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    Welcome to Carnivore Talk! An online community of people who have discovered the benefits of an carnviore-centric ketogenic diet with the goal of losing weight, optimizing their health, and supporting and encouraging one another. We warmly welcome you! [Read More]

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    • Hi, thanks for sharing your story. I don't have any experience with any of your health concerns, but This guy does many interviews weekly with people who have used carnivore to heal all number of things.   
    • https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/webcontent/web-content/vi-AN1qqhjkQ%2FW2yA?vid=mUuie1W2NqE&provider=yt&ocid=msedgdhp&pc=HCTS&cvid=832e739c053541a28cc240cb4a5278d4&ei=198 This one popped up earlier. Scott  
    • Hi I'm 51, I did great on carnivore from February till June of this year, but fell off the rails for the last 2 months. I only have pain when I eat non carnivore. The pain truly is a great reminder to ditch the poison.  I can remember when Mom ditched the butter and whole milk and opted for low-fat sour cream and sheds spread. I am so grateful I was mostly grown before that happened. We all hated that blue "milk". Hopefully we can help turn this disaster of a ship around by proving once and for all, that the food pyramid is not only nonsensical but, harmful.
    • I just turned 55. I started May 8th. I have an autoimmune disease called NMO/SD, similar to Multiple Sclerosis. Withing three to four weeks on the diet I found I no longer needed the pain and inflammation medicine I had been on since 2018.  I started off at 306 and this morning I was 244. 62lbs in less than four months.  I only have positives thus far. I had some loose stool issues in the beginning but not really any different than any 'hard switch' in a diet. I didn't have the 'carnivore flu' like some do. All positives.  Good luck. This is a pretty good place to learn and ask questions, at least I like hearing from real people vs. reading medical studies. (it seems they all have an agenda). Scott
    • I'm eating meats, salt and water. The variety I get is because my wife is not digging the carnivore approach. I try to stay heavy on the red fatty meats and my variety comes when she can't/won't do red meats that night. Lat night was grilled salmon and shrimp. I have an autoimmune disease called NMO/SD, really similar to Multiple Sclerosis, but it attacks the eyes. The lesions and infusions are really similar. I do feel like I do better on red meats than other meats. After about three to four weeks I no longer needed my pain or inflammation (gabapentin and prednisone since 2018) Like Bob said, try to cook/prepare the same meats in different ways. I like burger but a lot of times I grind my own adding more fat. Instead of a 73/27 burger I go 60/40 and even made some 50/50 burgers. I liked them a lot but it might be too much for some. I grill them at times, pan fry them in a skillet and sometimes I make it lot taco meat and add cheese/eat it out of a bowl.  As of late I have been on beef riblets (Sam's Club) and they are now my new 'go to'. They are fatty, cook rather quickly/easily, and taste amazing. I then keep the bones and make a bone broth to drink or cook with at a later time.  Another route is youtube. It seems like there a million carnivore recipes on there. I have planned to build a carnivore pizza for the longest but can't ever seem to get that done. Best of luck with the new approach. Thoughts and prayer to you and yours. Scott  
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