit me. I would consider jalapeño poppers as long as they’re not breaded and deep fried. Bacon wrapped and stuffed with cream cheese is tolerable for me and doesn’t affect me but I would only eat that I’d there was no other alternative. Find your path, just start from a clean foundation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. My cows say… I fart in your general direction. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. While that really doesn’t surprise me one bit I think the bigger reason is that we as a society have conditioned each generation to feel entitled and weak. Children are given whatever they want and their feelings are mollycoddled to the point where everything offends them or hurts their little feelings. Rarely are there any children that are raised to be tough and just learn to deal with adversity. I believe the majority of “mental illnesses” is BS and just people wanting attention. My grandfather fought in WWI, mu father fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam, my brother fought in Vietnam, my nephew in desert storm. Sure, they may have had a few issues but they have never once ever whined about anything. They’re tough both mentally and physically. When I served in the army I was surrounded by Vietnam vets that dealt with whatever life threw their way. Men used to be tough but these days they are just wimps. Probably too much soy induced estrogen. Our society just gets weaker and weaker while the pharmaceutical industry gets richer and richer. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. The UN has absolutely no say so in how Americans conduct their affairs in agriculture or anything else for that matter. All of that kind of nonsense is profit driven. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. My father and mother were from Toledo and when dad was retiring from the military he was asked if he was going to go back to Toledo and he he said no way in hell was he going to ever spend another winter in Ohio. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Well to start with, nothing is free therefore education must be paid for. I believe that the tuition costs of higher education is outrageous but I also believe in a free market and I believe you get what you pay for. All this means is that a school may charge whatever the choose to charge and I may choose to either pay that fee, if I believe to cost is worth the expense, or I may choose to pursue my education elsewhere. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Summer for me. I come from south Texas and grew up without air conditioning so I can tolerate the heat better than most but cold I absolutely hate. On top of that, since being a carnivore I’ve lost so much fat that I’m getting even more chilled that normal. As far as I’m concerned the only thing cold weather is good for is hunting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Back in my day, I’m 67 now, I participated in football (American), I was good enough to make first string. Baseball, pretty much a bench warmer. Didn’t make the basketball team. Swimming, I was pretty good. Rodeo, I was lousy but it was the most exciting and the chicks loved it. Later in life I took up shooting sports and I was excellent at rifle both large bore and small bore. Very good at pistol both large bore and small. Shotgun (trap), mediocre at best. These days my only sport is playing baseball with the grandkids and it’s the best sport of all. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I quit smoking on July 29, 1979 and after all these years I still hate to smell that smell. I can be riding my motorcycle down the highway and can tell if the guy in the car in front of me is smoking. With that being said, unless there is a law or ordinance against it then no, they should not be punished. They have a right to do as they please, no matter how rude it is to others, providing they have broken no laws. If I don’t like it then I have the right to vacate the area. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I would also add that while I don’t need an accountability partner I do like the inspiration I get from forums like this one. They help me stay motivated. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Not a big deal Bob. Being here in Texas we are covered up in mexican restaurants but it’s a lot easier for me to stay carnivore in a Mexican restaurant than an Italian. Best case scenario they usually will have a steak on the menu or some kind of steak dish cooked mexican style. Worst case there’s always fajitas on the menu. In an Italian restaurant I generally just have to fast. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I don’t know much about it but I suppose if you just can’t give up sweet things then that just might be the ticket. Personally, I just don’t touch anything sweet. I just don’t want it in my life. Even if doesn’t affect the body it still affects the mind. In some people it could act as a trigger causing them to crave carby foods. I believe that that is the downfall of many people on keto and carnivore because they just aren’t willing to give up that sweet tooth so they never lose those urges to fuel that insulin spike. Eventually they cave in. That’s what my problem was with Adkins because it allowed me to keep eating the non caloric sweeteners so I was always being tempted. This is what I love about the simplicity of the carnivore lifestyle. I don’t have to restrict anything, I just eliminate it. Simple, done, gone, out of my life. No temptations. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Welcome to the tribe Henry. Glad you joined us. So what are the goals that you are trying to accomplish through carnivore? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Spot on Steven. I make some of my own “processed meats” but by doing so I get to control what goes in them. I make my own bacon. I don’t consider bacon as being processed but some do. I make my own liverwurst. Now that is processed but still all natural with no sugars added. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I also steam my eggs. I get more consistent eggs this way. I do six minutes for soft boiled and ten minutes for hard. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Welcome to the tribe Steven. Former soldier here. I did Adkins for ten years and was very successful with it as long as I could workout but after I hurt my back things started going downhill. I was at about a 60 carb level but when I tried to go back down to 20 grams it was just too though. I was weak and not determined enough. I now know that one of my problems was that I had gotten trapped in eating all the trendy “Adkins snacks and treats”. Those things were just triggers that kept me wanting more and sure enough, I started giving in over time and finally just quit. I started carnivore to help fix my health after the fourth time my AFib put me in ICU and it was time for a change. It’s the best thing I’ve done in a long time. My body has been healed of so many issues and ailments that it’s miraculous. My weight loss has been a side benefit but in the last 6 months I’ve lost 50 lbs and an overall total of 26 inches. It all affects us differently depending on what our physiological needs are. Remember, while you can and will lose weight, if you need to, this is not just a diet but a lifestyle that is first and foremost a metabolically healing diet first and a weight optimization diet second. Good luck and good health. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I think it’s all going to depend on your individual needs. I think only a good nutritionist who is well versed in carnivore could advise you. Most of the carnivore doctors I listen to say that if you are eating enough fatty meat then you should be getting all the nutrients that you need except maybe salt. But they also say that everyone is different and have different needs. No one size fits all when it comes to nutrition. I do take some supplements to help with some of my health issues. I have atrial fibrillation so because I’m at a greater risk of stroke I take and aspirin a day to keep my blood thin. I also take CoQ10 for heart health. I take vitamin D 3 because I don’t get enough sun since I rarely spend time outside half naked. I take a magnesium complex for multiple reasons, among them heart and muscle health as well as some bowel issues. I don’t have a gallbladder and my body just doesn’t seem to process my food normally so I tend to get constipated. I’m still trying to get this issue figured out so I have to try different things and give them time to see if they work. I take ELMT everyday because I believe I need the added sodium, magnesium and potassium. They seem to help me with my blood pressure, stamina and recovery from my walks and working around my farm. Do your research and talk to some online carnivore doctors and see what the might recommend for your individual needs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I think you already know I’m solid in my convictions. The great thing about it is it doesn’t require any resistance from temptation from me. I just don’t have any desire to eat anything that isn’t pure nutrition. All my life I’ve loved the dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy and rolls. My daughter is a fantastic cook and did most of the cooking. With desserts being her specialty she made a pecan pie using the nuts from our own trees, a lemon chess pie, a buttermilk pie and her world famous, well two state famous, cheesecake, best in the world and my favorite. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday meal. With all of that being said, I thoroughly enjoyed what I ate which was just turkey slathered in butter. I was delicious. I will admit that I missed those old foods but I had absolutely no desire to eat any of them. They are no longer a part of my life. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Interesting, I never considered oxalates being in fruits. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. You know Bob, it’s funny that “they” like to tout that red meat causes heart disease but I have heart disease and it’s done nothing but get better since becoming a carnivore and my cardiologist is applauding my results and has taken me off on one of my medications and is talking about reducing the other. I’ll take my version of health over “theirs”. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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