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Orweller last won the day on March 1

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  1. Could be due to nursing. I'm sure hormonal stuff is going on on top of that. Once milk production stops, that is when I would be worried, then again, I have never produced milk, so I was never worried haha.
  2. The best house is mine. Preferably with a steak in it.
  3. Weight as in fat? muscle? water? I'd wait after nursing. Her body could hold on to "weight" to support milk production.
  4. I appreciate your contributions on here, please don't let it discourage you from posting. Argue the point, not the person, my father used to say. I always admire anyone who makes things from scratch, as I am but a knuckle-dragger when it comes to cooking.
  5. Because they used salt. There was salt before the luxury grocery store. Use salt to taste, it ain't that serious. Keep it simple. If you don't prefer salt, try it without.
  6. Fresh as in, not frozen.
  7. I think you all can be a bit nicer. Just a friendly suggestion. I've had nice interaction with you, but also with @Geezy. He's been very helpful. Sometimes a step back is good, and ease things up. We are all here to get better and I understand we are emotionally attached to what our findings are.
  8. I think it's a personal preference, no more, no less. I do agree, nobody needs deodorant. But once you start using it, it's become habitual.
  9. I do not possess such patience.
  10. Those are carb withdrawals, and the fact you are not fat adapted, being it, you're only a day in, a release of ghrelin hormone is sending you a message that your usual carb intake was not there. Obviously, when you know you just ate, you are not starving. In addition, you need more fuel in fat with pork chops. Add some butter and you'll see those pangs will decrease. It will take from 2 to 4 weeks. After over a year I still sometimes get that pang, because I have always finished a meal with a desert, or something sweet. Fat is fuel now. Good luck.
  11. Saladino is irrelevant to the keto/carnivore space. Unless you like watermelon and honey, then he is the expert you wanna listen to. You can be carnivore and eat a pot of honey without the guilt.
  12. I prefer to live in a vast cloud of bliss and yes, do prepare my bacon in a pan, cluelessly so. A hill I am prepared to die on lol.
  13. You may be on to something here.
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