Sounds like it's going good so far for you. You'll know when it time to call it quits with fasting.
When i first started Carnivore I was so pumped up that I was telling everyone they should try it and QUICKLY learned that people don't give a s##t about their own health and it's not my job to take care of them, so I just say nothing now. It's very hard sometimes when you know someone who you know could benefit form Carni but they don't want to hear it. We were at a family event recently and I was shocked at all the people there that are on statins and they were discussing HDL, LDL and things with their health, all with incorrect info. I just said there and said nothing. My tongue was ready to jump out of my mouth, LOL. If you would mention fasting they just look at you like you are crazy, so I now just keep that as MY secret weapon for health.