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Orweller last won the day on February 14

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  1. Absolutely. Even if the chances are a slow as getting hit by lightning... when you do get it, it ain't pretty. I recall when I had food poisoning back in 2018. Also known as Poopalooza 2018. Never again. The bathroom was a crime scene. It was pure fallout. I saw myself die a few times. I had to exorcise that room when it was all said and done.
  2. Yeah this is quite the challenge. Beef jerky, dried sausage, a keto-bar, in real emergencies. Boiled eggs, burger paddies when you have a fridge available.
  3. To most people, that may be so. Of course we know this not to be true. It's when one identifies oneself with one's opinion. We tend to wrap our identity around what we do.
  4. No. I won't tell a grown adult what to eat. Nor will I turn what I eat in a theological experience. The louder you speak, the less it works. Look good, feel good. Then when someone asks, explain how. Well said. And they expect that quick result. Those are the crowd that one a magic pill. No magic to be found here. But when your back is against the wall, and carnivore is your last chance, as opposed to a lifetime of medication and procedures, that when there's nothing but hard work left. Like people attempting to go to the gym. They wait for motivation to carry them through, or want someone to go with them. You do these things alone, and share them with others that do the same. Yes, back up food, survival food, secondary. But in abundance....oh boy we've seen the havoc that can do on a population. Specifically when you consider that most plant foods are or poisonous, or are genetically altered to be more sugary, starchy, etc. It should not be a problem to have a bit of garlic, or an avocado, etc. it shouldn't be considered some sort of sin. What's next, the carnivore's creed?
  5. Eggs are no problem to leave out, IF they're fresh from the farm or coup. Once they are refrigerated, don't un-refrigerate them. I give meat 2 hours, then it's going back in the fridge, a second later? I won't eat it anymore. What can I say, I am rather dull.
  6. You're still here. Still sharing. You obviously haven't given up yet. Fall and get up. As long as you get up, you haven't failed, you haven't thrown anything away.
  7. I've got to brush up my Russian.
  8. Fat is primarily used as fuel, not as storage (fat). It would be very hard to get fat by eating fat, because you'll find it almost physically impossible. With carbs on the other hand, we can easily over eat due to the signals that are send to the body. Not long after eating carbs we get signals (ghrelin hormone) that urge (trick) us to eat again. The extra carbs are then turned into fat cells in the body, a perfectly normal biochemical response. In nature, before the winter, bears gain weight by gorging on berries, the more plant-food they eat the bigger the urge becomes. This is why it's so incredibly dangerous during the fall to come across a bear. Now to answer your question, yes the body has now direct access to it's own fat storage as we are fat adapted/in ketosis. If anything, it will be the amount of protein that could stall one's weight loss process, due to insulin (yes, you got it, another hormone!) response (gluconeogenesis)when over-eating protein which can hinder fat metabolism. Now that is all cleared up, the true icing on this cake is: drink enough water! Drinking water reduces appetite, you hold on to your electrolytes, and increases lipolysis (stored fat metabolism). It's all about (bio) chemistry!
  9. Then stop getting speeding tickets!
  10. "Natural flavors" indicate that the source of the flavor is entirely natural, as defined by the FDA. It is what is legally accepted as natural by the FDA. It doesn't mean that they are factually natural. First and foremost, "natural flavors" is a marketing term, no more no less. Natural flavors is also a loophole. Often these are extracts, oils, and yes, chemicals. It means that to derive a certain flavor, they take short cuts to obtain a certain flavor, which could be entirely different from the product it means to taste like. Natural flavors could cover a list of 100s of chemicals -yes, found in fruits and plants, etc. The term natural flavors thus covers a long list of ingredients. Often this helps to hide a trade secret, or recipe. The term natural flavors covers: The recipe/trade secret It's the cheapest way to achieve a flavor It's what is deemed natural BY THE FDA, in their OPINION To avoid having a long list of ingredients on the label The term Natural Flavors is also sexier sounding as cyanide, ethyl acetate, propenyl guaethol, etc. At the end of the day, natural flavors really mean that it is not derived from petroleum products. I think this stems from the 1970s when people were put off when they found out where their flavors truly came from. Should you quit the stuff? I think that is entirely your decision. Gather information and make that decision accordingly.
  11. As with any supplement, start low, and increase slowly. There's no set amount, we are all different.
  12. Not I. And if I do, it's my pain and suffering from the past, my one way ticket to sickness and a wheel chair.
  13. I'm gonna tell my wife this. Great material, taking notes!
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