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Everything posted by ketomonster

  1. Isn't coconut oil solid at room temp?
  2. no kidding i heard of brushing your teeth with bar soap. I tried it and my teeth felt real clean, but you have to not swallow it. I only did it once.
  3. Not arguing Job 14:5, Psalm 139:16 Myself I don't see being healthy as increasing my days, but increasing my joy in the days given me. But that's just me. Psalm 139:16 I guess most believe being healthy can extend ones life, for me being healthy can increase the joy in the days I've been given.
  4. for all the carnies that say their body odor is eliminated, nope not I. although it may be less. I know one thing eating all this beef has me flossing the gristle out of my teeth almost every meal.
  5. BINGO! That is exactly why God placed a lemon tree in the garden. And don't forget when God punished Nebuchdnezzar he made him eat grass not meat.
  6. interesting topic. do you believe God has numbered our days before we're even born?
  7. in Leviticus 17:12 God restates to Isreal "dont eat bloody meat" He could have been telling Noah, don't be like the others you knew who ate bloody meat.
  8. haha ^ Interestingly which gender did the snake beguile?
  9. Telling Noah he could eat meat doesn't mean he expressly prohibited Adam from doing so, at least not in any translations I've read. God gave Adam dominion over livestock/cattle/birds/fish/wild animals. Why would God give Adam dominion over a fish or any other creature for that matter if he was only expected to tend a garden? I don't see a meaningful difference between what God told Noah and what he told Adam. Dominion means manage/use. I think Its a pretty big leap to insist Adam would need to manage and use every creature at his disposal to tend a garden. But hey I'm no a gardener or a bible scholar.
  10. there is a carnivore on youtube that hasn't brushed his teeth or showered in over a year. and he said his mother didn't notice and his dentist said his teeth looked like he brushed everyday. go figure
  11. I kind of agree with Bob, Abel didn't bring blood, he brought fat and probably meat. That kind of leads me to believe of all the parts of a sheep, Abel thought the fat or fatty meat was the most sacrificial offering. And evidently God agreed. How could he possibly think that if he hadn't experienced fatty meat for himself? Anyone?
  12. what is the reason you are trying to hit a protein target??
  13. thanks I will take a look at bronners soap. and all the rest.
  14. I pity men today trying to find a good woman. with family law and entitled women being what they are a lot of guys are simply saying no thanks to marriage. I for one wouldn't blame them in the least. Try finding a woman that is willing to go 50/50 on dates. they insist they're strong and independent and don't need a man until the bill comes.
  15. I think thats womanese for Im overweight and will expect you to pay for my dinner
  16. evidently distilled and R O water is gonna be the cleanest. you can buy a solids parts per million tester and test yourself. one guy on youtube tested his tap water at 188ppm he then distilled it and it tested at 1 ppm.
  17. I'm married but I watch a lot of "red pill" content on youtube. Women will scam a guy just for dinner (meaning she has no intention of anything else) do with that info what you will. Love to hear your stories.
  18. dr berry says no , the amount is infinitesimal and if your worried add some electrolytes
  19. check out the benefits of drinking distilled water, Im gonna start.
  20. I hear its better than cooking, Im gonna try it.
  21. for me I'm somewhat of a handsome man, kinda don't want to loose my good looks
  22. anyone use vaseline on their skin? the skin below my knees is kinda dry and the ingredients list on moisturizer is about two paragraphs long.
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