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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • Dr. Berry, Dr. Shawn Baker and Dr. Chaffe on youtube have a tone of information about most every thing carnivore related. Sort of contradictory to my first post but these youtube videos are super informative. Lotsof information available. Scott
    • Even hotdogs?    What about electrolytes with vitamins?
    • Hello and welcome aboard.  I compare your statement to giving heroin addict Narcan so they can keep doing heroin. You're on the right path starting carnivore. 1. Electrolytes = Redmond real salt,Himalayan salt or Celtic sea salt mixed with your water daily.  2. Fatty meats as fat is where you get most of your energy.  3. Eat until you don't want to put more food into your body.  4. Keep plenty of meats yes even hotdogs,spam something you can snack on just in case.  5. Rinse and repeat.  Don't worry so much about supplements or anything until you have blood work done (thorough).  
    • Thank you for sharing. 
    • Welcome and hope the diet works for you. The diet is much more about the elimination of foods than what you actually eat. What you eat is pretty simple, meats salt and water. For some the diet becomes akin to religion and like religion, some see things differently. When I started I had just bought a 12 pack of Mountain Dews and a tub of ice cream. Tossing those out or wasting them at them time was not going to happen. My first week I had the eating part right but I finished off the soft drinks and ice cream so I didn't truly start eliminating til five or six days later. I went for a stretch using the drink mixes as I was not a big water drinker.  The carnivore diet has worked for me thus far, just over four months. I have found that I do better and feel better on red meats, salt and water. I do eat other meats, chicken, fish and pork, but mostly red meats.  As for your inflammation, I too have/had similar issues with an autoimmune disease. I was on gabapentin (neurotin) and prednisone since 2018. In less than a month of elimination the pain and stiffness disappeared.  As you get started read about fat content and electrolytes. The first thing we think of is just eating meats but fat and electrolytes are the two drivers of the carnivore diet.  I should have lead off with 'just four months' because I am in the infancy of the diet. At some point it will become a lifestyle at least that is my working goal right now. This is a great place to ask questions. it is 'real' people giving their personal experiences which for me, is much better than a medical study or a youtube video that says "make sure you click, and subscribe and use my code when you purchase from my sponsor....I feel like those have an agenda. Here, I don't feel the 'agenda' when people post. That is just me tho. Best of luck going forward.  Scott
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