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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • I had/have ulcerative colitis. I've been off meds for 5 years. A couple weeks ago, I had a colonoscopy and there is no trace if it. My gastroenterologist stays said if the biopsy comes back negative he'll declare me cured. It's going to be the subject of a future YouTube video. Since your only on day 9, I wouldn't be quick to assume it's an UC flare up. Many people experience diarrhea when they drastically change their diet. You might just be dealing with transition/adaptation symptoms, "keto flu", like many of us did when we first started.
    • Hi Scott! You'll find that most carnivores, even the strict ones, will still consume coffee, even though it comes from a plant - and the seeds at that (the most heavily defended part of most plants). It's pretty benign and innocent for most people. Unfortunately, I'm not like most people. I used to love coffee, but then I learned that the toxins in coffee were (part of) what was triggering my ulcerative colitis. When I quit coffee, I started to heal and got off my prescription meds.  But most others can drink it without issues, so if that's you, then enjoy! Have one for me.  Regarding vitamins, you'll be getting just about everything you need from your food when you follow a carnivore or carnivore-centric diet, so there isn't much need for supplementation with a multivitamin. If you need something specific, it's usually vitamin D if you don't get enough sun, and maybe some electrolytes if you're not getting enough through food (because we don't get it in our filtered water these days). Some take a tiny bit of iodine.
    • Do it! You can make your course correction and at 20 years old I would imagine you would experience some tremendous healing in less time compared to those of us who are much older and severely battered. You have to be willing to commit. Make it a vow, set smaller, achievable goals at first. Let's go!  For balanced education, binge Ken Berry. For inspiration, binge Sean Baker.  For motivation, binge Homestead How.
    • Carnivore the gift that keeps on giving.  Keep sharing your results positive, negative and indifferent.  Document even the most minute positives. Helps with clarity and keeps track of your progress in this wonderful lifestyle. 
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