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Everything posted by Orweller

  1. I agree, as a starter, as strange as it sounds, it can be quite confusing because we've been taught a certain eating pattern throughout our lives. I was in Walmart looking at the meat like "ok, now where the hell do I start?". I did start with eggs, bacon, and mozzarella cheese sticks for support. Since they are all high in fat.
  2. College tuition increased 1500% since 1971. Is education better now? Nope. We have instead a crisis of student debt that will impact US economy for years to come.
  3. No. And it will never be settled with so many candidates.
  4. Soccer (football for the rest of the world) and field hockey. But that's in the past. I lift weights now and I run.
  5. I do not think it needs to be punished, unless of course it's an indoor public area where it's strictly prohibited, for obvious reasons. I don't think smoking should be banned either, because, what's next? And we should have the personal choice to consume a product. It comes down to decency, and manners. Here in Ohio there are laws, can't smoke in front of a store -I hate having to go into Walmart, and in front they're puffing away. Can't handle the smell, it sticks with me for hours. I have smoked for 22 years myself, I stopped about some 12 years ago. I detest the smell now. As a smoker I always considered people around me. If you have the slightest of self-awareness and manners, this would not be an issue. But I am fiercely against banning it. Personal choice, so long as you don't affect another person.
  6. I may clarify, I do not have any weight loss goals. I am on target for 10 years now, a lean 18% body fat. I work out as well. I've always been eating for optimization -rather disciplined, in fact. But I have an auto-immune condition that had me walking with a cane a few years back. Not anymore. But, inflammation is still a concern, and I can honestly say I've tried everything else. Heard about Carnivore some 5 years ago, but I wanted to wait out initial results. So, no weight loss goals, a little sugar won't get in my way. Though I want to rid myself of sugar entirely, and Carnivore is one way to do it. Go big or go home, am I right?
  7. This is already in full effect in Europe. Many protests in the last year there.
  8. I figured with the amount of eggs I eat now so all of the sudden, vitamin K2 will be present in my diet. A low-lactose, hard cheese will do the same. And how I do love liver. Vitamin K2 can be quite harmful when taken too much (blood clots, liver problems). One of the few vitamins you do not want to overdose on. Hence I do not worry about vitamin K2 for now. By the way, magnesium also great taken with D3. For these reasons I will never ever take multi-vitamins. That's Pandora's box right there.
  9. I also still use coffee-mate, flavored, sugared. I am aware of the sugar content, but since I just started, I think it will help me until the bottle is gone. Then will switch to half and half. Baby steps. I do use Stevia in my coffee, I do not use sugar at all, and limit coffee to only 2 a day. I don't think it's a problem so long as you look at it as something you'll change in the future.
  10. I take D3, Fish Oil, Vitamin C, and Magnesium. I should state that I just started 3 days ago. Probably letting go of the vitamin C soon. Considering Vitamin K2 if I find I don't get enough from sources.
  11. This is also one of my concerns eventually. I started out a few days ago, but the blood work and how we are taught on what causes us damage, that is a little scary. Right now I'll treat carnivore as an elimination diet, will consider "keto-vore" even, but I'll continue my research.
  12. From what I understand. Carnivore is a keto diet, but limited to only animal products. The keto diet focuses mainly becoming fat adapted without the concern of consuming only animal products.
  13. I agree. I think it goes hand in hand. On the days that I can get a workout in, I feel my mental is in a much better place. Sometimes I think, physical exercise is at least 50% mental therapy. Getting rid of bad energy, putting your body to work. I feel a lot less on edge. Same with diet, it can mentally, impact your day.
  14. Thanks for this. I am 2 days into Carnivore, and just now joined here. But this one infographic really cleared some things up for me.
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