No. I won't tell a grown adult what to eat. Nor will I turn what I eat in a theological experience. The louder you speak, the less it works.
Look good, feel good. Then when someone asks, explain how.
Well said. And they expect that quick result. Those are the crowd that one a magic pill. No magic to be found here.
But when your back is against the wall, and carnivore is your last chance, as opposed to a lifetime of medication and procedures, that when there's nothing but hard work left.
Like people attempting to go to the gym. They wait for motivation to carry them through, or want someone to go with them. You do these things alone, and share them with others that do the same.
Yes, back up food, survival food, secondary. But in abundance....oh boy we've seen the havoc that can do on a population. Specifically when you consider that most plant foods are or poisonous, or are genetically altered to be more sugary, starchy, etc. It should not be a problem to have a bit of garlic, or an avocado, etc. it shouldn't be considered some sort of sin. What's next, the carnivore's creed?